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1673 Publications

2015 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 55059
Salin, V., Slastihina, M., Ermilov, I., Speck, R., Auer, S., & Papshev, S. (2015). Semantic clustering of website based on its hypertext structure. Knowledge Engineering and Semantic Web: 6th International Conference, KESW 2015, Moscow, Russia, September 30-October 2, 2015, Proceedings 6, 182–194.

2014 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 25481
Saleem, M., & Ngonga Ngomo, A.-C. (2014). HiBISCuS: Hypergraph-Based Source Selection for SPARQL Endpoint Federation. In V. Presutti, C. d’Amato, F. Gandon, M. d’Aquin, S. Staab, & A. Tordai (Eds.), The Semantic Web: Trends and Challenges - 11th International Conference, {ESWC} 2014, Anissaras, Crete, Greece, May 25-29, 2014. Proceedings (Vol. 8465, pp. 176–191). Springer.\_13
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2014 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 25482
Ngonga Ngomo, A.-C., Ahmed Sherif, M., & Lyko, K. (2014). Unsupervised Link Discovery through Knowledge Base Repair. In V. Presutti, C. d’Amato, F. Gandon, M. d’Aquin, S. Staab, & A. Tordai (Eds.), The Semantic Web: Trends and Challenges - 11th International Conference, {ESWC} 2014, Anissaras, Crete, Greece, May 25-29, 2014. Proceedings (Vol. 8465, pp. 380–394). Springer.\_26
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2014 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 25489
Rula, A., Palmonari, M., Ngonga Ngomo, A.-C., Gerber, D., Lehmann, J., & Bühmann, L. (2014). Hybrid Acquisition of Temporal Scopes for RDF Data. In V. Presutti, C. d’Amato, F. Gandon, M. d’Aquin, S. Staab, & A. Tordai (Eds.), The Semantic Web: Trends and Challenges - 11th International Conference, {ESWC} 2014, Anissaras, Crete, Greece, May 25-29, 2014. Proceedings (Vol. 8465, pp. 488–503). Springer.\_33
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2014 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 25491
Khalili, A., Auer, S., & Ngonga Ngomo, A.-C. (2014). conTEXT - Lightweight Text Analytics Using Linked Data. In V. Presutti, C. d’Amato, F. Gandon, M. d’Aquin, S. Staab, & A. Tordai (Eds.), The Semantic Web: Trends and Challenges - 11th International Conference, {ESWC} 2014, Anissaras, Crete, Greece, May 25-29, 2014. Proceedings (Vol. 8465, pp. 628–643). Springer.\_42
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2014 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 19575
Büker, P. (2014). „Ich bin dafür, dass...“ Kinder gewinnen Standpunkte. Praxis Deutsch, Sonderheft: Durch die Schuljahre 5/6, 96–100.

2014 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 20129
Hamann, H., Sayama, H., Rieffel, J., Risi, S., Doursat, R., & Lipson, H. (2014). Evolution of Collective Behaviors by Minimizing Surprise. In 14th Int. Conf. on the Synthesis and Simulation of Living Systems (ALIFE 2014) (pp. 344–351). MIT Press.
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2014 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 26913
Diethelm, K., Günther, A. L. B., Schulze, M. B., Standl, M., Heinrich, J., & Buyken, A. (2014). Prospective relevance of dietary patterns at the beginning and during the course of primary school to the development of body composition. British Journal of Nutrition, 1488–1498.
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2014 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 26917
Goletzke, J., Buyken, A., Joslowski, G., Bolzenius, K., Remer, T., Carstensen, M., Egert, S., Nöthlings, U., Rathmann, W., Roden, M., & Herder, C. (2014). Increased Intake of Carbohydrates from Sources with a Higher Glycemic Index and Lower Consumption of Whole Grains during Puberty Are Prospectively Associated with Higher IL-6 Concentrations in Younger Adulthood among Healthy Individuals. The Journal of Nutrition, 1586–1593.
LibreCat | DOI

2014 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 329
Wette, P., Dräxler, M., Schwabe, A., Wallaschek, F., Zahraee, M. H., & Karl, H. (2014). MaxiNet: Distributed Emulation of Software-Defined Networks. In Proceedings of the 2014 IFIP Networking Conference (Networking 2014) (pp. 1–9).
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2014 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 339
Wette, P., & Karl, H. (2014). Using Application Layer Knowledge in Routing and Wavelength Assignment Algorithms. In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Communications 2014 (pp. 3270–3276).
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2014 | Dissertation | LibreCat-ID: 343
Künsemöller, J. (2014). Tragedy of the Common Cloud - Game Theory on the Infrastructure-as-a-Service Market. Universität Paderborn.
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2014 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 354
Keller, M., Robbert, C., & Karl, H. (2014). Template Embedding: Using Application Architecture to Allocate Resources in Distributed Clouds. In Proceedings of 7th International Conference on Utility and Cloud Computing (UCC) (pp. 387--395).
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2014 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 360 | OA
Dräxler, S., Keller, M., & Karl, H. (2014). Specifying and Placing Chains of Virtual Network Functions. In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Cloud Networking (CloudNet) (pp. 7–13).
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2014 | Bachelorsthesis | LibreCat-ID: 361
Roeske, D. (2014). Simulating load-dependent operation of picocells. Universität Paderborn.

2014 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 372
Keller, M., & Karl, H. (2014). Response Time-Optimized Distributed Cloud Resource Allocation. In Proceedings of the SIGCOMM workshop on Distributed cloud computing (pp. 47--52).
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2014 | Dissertation | LibreCat-ID: 376
Herlich, M. (2014). Reducing Energy Consumption of Radio Access Networks. Universität Paderborn.
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2014 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 382
Künsemöller, J., Brangewitz, S., Karl, H., & Haake, C.-J. (2014). Provider Competition in Infrastructure-as-a-Service. In Proceedings of the 2014 IEEE International Conference on Services Computing (SCC) (pp. 203–210).
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2014 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 27337
Schöppner, V., Herken, T., Reinders, F., & Westhues, K. (2014). Simulation des Compoundiervorgangs im Doppelschneckenextruder, Modellierung - Simulation - Auslegung. Erfolgreich Compoundieren mit Pulvern und Stäuben. Erfolgreich Compoundieren mit Pulvern und Stäuben, Düsseldorf (Deutschland).

2014 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 27768
Riedel, C., von Kries, R., Buyken, A., Diethelm, K., Keil, T., Grabenhenrich, L., Müller, M. J., & Plachta-Danielzik, S. (2014). Overweight in Adolescence Can Be Predicted at Age 6 Years: A CART Analysis in German Cohorts. PLoS ONE, Article e93581.
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