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898 Publications

2010 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 36036
Schlegel-Matthies, Kirsten. “Überschuldung - Bildungsbezogene Perspektive.” In Auf dem Weg zum Jugendintegrationskonzept. Grundlagen und Herausforderungen angesichts veränderter Lebenslagen junger Menschen, edited by Christine Müller, Franziska Schulz, and Ulrich Thien, 247–50. Münster, Berlin: Lit-Verlag, 2010.

2010 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 54942
Huber, Regina, Bettina Krueger, Alexei Diakov, Judit Korbmacher, Silke Haerteis, Jürgen Einsiedel, Peter Gmeiner, et al. “Functional Characterization of a Partial Loss-of-Function Mutation of the Epithelial Sodium Channel (ENaC) Associated with Atypical Cystic Fibrosis.” Cellular Physiology and Biochemistry 25, no. 001 (2010): 145–158.
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2010 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 27886
Bigga, Regine, and Kirsten Schlegel-Matthies. “Verbraucherbildung und Konsum – Was wissen Studierende? – Überlegungen zur Hochschuldidaktik.” Haushalt & Bildung 87, no. 3 (2010): 48–57.

2009 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 26893
Shi, Lijie, Stefan A Wudy, Anette Buyken, Michaela F Hartmann, and Thomas Remer. “Body Fat and Animal Protein Intakes Are Associated with Adrenal Androgen Secretion in Children.” The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2009, 1321–28.
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2009 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 26894
Karaolis-Danckert, Nadina, Anette Buyken, Antje Sonntag, and Anja Kroke. “Birth and Early Life Influences on the Timing of Puberty Onset: Results from the DONALD (DOrtmund Nutritional and Anthropometric Longitudinally Designed) Study.” The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2009, 1559–65.
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2009 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 26895
Cheng, Guo, Steffi Gerlach, Lars Libuda, Sibylle Kranz, Anke L. B. Günther, Nadina Karaolis-Danckert, Anja Kroke, and Anette Buyken. “Diet Quality in Childhood Is Prospectively Associated with the Timing of Puberty but Not with Body Composition at Puberty Onset.” The Journal of Nutrition, 2009, 95–102.
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2009 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 26896
Günther, Anke L. B., Nadina Karaolis-Danckert, Anja Kroke, Thomas Remer, and Anette Buyken. “Dietary Protein Intake throughout Childhood Is Associated with the Timing of Puberty.” The Journal of Nutrition, 2009, 565–71.
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2009 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 27008
Buyken, Anette, Victoria Flood, Elena Rochtchina, Paul Nestel, Jennie Brand-Miller, and Paul Mitchell. “Modifications in Dietary Fat Quality Are Associated with Changes in Serum Lipids of Older Adults Independently of Lipid Medication.” The Journal of Nutrition, 2009, 88–94.
LibreCat | DOI

2009 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 27080
Muckelbauer, Rebecca, Lars Libuda, Kerstin Clausen, André M. Toschke, Thomas Reinehr, and Mathilde Kersting. “Immigrational Background Affects the Effectiveness of a School-Based Overweight Prevention Program Promoting Water Consumption.” Obesity, 2009, 528–34.
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2009 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 27132
Muckelbauer, Rebecca, Lars Libuda, and Mathilde Kersting. “Relative Validity of a Self-Completion 24 h Recall Questionnaire to Assess Beverage Consumption among Schoolchildren Aged 7 to 9 Years.” Public Health Nutrition, 2009, 187–95.
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2009 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 27133
Cheng, G., N. Karaolis-Danckert, Lars Libuda, K. Bolzenius, T. Remer, and Anette E. Buyken. “Relation of Dietary Glycemic Index, Glycemic Load, and Fiber and Whole-Grain Intakes During Puberty to the Concurrent Development of Percent Body Fat and Body Mass Index.” American Journal of Epidemiology, 2009, 667–77.
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2009 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 27134
Muckelbauer, R., Lars Libuda, K. Clausen, and M. Kersting. “Long-Term Process Evaluation of a School-Based Programme for Overweight Prevention.” Child: Care, Health and Development, 2009, 851–57.
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2009 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 27135
Muckelbauer, Rebecca, Lars Libuda, Kerstin Clausen, Thomas Reinehr, and Mathilde Kersting. “A Simple Dietary Intervention in the School Setting Decreased Incidence of Overweight in Children.” Obesity Facts, 2009, 282–85.
LibreCat | DOI

2009 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 27136
Muckelbauer, R., Lars Libuda, K. Clausen, A. M. Toschke, T. Reinehr, and M. Kersting. “Promotion and Provision of Drinking Water in Schools for Overweight Prevention: Randomized, Controlled Cluster Trial.” PEDIATRICS, 2009, e661–67.
LibreCat | DOI

2009 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 27525
Libuda, Lars, and Mathilde Kersting. “Soft Drinks and Body Weight Development in Childhood: Is There a Relationship?” Current Opinion in Clinical Nutrition and Metabolic Care, 2009, 596–600.
LibreCat | DOI

2009 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 27583
Libuda, Lars, R. Muckelbauer, and M. Kersting. “Getränkeverzehr und Übergewicht bei Kindern.” Journal für Ernährungsmedizin 11 (2009): 23.

2009 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 27584
Libuda, Lars. “Einfluss des Konsums von Erfrischungsgetränken auf den Ernährungs- und Gesundheits¬status von Kindern.” Ernährungsumschau 56, no. 8 (2009): 480–81.

2009 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 27585
Libuda, Lars, Thomas Remer, and M. Kersting. “DONALD News: Zusammenhang zwischen dem Verzehr von Erfrischungsgetränken und dem Knochenstatus von Kindern und Jugendlichen. .” Ernährungsumschau 56, no. 3 (2009): 137.

2009 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 27707
Toeller, M., Anette Buyken, G. Heitkamp, W.A. Scherbaum, H.M.J Krans, and J.H. Fuller. “Associations of Fat and Cholesterol Intake with Serum Lipid Levels and Cardiovascular Disease: The EURODIAB IDDM Complications Study*.” Experimental and Clinical Endocrinology & Diabetes, 2009, 512–21.
LibreCat | DOI

2009 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 27716
Stiegler, Petra, Stefanie Sausenthaler, Anette Buyken, Peter Rzehak, Daniel Czech, Jakob Linseisen, Anja Kroke, Kurt Gedrich, Claire Robertson, and Joachim Heinrich. “A New FFQ Designed to Measure the Intake of Fatty Acids and Antioxidants in Children.” Public Health Nutrition, 2009, 38–46.
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