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10975 Publications
2019 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 16411
Souza MA, Maciel LA, Penna PH, Freitas HC. Energy Efficient Parallel K-Means Clustering for an Intel® Hybrid Multi-Chip Package. In: 2018 30th International Symposium on Computer Architecture and High Performance Computing (SBAC-PAD). ; 2019. doi:10.1109/cahpc.2018.8645850
2019 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 16413
Sommer L, Oppermann J, Molina A, Binnig C, Kersting K, Koch A. Automatic Mapping of the Sum-Product Network Inference Problem to FPGA-Based Accelerators. In: 2018 IEEE 36th International Conference on Computer Design (ICCD). ; 2019. doi:10.1109/iccd.2018.00060
2019 | Mastersthesis | LibreCat-ID: 16415
Lienen J. Automated Feature Engineering on Time Series Data.; 2019.
2019 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 16417
Yan H, Li Z, Liu L, Yin S, Wei S. Constructing Concurrent Data Structures on FPGA with Channels. In: Proceedings of the 2019 ACM/SIGDA International Symposium on Field-Programmable Gate Arrays. ; 2019. doi:10.1145/3289602.3293921
2019 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 16420
Wang H, Thiagaraj P, Sinnen O. Combining Multiple Optimized FPGA-based Pulsar Search Modules Using OpenCL. Journal of Astronomical Instrumentation. 2019. doi:10.1142/s2251171719500089
2019 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 16422
Faict T, D’Hollander EH, Goossens B. Mapping a Guided Image Filter on the HARP Reconfigurable Architecture Using OpenCL. Algorithms. 2019. doi:10.3390/a12080149
2019 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 16423
Rodríguez A, Navarro A, Asenjo R, et al. Parallel multiprocessing and scheduling on the heterogeneous Xeon+FPGA platform. The Journal of Supercomputing. 2019. doi:10.1007/s11227-019-02935-1
2019 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 16427
Li Z, Liu L, Deng Y, et al. FPGA-Accelerated Optimistic Concurrency Control for Transactional Memory. In: Proceedings of the 52nd Annual IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Microarchitecture. ; 2019. doi:10.1145/3352460.3358270
2019 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 16433
Rehlaender P, Grote T, Tikhonov S, et al. A PCB Integrated Winding Using a Litz Structure for a Wireless Charging Coil. In: 2019 21st European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications (EPE ’19 ECCE Europe). ; 2019. doi:10.23919/epe.2019.8914900
2019 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 16438
Rehlaender P, Schafmeister F, Bocker J, Grote T. Analytical Topology Comparison for a Single Stage On-Board EV-Battery Converter. In: 2019 IEEE 28th International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE). ; 2019. doi:10.1109/isie.2019.8781222
2019 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 16443
Rehlaender P, Schroeer M, Chadha G, Schwung A. Traffic Sign Detection Using R-CNN. In: Proceedings of the International Neural Networks Society. Cham; 2019. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-16841-4_24
2019 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 16709
Sahai T, Ziessler A, Klus S, Dellnitz M. Continuous relaxations for the traveling salesman problem. Nonlinear Dynamics. 2019. doi:10.1007/s11071-019-05092-5
2019 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 16793
Pfeifer F, Dietrich A, Marten T, Tröster T, Nacke B. Investigation on Inductive Heating of Sheet Metal for an Industrial Hot Stamping Process. In: Proceedings of 7th International Conference on Hot Sheet Metal Forming of High-Performance Steel. ; 2019:585-593.
2019 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 16794
Striewe JA, Thomas R, Fischer F, Wiens T, Tröster T. Energieabsorptions- und Versagensverhalten eines automobilen Seitenschwellers mit lokaler Verstärkung aus kohlenstofffaserverstärktem Kunststoff nach Alterung. In: Sankt Augustin: DGM-Inventum GmbH ; 2019.
2019 | Misc | LibreCat-ID: 16825
Ahlers D, Tröster T. Performance Parameters and HIP Routes for Additively Manufactured Titanium Alloy Ti6Al4V. Maastricht: EuroPM; 2019.
2019 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 16826
Camberg AA, Hielscher C. A holistic approach to the lightweight design of tailored structural components using the example of a hybrid A-pillar. In: Aachen Body Engineering Days 2019. ; 2019.
2019 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 16827
Camberg AA, Tröster T. Challenges in fracture modeling under non-isothermal forming conditions using the example of a new forming process for aluminum blanks. In: 26. Sächsische Fachtagung Umformtechnik. ; 2019.
2019 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 16831
Tinkloh SR, Wu T, Tröster T, Niendorf T. A micromechanical based finite element simulation of process induced residual stresses in metal-CFRP-hybrid structures. In: ; 2019.
2019 | Report | LibreCat-ID: 16847 |

Skitalinskaya G, Klaff J, Spliethöver M. CLEF ProtestNews Lab 2019: Contextualized Word Embeddings for Event Sentence Detection and Event Extraction. Vol 2380. Lugano, Switzerland; 2019.
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2019 | Preprint | LibreCat-ID: 16853
Witschen LM, Ghasemzadeh Mohammadi H, Artmann M, Platzner M. Jump Search: A Fast Technique for the Synthesis of Approximate Circuits. Fourth Workshop on Approximate Computing (AxC 2019).
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