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409 Publications
2000 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 43549
@inbook{Schroeter-Wittke_2000, title={Mendelssohns “Elias” - Ein Bibliodrama zwische Kirche und Konzertsaal}, booktitle={Theophonie. Grenzgänge zwischen Musik und Theologie}, author={Schroeter-Wittke, Harald}, editor={Fermor, Gotthard and Gutmann, Hans-Martin and Schroeter-Wittke, Harald}, year={2000}, pages={128–151} }
2000 | Book (Editor) | LibreCat-ID: 43548
@book{Fermor_Gutmann_Schroeter-Wittke_2000, place={Rheinbach-Merzbach}, title={Theophonie. Grenzgänge zwischen Musik und Theologie. Anke Martiny zum 60. Geburtstag}, publisher={CMZ-Verlag}, year={2000} }
2000 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 43551
@inbook{Schroeter-Wittke_2000, title={Hast du Töne? Zum Umgang mit Musik}, booktitle={Leistungskurs Religion. Vorlesungen zur Kunst der Religionspädagogik}, author={Schroeter-Wittke, Harald}, editor={Beuscher, Bernd}, year={2000}, pages={329–350} }
2000 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 43554
@article{Schroeter-Wittke_2000, title={Das Evangelische Gottesdienstbuch und die liturgische Didaktik}, volume={100}, journal={Deutsches Pfarrerblatt}, author={Schroeter-Wittke, Harald}, year={2000}, pages={194–198} }
2000 | Book | LibreCat-ID: 43550
@book{Schroeter-Wittke_Hauschildt_Lee_2000, place={Seoul}, title={Praktische Theologie für kreative Gemeindearbeit. Ein Überblick zur gegenwärtigen deutschen Praktischen Theologie}, author={Schroeter-Wittke, Harald and Hauschildt, Eberhard and Lee, Young-Mi}, year={2000} }
2000 | Newspaper Article | LibreCat-ID: 43556
@article{Schroeter-Wittke_2000, title={Kirchentag als Kunstereignis - Vision bislang nicht ausgeschöpfter Möglichkeiten}, number={1}, journal={Kirchentag aktuell März 2000}, author={Schroeter-Wittke, Harald}, year={2000} }
2000 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 44131
@inproceedings{Meier_Weiser_Möbius_Euteneuer_Mayer_Stolz_Hofmann_Rühle_Thomas_Koch_2000, title={Analysis of disorder-induced dephasing}, DOI={10.1109/IQEC.2000.908038}, booktitle={International Quantum Electronics Conference}, publisher={IEEE}, author={Meier, Torsten and Weiser, S. and Möbius, J. and Euteneuer, A. and Mayer, E.J. and Stolz, W. and Hofmann, M. and Rühle, W.W. and Thomas, P. and Koch, S.W.}, year={2000} }
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2000 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 44132
@inproceedings{Meier_Koch_Brick_Ell_Khitrova_Gibbs_2000, title={Influence of correlations on intensity dependent excitonic absorption changes}, DOI={10.1109/IQEC.2000.908034}, booktitle={International Quantum Electronics Conference}, publisher={IEEE}, author={Meier, Torsten and Koch, S.W. and Brick, P. and Ell, C. and Khitrova, G. and Gibbs, H.M.}, year={2000} }
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2000 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 44133
@inproceedings{Meier_Finger_Kraft_Euteneuer_Hofmann_Stolz_Thomas_Koch_Rühle_2000, title={Coherent coupling in inhomogeneously broadened exciton ensembles}, DOI={10.1109/IQEC.2000.908097}, booktitle={International Quantum Electronics Conference}, publisher={IEEE}, author={Meier, Torsten and Finger, E. and Kraft, S. and Euteneuer, A. and Hofmann, M. and Stolz, W. and Thomas, P. and Koch, S.W. and Rühle, W.W.}, year={2000} }
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2000 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 43317
@article{Meier_Koch_Brick_Ell_Khitrova_Gibbs_2000, title={Signatures of Correlations in Intensity Dependent Excitonic Absorption Changes}, volume={62}, DOI={10.1103/PhysRevB.62.4218}, number={74218}, journal={Physical Review B}, publisher={American Physical Society}, author={Meier, Torsten and Koch, S.W. and Brick, P. and Ell, C. and Khitrova, G. and Gibbs, H.M.}, year={2000} }
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2000 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 43323
@article{Meier_Koch_Phillips_Wang_2000, title={Strong coupling of heavy- and light-hole excitons induced by many-body correlations}, volume={62}, DOI={10.1103/PhysRevB.62.12605}, number={1912605}, journal={Physical Review B}, publisher={American Physical Society}, author={Meier, Torsten and Koch, S.W. and Phillips, M. and Wang, H.}, year={2000} }
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2000 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 43316
@article{Meier_Thränhardt_Kuckenberg_Knorr_Koch_2000, title={Quantum theory of phonon-assisted exciton formation and luminescence in semiconductor quantum wells}, volume={62}, DOI={10.1103/PhysRevB.62.2706}, number={4}, journal={Physical Review B}, author={Meier, Torsten and Thränhardt, A. and Kuckenberg, S. and Knorr, A. and Koch, S.W.}, year={2000}, pages={2706–2720} }
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2000 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 44135
@inproceedings{Meier_Phillips_Wang_Koch_2000, title={Correlation-induced resonances in differential absorption of semiconductors}, number={QThD2}, booktitle={Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference (QELS 2000)}, author={Meier, Torsten and Phillips, M. and Wang, H. and Koch, S.W.}, year={2000} }
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2000 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 43312
@article{Meier_Brick_Ell_Hübner_Prineas_Khitrova_Gibbs_Sieh_Jahnke_Knorr_et al._2000, title={Coulomb Memory Effects and Higher-Order Coulomb Correlations in the Excitonic Optical Stark Effect}, volume={178}, DOI={10.1002/1521-396X(200003)178:1<459::AID-PSSA459>3.0.CO;2-2}, number={1}, journal={physica status solidi (a)}, publisher={WILEY‐VCH Verlag Berlin GmbH}, author={Meier, Torsten and Brick, P. and Ell, C. and Hübner, M. and Prineas, J.P. and Khitrova, G. and Gibbs, H.M. and Sieh, C. and Jahnke, F. and Knorr, A. and et al.}, year={2000}, pages={459–463} }
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2000 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 43319
@article{Meier_Reichelt_Sieh_Koch_2000, title={Comparison of the differential absorption obtained within a few-level model and the microscopic density-matrix theory}, volume={221}, DOI={10.1002/1521-3951(200009)221:1<249::AID-PSSB249>3.0.CO;2-E}, number={1}, journal={physica status solidi (b)}, publisher={WILEY‐VCH Verlag Berlin GmbH}, author={Meier, Torsten and Reichelt, Matthias and Sieh, C. and Koch, S.W.}, year={2000}, pages={249–252} }
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2000 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 43320
@article{Meier_Stippler_Schlichenmaier_Knorr_Lindberg_Thomas_Koch_2000, title={Current Echoes induced by Coherent Control}, volume={221}, DOI={10.1002/1521-3951(200009)221:1<379::AID-PSSB379>3.0.CO;2-Z}, number={1}, journal={physica status solidi (b)}, publisher={WILEY‐VCH Verlag Berlin GmbH}, author={Meier, Torsten and Stippler, J. and Schlichenmaier, C. and Knorr, A. and Lindberg, M. and Thomas, P. and Koch, S.W.}, year={2000}, pages={379–384} }
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2000 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 43324
@article{Meier_Koch_Jahnke_Thomas_2000, title={Microscopic Theory of Optical Dephasing in Semiconductors}, volume={71}, DOI={10.1007/s003390000707}, journal={Applied Physics A}, publisher={Springer-Verlag}, author={Meier, Torsten and Koch, S.W. and Jahnke, F. and Thomas, P.}, year={2000}, pages={511–517} }
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2000 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 44578
@inbook{Adelmann_Keilbach_2000, place={Marburg}, title={Ikonographie der Nazizeit}, booktitle={Über Bilder sprechen. Positionen und Perspektiven der Medienwissenschaft}, publisher={Schüren}, author={Adelmann, Ralf and Keilbach, Judith}, editor={Heller, Heinz-B.}, year={2000}, pages={137–150} }
2000 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 44579
@article{Adelmann_Keilbach_2000, title={“Halten Sie!” Ungeordnete Beobachtungen zu nationalsozialistischen Kriegsschauplätzen in digitalen Medien}, volume={61}, journal={Frauen und Film}, author={Adelmann, Ralf and Keilbach, Judith}, year={2000}, pages={179–195} }
2000 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 44580
@article{Adelmann_Nohr_2000, title={“Man versucht sich zu öffnen”. Video und RAF – eine abgeschlossene Geschichte}, volume={108}, journal={Ästhetik & Kommunikation}, author={Adelmann, Ralf and Nohr, Rolf F.}, year={2000}, pages={77–83} }