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1706 Publications

2013 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 28550
Echterhoff, Niklas, et al. “Cross-Industry Innovations – Systematic Identification of Ideas for Radical Problem Solving.” Proceedings of the International Conference on Innovation and Management (ICIM), vol. 74, 2013, pp. 935–44.

2013 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 28551
Bauer, Frank, et al. “Work Preparation 4.0 - Cloud-Based Use of Virtual Machine Tools.” Wt Workshop Technology Online, 2013.

2013 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 28552
Dorociak, Rafal, et al. A Methodology for the Improvement of Dependability of Self-Optimizing Systems. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 2013, doi:0.1007/s11740-012-0425-3.
LibreCat | DOI

2013 | Book | LibreCat-ID: 28553
Gausemeier, J{\"u}rgen, et al. Thinking Ahead the Future of Additive Manufacturing - Exploring the Research Landscape. 2013.

2013 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 28554
Gausemeier, J{\"u}rgen, et al. “Integrative Development of Product and Production Systems for Mechatronic Systems.” MECHATRONIC REM 2012, 2013.

2013 | Dissertation | LibreCat-ID: 28555
Kahl, Sascha. Framework for a Self-Optimizing Development Process for Advanced Mechatronic Systems. publishing series of the Heinz Nixdorf Institute, Paderborn, 2013.

2013 | Dissertation | LibreCat-ID: 28556
Bensiek, Tobias. Systematik Zur Reifegradbasierten Leistungsbewertung Und -Steigerung von Gesch{\"a}ftsprozessen Im Mittelstand. Verlagsschriftenreihe des Heinz Nixdorf Instituts, Paderborn, 2013.

2013 | Dissertation | LibreCat-ID: 28557
Wassmann, Helene. Systematik Zur Entwicklung von Visualisierungstechniken F{\"u}r Die Visuelle Analyse Fortgeschrittener Mechatronischer Systeme in VR-Anwendungen. Verlagsschriftenreihe des Heinz Nixdorf Instituts, Paderborn, 2013.

2013 | Dissertation | LibreCat-ID: 28558
Kokoschka, Martin. Verfahren Zur Konzipierung Imitationsgesch{\"u}tzter Produkte Und Produktionssysteme. Verlagsschriftenreihe des Heinz Nixdorf Instituts, Paderborn, 2013.

2013 | Dissertation | LibreCat-ID: 28559
Reymann, Felix. Verfahren Zur Strategieentwicklung Und -Umsetzung Auf Basis Einer Retropolation von Zukunftsszenarien. Verlagsschriftenreihe des Heinz Nixdorf Instituts, Paderborn, 2013.

2013 | Bachelorsthesis | LibreCat-ID: 2868
Laudemann, Stefan. Themenmodellierung Zur Identifikation Und Gruppierung von Spam-Webseiten. 2013.

2013 | Bachelorsthesis | LibreCat-ID: 2869
Leder, Lennart. Nichtapproximierbarkeitsresultate Zu Radius- Und Durchmesserclustering Unter Verwendung von L_p-Metriken. 2013.

2013 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 28694
Bloh, Thiemo. Kooperationsbedingte Kompetenzentwicklung. Zur Bedeutung Kollektiver Orientierun-Gen Für Individuelle Handlungskompetenz von Grundschullehrkräften. 2013.

2013 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 24533
Hopp, Matthias. “Improving Bond Strength of Hard-Soft Combinations by Dynamic Mold Heating.” TPE Magazine International, vol. 5, no. 3, Dr. Gupta Verlag, 2013, pp. 176–83.

2013 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 25740
He, Da, and Wolfgang Müller. “ A Heuristic Energy-Aware Approach for Hard Real-Time Systems on Multi-Core Platforms.” Microprocessors and Microsystems - Embedded Hardware Design 37(6-7), 2013, pp. 845–57.

2013 | Book (Editor) | LibreCat-ID: 25741
Schirner, Gunar, et al., editors. Embedded Systems: Design, Analysis and Verification. Proceedings of the 4th IFIP TC10 International Embedded Systems Symposium, IESS 2013, Paderborn, Germany, June 2013. Springer, 2013.

2013 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 25742
Khaluf, Lial, and Franz-Josef Rammig. “Organic Programming of Real-Time Operating Systems.” The Ninth International Conference on Autonomic and Autonomous Systems, 2013.

2013 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 25743
Anacker, Harald, et al. “Methods for the Design and Development.” Design Methodology for Intelligent Technical Systems Systems – Develop Intelligent Technical Systems of the Future, Springer-Verlag, 2013, pp. 187–356.

2013 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 25778
Klaas, Alexander, et al. “Simulation Aided, Self-Adapting Knowledge Based Control of Material Handling Systems.” Proceedings of the 2013 Winter Simulation Conference, 2013.

2013 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 25780
Dangelmaier, Wilhelm, and Alexander Klaas. Collective Generation of Subjective Situations / Measures for Online Control in Transport and Storage Systems}. GITO-Verlag, 2013, pp. 37–49.

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