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1692 Publications
2013 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 24344
@article{Kuo_Lien_Tsai_Lin_Schmalz_Scheytt_Wang_2013, title={Design and Analysis of Down-Conversion Gate/Base-Pumped Harmonic Mixers Using Novel Reduced-Size 180 ^\circ Hybrid With Different Input Frequencies }, volume={60}, DOI={10.1109/TMTT.2012.2202039}, number={8}, journal={Microwave Theory and Techniques, IEEE Transactions on}, author={Kuo, Jhe-Jia and Lien, Chun-Hsien and Tsai, Zuo-Min and Lin, Kun-You and Schmalz, Klaus and Scheytt, Christoph and Wang, Huei}, year={2013}, pages={2473–2485} }
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2013 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 24343
@inproceedings{Scheytt_2013, place={HNI, Fürstenallee 11, 33102 Paderborn}, title={Nano-/Mikroelektronik als Enabler für neue Ansätze}, booktitle={HNI-Forum September }, author={Scheytt, Christoph}, year={2013} }
2013 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 24345
@inproceedings{Scheytt_2013, title={RF-MST Cluster Workshop on MEMSWAVE 2013}, booktitle={RF-MST Cluster Workshop on MEMSWAVE 2013}, author={Scheytt, Christoph}, year={2013} }
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2013 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 24340
@inproceedings{Scheytt_Kraemer_Kallfass_2013, place={Nürnberg Convention Center}, title={Strategies for Energy-Efficient 100 Gb/s Baseband}, booktitle={W 19 (EuMC \& EuMIC)}, author={Scheytt, Christoph and Kraemer, Rolf and Kallfass, Ingmar}, year={2013} }
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2013 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 24341
@inproceedings{Elkhouly_Mao_Meliani_Ellinger_Scheytt_2013, place={Bordeaux, France,}, title={A 220-245 GHz Switched Beam Butler Matrix in 0,13µm SiGe BiCMOS technology }, DOI={10.1109/BCTM.2013.6798158}, booktitle={IEEE BIPOLAR / BiCMOS CIRCUITS AND TECHNOLOGY MEETING,}, author={Elkhouly, Mohamed and Mao, Yanfei and Meliani, Chafik and Ellinger, Frank and Scheytt, Christoph}, year={2013} }
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2013 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 29228
@article{Schönhärl_2013, title={Fighting the Financial Crisis in Greece: The Privileged Company to Protect Production and Trade in Currants (1905) as International Bank Cooperation}, volume={10}, DOI={10.12681/hr.308}, journal={The Historical Review/La Revue Historique}, publisher={National Documentation Centre (EKT)}, author={Schönhärl, Korinna}, year={2013}, pages={107–134} }
2013 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 24342
@inproceedings{Wang_Kaynak_Sun_Borngräber_Beer_Goettel_Scheytt_2013, place={Hilton, London Metropole}, title={122 GHz Patch Antenna Designs by Using BCB Above SiGe BiCMOS wafer process for system-on-chip applications}, DOI={10.1109/PIMRC.2013.6666358}, booktitle={24th Annual IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications}, author={Wang, Ruoyu and Kaynak, Mehmet and Sun, Yaoming and Borngräber, Johannes and Beer, Stefan and Goettel, B. and Scheytt, Christoph}, year={2013} }
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2013 | Book (Editor) | LibreCat-ID: 29264
@book{Schönhärl_Salzbrunn_Reuschke_2013, place={Hampshire}, title={The Economies of Urban Diversity. The Ruhr Area and Istanbul}, DOI={10.1057/9781137338815}, publisher={Palgrave Macmillan}, year={2013} }
2013 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 28036
@inbook{van Ophuysen_Lintorf_Bloh_2013, title={Zur Qualität professioneller pädagogischer Diagnostik im Schulalltag. Forschungsbefunde und -desiderate}, booktitle={Schul- und Bildungsforschung. Diskussionen, Befunde und Perspektiven.}, author={van Ophuysen, Stefanie and Lintorf, Katrin and Bloh, Bea}, editor={Schwippert, Knut and Bonsen, Martin and Berkemeyer, Nils}, year={2013}, pages={187–201} }
2013 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 28037
@inproceedings{Bloh_2013, title={Wirkungszusammenhänge innerschulischer Kooperation: Lehrer-Lehrer-Kooperation und multiprofessionelle Kooperation an Ganz- und Halbtagsschulen}, author={Bloh, Bea}, year={2013} }
2013 | Book Review | LibreCat-ID: 9648 |
@article{Mildorf_2013, title={Book review: Christoph Schubert (2009). “Raumkonstitution durch Sprache: Blickführung, Bildschemata und Kohäsion in Deskriptionssequenzen englischer Texte.” Tübingen: Max Niemeyer}, journal={Informationsmittel für Bibliotheken}, author={Mildorf, Jarmila}, year={2013} }
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2013 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 9236
@inbook{Mildorf_2013, place={Münster}, title={Teaching Medical Students about Medical Ethics and Domestic Violence: Alice Munro’s Short Story ‘Dimensions.’}, booktitle={The Writing Cure: Literature and Medicine in Context}, publisher={LIT}, author={Mildorf, Jarmila}, editor={Lembert-Heidenreich, Alexandra and Mildorf, Jarmila}, year={2013}, pages={231–248} }
2013 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 9235
@inbook{Mildorf_Lembert-Heidenreich_2013, place={Münster}, title={The Writing Cure: Literature and Medicine in Context}, booktitle={The Writing Cure: Literature and Medicine in Context}, publisher={LIT}, author={Mildorf, Jarmila and Lembert-Heidenreich, Alexandra}, editor={Lembert-Heidenreich, Alexandra and Mildorf, Jarmila}, year={2013}, pages={9–28} }
2013 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 29365
@article{Schönhärl_2013, title={Warum Geld für Hellas? Die Verschuldung Griechenlands in den 1880er Jahren}, volume={39}, number={1}, journal={Bankenhistorisches Archiv }, author={Schönhärl, Korinna}, year={2013}, pages={20–39} }
2013 | Special Issue | LibreCat-ID: 29359
@book{Schönhärl_2013, title={Themenheft: Die Börse als Ort von Ressourcenkonflikten im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert}, volume={39}, number={1}, journal={Bankhistorisches Archiv }, year={2013} }
2013 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 29375
@inbook{Reuschke_Salzbrunn_Schönhärl_2013, place={Basingstoke}, title={The Economies of Urban Diversity: An Introduction}, DOI={10.1057/9781137338815_1}, booktitle={The Economies of Urban Diversity}, publisher={Palgrave Macmillan }, author={Reuschke, Darja and Salzbrunn, Monika and Schönhärl, Korinna}, editor={Reuschke, Darja and Salzbrunn, Monika and Schönhärl, Korinna}, year={2013}, pages={1–24} }
2013 | Book (Editor) | LibreCat-ID: 9197
@book{Lembert-Heidenreich_Mildorf_2013, place={Münster}, title={The Writing Cure: Literature and Medicine in Context}, publisher={LIT Verlag}, year={2013} }
2013 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 24347
@article{Laemmle_Schmalz_Scheytt_Weigel_Kissinger_2013, title={A 125-GHz Permittivity Sensor With Read-Out Circuit in a 250-nm SiGe BiCMOS Technology}, volume={61}, DOI={10.1109/TMTT.2013.2253792}, number={5}, journal={Microwave Theory and Techniques, IEEE Transactions on}, author={Laemmle, Benjamin and Schmalz, Klaus and Scheytt, Christoph and Weigel, Robert and Kissinger, Dietmar}, year={2013}, pages={2185–2194} }
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2013 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 29390
@inbook{Schönhärl_2013, place={Bielefeld}, title={„Urbanität“ in Zeiten der Krise: Der Basler Arbeitsrappen}, DOI={10.14361/transcript.9783839422045.46}, booktitle={Neue Städte für einen neuen Staat. Die städtebauliche Erfindung des modernen Israel und der Wiederaufbau in der BRD. Eine Annäherung}, publisher={Transcript}, author={Schönhärl, Korinna}, editor={Wilhelm, Karin and Gust, Kerstin}, year={2013}, pages={46–63} }
2013 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 24348
@inproceedings{Scheytt_Grau_2013, place={Heinz Nixdorf MuseumsForum Paderborn, Germany}, title={Neue Ansätze für miniaturisierte, hochintegrierte Abstands-, Geschwindigkeits- und Drehwinkelsensoren}, booktitle={Wissenschaftsforum 2013, Intelligente Technische Systeme, Heinz Nixdorf Institut}, author={Scheytt, Christoph and Grau, Günter}, year={2013} }
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