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2079 Publications

2016 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 37792
@inproceedings{Görel_Hellmich_Schwab_2016, place={Bielefeld}, title={Motivation und Einstellungen zur Inklusion bei deutschen und österreichischen Studentinnen und Studenten mit dem Studienschwerpunkt Grundschule – ein Vergleich. Vortrag auf der 25. Jahrestagung „Profession und Disziplin – Grundschulpädagogik im Diskurs“ der Kommission Grundschulforschung und Pädagogik der Primarstufe (Sektion Schulpädagogik) der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Erziehungswissenschaft (DGfE)}, publisher={Universität Bielefeld}, author={Görel, Gamze and Hellmich, Frank and Schwab, Susanne}, year={2016} }

2016 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 37790
@inproceedings{Löper_Görel_Pfahl_Hellmich_2016, place={Bielefeld}, title={Bedingungsfaktoren für Einstellungen von Grundschulkindern gegenüber Peers mit sonderpädagogischem Förderbedarf. Vortrag auf der 25. Jahrestagung „Profession und Disziplin – Grundschulpädagogik im Diskurs“ der Kommission Grundschulforschung und Pädagogik der Primarstufe (Sektion Schulpädagogik) der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Erziehungswissenschaft (DGfE)}, publisher={Universität Bielefeld}, author={Löper, Marwin Felix and Görel, Gamze and Pfahl, Rebecca and Hellmich, Frank}, year={2016} }

2016 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 37798
@inproceedings{Hellmich_Görel_Schwab_2016, place={Dublin, Ireland}, title={The role of pre-service teachers` attitudes towards inclusion for their motivation to engage in inclusive educational issues during their studies. Vortrag im Rahmen des Symposiums “Teachers’ self-efficacy beliefs, attitudes and motivation to engage in inclusive education” (Chair: Marco Hessels). ECER 2016 (European Conference on Educational Research)}, publisher={University College Dublin}, author={Hellmich, Frank and Görel, Gamze and Schwab, Susanne}, year={2016} }

2016 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 37797
@inproceedings{Hoya_Hellmich_2016, place={Dublin, Ireland}, title={The role of primary school students`perceptions of their parental and teachers` feedback for their reading motivation. Vortrag auf der ECER 2016 (European Conference on Educational Research). „Leading Education: The Distinct Contributions of Educational Research and Researchers"}, publisher={University College Dublin}, author={Hoya, Fabian Karl and Hellmich, Frank}, year={2016} }

2016 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 26064
@article{Rütz_Luo_Suche_Silberhorn_2016, title={Towards a quantum interface between telecommunication and UV wavelengths: design and classical performance}, DOI={10.1007/s00340-016-6325-z}, journal={Applied Physics B}, author={Rütz, Helge and Luo, Kai-Hong and Suche, Hubertus and Silberhorn, Christine}, year={2016} }
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2016 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 26063
@article{Brecht_Luo_Herrmann_Silberhorn_2016, title={A versatile design for resonant guided-wave parametric down-conversion sources for quantum repeaters}, DOI={10.1007/s00340-016-6381-4}, journal={Applied Physics B}, author={Brecht, Benjamin and Luo, Kai Hong and Herrmann, Harald and Silberhorn, Christine}, year={2016} }
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2016 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 40066
@article{Bañuelos_Bogdan_Luks_2016, title={Hardy–Stein identities and square functions for semigroups}, volume={94}, DOI={10.1112/jlms/jdw042}, number={2}, journal={Journal of the London Mathematical Society}, publisher={Wiley}, author={Bañuelos, Rodrigo and Bogdan, Krzysztof and Luks, Tomasz}, year={2016}, pages={462–478} }
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2016 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 35784
@article{Landhäußer_2016, title={Kohäsion und soziales Kapital : Ausschließungsprozesse in der Sozialen Arbeit}, DOI={10.3262/SM1612020}, number={11–12}, journal={Sozialmagazin}, publisher={Beltz Juventa}, author={Landhäußer, Sandra}, year={2016}, pages={20–25} }
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2016 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 40728
@inproceedings{Pries_Ramírez_Schreier_2016, place={Shanghai, China}, title={Detection of cyclostationarity in the presence of temporal or spatial structure with applications to cognitive radio}, DOI={10.1109/ICASSP.2016.7472478}, booktitle={Proc.\ IEEE Int.\ Conf.\ Acoustics, Speech and Signal Process.}, author={Pries, Aaron and Ramírez, David and Schreier, Peter J.}, year={2016}, pages={4249–4253} }
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2016 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 40716
@inproceedings{Marrinan_Beveridge_Draper_Kirby_Peterson_2016, title={Flag-based detection of weak gas signatures in long-wave infrared hyperspectral image sequences.}, DOI={10.1117/12.2224117}, booktitle={SPIE Defense, Security, and Sensing}, author={Marrinan, Tim and Beveridge, J. Ross and Draper, Bruce and Kirby, Michael and Peterson, Chris}, year={2016} }
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2016 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 40730
@article{Rezaee_Schreier_Guillaud_Clerckx_2016, title={A unified scheme to achieve the degrees-of-freedom region of the MIMO interference channel with delayed channel state information}, volume={64}, number={3}, journal={IEEE Trans.\ Comm.}, author={Rezaee, Mohsen and Schreier, Peter J. and Guillaud, M. and Clerckx, B.}, year={2016}, pages={1068–1082} }

2016 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 40726
@inproceedings{Soleymani_Maham_Ashtiani_2016, place={Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia}, title={Analysis of the downlink saturation throughput of an asymmetric IEEE 802.11 n-based WLAN}, DOI={10.1109/ICC.2016.7511453}, booktitle={Proc. IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC)}, author={Soleymani, Mohammad and Maham, Behrouz and Ashtiani, Farid}, year={2016}, pages={1–6} }
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2016 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 40722
@article{Levin-Schwartz_Song_Schreier_Calhoun_Adali_2016, title={Sample-poor estimation of order and common signal subspace with application to fusion of medical imaging data}, volume={134}, journal={NeuroImage}, author={Levin-Schwartz, Y. and Song, Yang and Schreier, Peter J. and Calhoun, V.D. and Adali, Tülay}, year={2016}, pages={486–493} }

2016 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 40719
@inproceedings{Lameiro_Schreier_2016, place={Pacific Grove, CA, USA}, title={Cross-validation techniques for determining the number of correlated components between two data sets when the number of samples is very small}, booktitle={Proc.\ Asilomar Conf.\ Signals Syst.\ Computers}, author={Lameiro, Christian and Schreier, Peter J.}, year={2016} }

2016 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 40729
@inproceedings{Lameiro_Santamaría_Utschick_Schreier_2016, place={Shanghai, China}, title={Maximally improper interference in underlay cognitive radio networks}, booktitle={Proc.\ IEEE Int.\ Conf.\ Acoustics, Speech and Signal Process.}, author={Lameiro, Christian and Santamaría, I. and Utschick, W. and Schreier, Peter J.}, year={2016} }

2016 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 40727
@inproceedings{Stein_Nossek_Barbé_2016, place={Taipei, Taiwan}, title={Measurement-driven quality assessment of nonlinear systems by exponential replacement}, booktitle={Proc.\ IEEE Int. Instrum. & Meas. Tech.\ Conf.}, author={Stein, Manuel and Nossek, Josef A. and Barbé, Kurt}, year={2016} }

2016 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 40674
@inproceedings{Soleymani_Maham_Ashtiani_2016, title={Analysis of the downlink saturation throughput of an asymmetric IEEE 802.11 n-based WLAN}, booktitle={Proc. IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC)}, author={Soleymani, Mohammad and Maham, Behrouz and Ashtiani, Farid}, year={2016}, pages={1–6} }

2016 | Book Review | LibreCat-ID: 35432
@article{Alpsancar_2016, place={Baden-Baden}, title={Rezension von Ernst Kapp: Grundlinien einer Philosophie der Technik. Über die Entstehung der Kulturgeschichte aus neuen Gesichtspunkten}, volume={83}, DOI={10.5771/0040-117x-2016-1-95}, number={1}, journal={Technikgeschichte}, publisher={Nomos}, author={Alpsancar, Suzana}, year={2016}, pages={95–98} }
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2016 | Report | LibreCat-ID: 35459
@book{Alpsancar_Denker_Gehring_Terizakis_Abdelhamid_Brenneis_Grill_Frehe_Tulatz_2016, title={Das Darmstädter Modell: Entwicklungspotentiale für die Interdisziplinaritäten in der Lehre}, publisher={TU Darmstadt}, author={Alpsancar, Suzana and Denker, Kai and Gehring, Petra and Terizakis, Georgios and Abdelhamid, Michaela and Brenneis, Andreas and Grill, Annika and Frehe, Hardy and Tulatz, Kaja}, year={2016} }

2016 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 40159
@article{Haller_Villa_Schadler (Hg.)_2016, title={Mode Macht Körper – wie die Materialität von Kleidung Modekörper und Körper definiert}, journal={Becoming with Things – Bodies, Objects, Practice, Themenheft der Zeitschrift Body Politics, Heft 9, 2016. Link: (16.07.2017).}, author={Haller, Melanie and Villa, Paula-Irene and Schadler (Hg.), Corinna}, year={2016} }

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