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2275 Publications
2019 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 31136
@inbook{Schuster_2019, place={Siegen}, title={Nähesprachliche Prozeduren in der Distanzkommunikation}, booktitle={Feilke Revisited. 60 Stellenbesuche}, publisher={universi}, author={Schuster, Britt-Marie}, editor={Lehnen, Katrin and Pohl, Thorsten and Rezat, Sara and Steinhoff, Torsten and Steinseifer , Martin }, year={2019}, pages={S. 221–224} }
2019 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 46336
@inbook{Kerschke_Trautmann_2019, title={Comprehensive Feature-Based Landscape Analysis of Continuous and Constrained Optimization Problems Using the R-package flacco}, DOI={10.1007/978-3-030-25147-5_7}, booktitle={Applications in Statistical Computing}, publisher={Springer}, author={Kerschke, Pascal and Trautmann, Heike}, editor={Bauer, Nadja and Ickstadt, Katja and Lübke, Karsten and Szepannek, Gero and Trautmann, Heike and Vichi, Maurizio}, year={2019}, pages={93–123} }
2019 | Book | LibreCat-ID: 46335
@book{Trautmann_2019, series={Studies in Classification, Data Analysis, and Knowledge Organization}, title={Applications in Statistical Computing — From Music Data Analysis to Industrial Quality Improvement}, publisher={Springer International Publishing}, author={Trautmann, Heike}, year={2019}, collection={Studies in Classification, Data Analysis, and Knowledge Organization} }
2019 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 46346
@article{Kerschke_Trautmann_2019, title={Automated Algorithm Selection on Continuous Black-Box Problems By Combining Exploratory Landscape Analysis and Machine Learning}, volume={27}, DOI={10.1162/evco_a_00236}, number={1}, journal={Evolutionary Computation (ECJ)}, author={Kerschke, Pascal and Trautmann, Heike}, year={2019}, pages={99–127} }
2019 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 46347
@article{Kerschke_Wang_Preuss_Grimme_Deutz_Trautmann_Emmerich_2019, title={Search Dynamics on Multimodal Multi-Objective Problems}, volume={27}, DOI={10.1162/evco_a_00234}, number={4}, journal={Evolutionary Computation (ECJ)}, author={Kerschke, Pascal and Wang, Hao and Preuss, Mike and Grimme, Christian and Deutz, André and Trautmann, Heike and Emmerich, Michael}, year={2019}, pages={577–609} }
2019 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 48472
@inbook{Jacke_Mendívil_2019, place={Wiesbaden}, title={Heimat 2.0. Über Konstruktionen und Imaginationen von Beheimatung in der deutschsprachigen Schlagermusik.}, booktitle={Heimatgedanken. Theologische und kulturwissenschaftliche Beiträge}, publisher={Springer VS}, author={Jacke, Christoph and Mendívil, Julio}, editor={Brinkmann, Frank Thomas and Hammann, Johanna}, year={2019}, pages={45–66} }
2019 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 48467
@inbook{Jacke_2019, place={Hamburg}, title={Politik, Coolness und Tanzbarkeit müssen kein Widerspruch sein: Eine Ent-Täuschung zur Bedeutung der Sterne.}, booktitle={Die Sterne: Anfang verpasst. 1992-1999.}, publisher={Tapete Records}, author={Jacke, Christoph}, editor={Tapete Records}, year={2019} }
2019 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 48473
@article{Jacke_2019, title={Spex. Ausgaben 7/1995 und 8/1995.}, volume={384}, journal={Spex. Magazin für Popkultur.}, author={Jacke, Christoph}, year={2019}, pages={106} }
2019 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 48501
@inbook{Balluff_Bendfeld_Krauter_2019, title={Meteorological Data Forecast using RNN}, DOI={10.4018/978-1-7998-0414-7.ch050}, booktitle={Deep Learning and Neural Networks}, publisher={IGI Global}, author={Balluff, Stefan and Bendfeld, Jörg and Krauter, Stefan}, year={2019} }
2019 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 48515
@article{Hubner-Benz_Baum_Frese_2019, title={Contagion of Entrepreneurial Passion: Effects on Employee Outcomes}, volume={44}, DOI={10.1177/1042258719883995}, number={6}, journal={Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice}, publisher={SAGE Publications}, author={Hubner-Benz, Sylvia and Baum, Matthias and Frese, Michael}, year={2019}, pages={1112–1140} }
2019 | Working Paper | LibreCat-ID: 48549
@book{Mordhorst_Nickel_2019, place={Gütersloh}, series={CHE Arbeitspapier}, title={Grenzenloses Wachstum? Entwicklung des dualen Studiums in den Bundesländern}, volume={212}, publisher={CHE}, author={Mordhorst, Lisa and Nickel, Sigrun}, year={2019}, collection={CHE Arbeitspapier} }
2019 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 48546
@inbook{Ziegele_Mordhorst_2019, place={Budapest}, title={Competition, Collaboration and Complementarity: Higher Education Policies in Europe}, booktitle={The Three Cs of Higher Education: Competition, Collaboration and Complementarity}, publisher={Central European University Press}, author={Ziegele, Frank and Mordhorst, Lisa}, editor={Pritchard, Rosalind M. O. and O’Hara, Mark and Milsom, Clare and Williams, James and Matei, Liviu}, year={2019}, pages={11–26} }
2019 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 45391
@inproceedings{Delucchi_Neugebauer_Dröse_Prediger_Mertins_2019, place={Münster}, title={Eye-Tracking-Studie zum Erfassen von Referenzstrukturen in Textaufgaben der Klasse 5}, booktitle={Beiträge zum Mathematikunterricht 2019 }, publisher={WTM}, author={Delucchi, R. and Neugebauer, P. and Dröse, Jennifer and Prediger, Susanne and Mertins, B.}, editor={Frank, A. and Krauss, S. and Binder, K.}, year={2019}, pages={1239–1242} }
2019 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 28992
@article{Golombek_Klingsieck_Scharlau_2019, title={Assessing Self-Efficacy for Self-Regulation of Academic Writing: Development and validation of a scale}, volume={35}, DOI={10.1027/1015-5759/a000452}, number={5}, journal={European Journal of Psychological Assessment}, author={Golombek, Christiane and Klingsieck, Katrin B. and Scharlau, Ingrid}, year={2019}, pages={751–761} }
2019 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 31657
@inbook{Scharlau_Klingsieck_2019, place={Weinheim}, title={Zur Positionierung der Forschung an Schreibzentren}, booktitle={Forschung für die Schreibdidaktik: Voraussetzung oder institutioneller Irrweg?}, publisher={Beltz (Juventa)}, author={Scharlau, Ingrid and Klingsieck, Katrin B.}, editor={Hirsch-Weber, Andreas and Loesch, Cristina and Scherer, Stefan}, year={2019}, pages={207–226} }
2019 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 46949
@article{Klingsieck_Marker_2019, title={Zweifel am Studium. Konzeptuelle Überlegungen und eine erste empirische Annäherung}, volume={5}, number={2019}, journal={die hochschullehre}, author={Klingsieck, Katrin B. and Marker, Rabea}, year={2019}, pages={825–838} }
2019 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 48704
@article{Krause_Becker_Vogt_2019, title={Zur Gestaltung von Feedbackprozeduren zum Erlernen der postoperativen Teilbelastung beim Gehen mit Unterarmgehstützen im Kontext der Bewegungsautomatisierung}, volume={35}, DOI={10.1055/a-0818-7603}, number={01}, journal={B&G Bewegungstherapie und Gesundheitssport}, publisher={Georg Thieme Verlag KG}, author={Krause, Daniel and Becker, Linda and Vogt, Sarah}, year={2019}, pages={14–19} }
2019 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 48702
@article{Krause_Koers_Maurer_2019, title={Valence‐dependent brain potentials of processing augmented feedback in learning a complex arm movement sequence}, volume={57}, DOI={10.1111/psyp.13508}, number={3}, journal={Psychophysiology}, publisher={Wiley}, author={Krause, Daniel and Koers, Timo and Maurer, Lisa Katharina}, year={2019} }
2019 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 48767
@inbook{Diederich_2019, place={Münster}, title={Vorstellungen von Grundschulkindern zur Zeitzeugenbefragung – eine empirische Untersuchung zu Kompetenzen historischen Denkens}, volume={1}, booktitle={Fokus Grundschule. Forschungsperspektiven und Entwicklungslinien}, publisher={Waxmann}, author={Diederich, Julia}, editor={Holzinger, Andrea and Kopp-Sixt, Silvia and Luttenberger, Silke and Wohlhart, David}, year={2019}, pages={189–198} }
| Files available
2019 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 48768
@inbook{Diederich_2019, place={Bad Heilbrunn}, title={Vorstellungen von Grundschulkindern zur Zeitzeugenbefragung - Eine empirische Untersuchung zu Kompetenzen historischen Denkens}, booktitle={Forschendes Lernen im Sachunterricht}, publisher={Klinkhardt}, author={Diederich, Julia}, editor={Knörzer, Martin and Förster, Lars and Franz, Ute and Hartinger, Andreas}, year={2019} }