119 Publications
2025 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 58313
@inbook{Mildorf_2025, place={Leiden}, edition={1}, series={Narratives and Mental Health}, title={Crisis and Creativity: Poetry in Times of Corona}, volume={3}, booktitle={Pandemic Storytelling}, publisher={Brill}, author={Mildorf, Jarmila}, editor={Alber, Jan and de Muijnck, Deborah and Jumpertz, Jessica }, year={2025}, pages={83–96}, collection={Narratives and Mental Health} }
2024 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 55004 |

@article{Mildorf_2024, title={Time and Transformation in Autobiography: Candia McWilliam’s What to Look for in Winter: A Memoir in Blindness}, volume={45}, DOI={10.35765/pk.2024.4502.14}, number={2}, journal={Perspektywy Kultury / Perspectives on Culture }, author={Mildorf, Jarmila}, year={2024}, pages={181–197} }
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2024 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 49722
@inbook{Mildorf_2024, place={Leiden}, edition={1}, series={Word and Music Studies}, title={The Interplay of Sound Tapestry and Music in the 1992 German Radio Play Adaptation of J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings}, volume={21}, booktitle={Word, Sound and Music in Radio Drama}, publisher={Brill}, author={Mildorf, Jarmila}, editor={Verhulst, Pim and Mildorf, Jarmila}, year={2024}, pages={275–292}, collection={Word and Music Studies} }
2024 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 49721
@inbook{Mildorf_2024, place={Leiden}, edition={1}, series={Word and Music Studies}, title={Word, Sound and Music in Radio Drama: An Introduction}, volume={21}, booktitle={Word, Sound and Music in Radio Drama}, publisher={Brill}, author={Mildorf, Jarmila}, editor={Verhulst, Pim and Mildorf, Jarmila}, year={2024}, pages={1–15}, collection={Word and Music Studies} }
2024 | Book (Editor) | LibreCat-ID: 49720
@book{Verhulst_Mildorf_2024, place={Leiden}, edition={1}, series={Word and Music Studies}, title={Word, Sound and Music in Radio Drama}, volume={21}, publisher={Brill}, year={2024}, collection={Word and Music Studies} }
2024 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 55391 |

@inbook{Mildorf_2024, place={Paderborn}, edition={1}, title={Music and Narrative in Art Exhibition Audio Guides: “Beckmann & Amerika”}, booktitle={Music and its Narrative Potential}, publisher={Brill Fink}, author={Mildorf, Jarmila}, editor={Van Nerom, Carolien and Peeters, Ann and Bouckaert, Bart}, year={2024}, pages={201–218} }
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2024 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 56701
@inbook{Mildorf_2024, place={Berlin}, edition={1}, title={Professionalität und Menschlichkeit: Arzt-Patienten-Interaktionen in William Carlos Williams’ Kurzgeschichte „The Girl with a Pimply Face“}, DOI={https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-662-70039-6_14}, booktitle={Heilkraft der Literatur: Zur Bedeutung der Literatur für eine menschliche Medizin}, publisher={Springer}, author={Mildorf, Jarmila}, editor={Wagner-Pischel, Marga Brigitte}, year={2024}, pages={280–303} }
2024 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 58310 |

@article{Mildorf_2024, title={Auch Ärzte erzählen Geschichten: Medizinisches Wissen und Narration in Blogs und Podcasts}, volume={3}, number={1}, journal={Re:visit: Humanities and Medicine in Dialogue}, author={Mildorf, Jarmila}, year={2024}, pages={9–27} }
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2023 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 49719
@article{Mildorf_2023, title={Reflections on Music in Fiction: Rose Tremain’s Music and Silence (1999), Julian Barnes’s The Noise of Time (2016) and Roger Scruton’s Perictione in Colophon (2000)}, volume={141}, number={4}, journal={Anglia}, author={Mildorf, Jarmila}, year={2023}, pages={554–580} }
2023 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 44214 |

@article{Mildorf_2023, title={Dialogical Functions of You-Narration in Auto/Biography: Anne Harich’s “Wenn ich das gewußt hätte…”: Erinnerungen an Wolfgang Harich (2007)}, volume={65}, DOI={10.26485/ZRL/2022/65.4/5}, number={4–5}, journal={Zagadnienia Rodzajów Literackich}, author={Mildorf, Jarmila}, year={2023}, pages={69–81} }
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2023 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 37519
@inbook{Mildorf_Ketteler_2023, place={Oxford}, edition={1}, series={Explorations in Narrative Psychology}, title={Writing as Narrative Resource in Therapeutic Settings: Diaries, Sketches, Notes}, booktitle={Narrative and Mental Health Today: Reimagining Theory and Practice}, publisher={Oxford University Press}, author={Mildorf, Jarmila and Ketteler, Daniel}, editor={Mildorf, Jarmila and Punzi, Elisabeth and Singer, Christoph}, year={2023}, pages={104–122}, collection={Explorations in Narrative Psychology} }
2023 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 49042
@inbook{Mildorf_2023, place={Berlin}, edition={1}, series={Narratologia}, title={‘I had a patient who…’: Narratives of Vicarious Experience in GPs’ Discourse on Domestic Violence}, volume={90}, booktitle={Narrative Structure and Narrative Knowing in Medicine and Science}, publisher={De Gruyter}, author={Mildorf, Jarmila}, editor={King, Martina and Kindt, Tom}, year={2023}, pages={187–201}, collection={Narratologia} }
2023 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 44217
@inbook{Mildorf_Punzi_Singer_2023, place={Oxford}, edition={1}, series={Explorations in Narrative Psychology}, title={Narratives and Mental Health: An Introduction}, booktitle={Narrative and Mental Health: Reimagining Theory and Practice}, publisher={Oxford University Press}, author={Mildorf, Jarmila and Punzi, Elisabeth and Singer, Christoph}, editor={Mildorf, Jarmila and Punzi, Elisabeth and Singer, Christoph}, year={2023}, pages={1–12}, collection={Explorations in Narrative Psychology} }
2023 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 47847
@inbook{Hatavara_Hyvärinen_Mildorf_2023, place={London}, edition={1}, series={Routledge Literature Companions}, title={The Literary in Narrating Dramatic Life Experiences}, booktitle={The Routledge Companion to Literary Media}, publisher={Routledge}, author={Hatavara, Mari and Hyvärinen, Matti and Mildorf, Jarmila}, editor={Ensslin, Astrid and Round, Julia and Thomas, Bronwen}, year={2023}, pages={137–147}, collection={Routledge Literature Companions} }
2023 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 47848
@inbook{Mildorf_2023, place={London}, edition={1}, series={Routledge Literature Companions}, title={Poeticity and Parody: The Literary Interview on Radio and Podcast}, booktitle={The Routledge Companion to Literary Media}, publisher={Routledge}, author={Mildorf, Jarmila}, editor={Ensslin, Astrid and Round, Julia and Thomas, Bronwen}, year={2023}, pages={148–158}, collection={Routledge Literature Companions} }
2023 | Book (Editor) | LibreCat-ID: 37518
@book{Mildorf_Punzi_Singer_2023, place={Oxford}, edition={1}, series={Explorations in Narrative Psychology}, title={Narrative and Mental Health: Reimagining Theory and Practice}, publisher={Oxford University Press}, year={2023}, collection={Explorations in Narrative Psychology} }
2023 | Special Issue | LibreCat-ID: 49717
@book{Haekel_Butter_Mildorf_2023, title={Abstract Reflection in Contemporary Fiction}, volume={141}, number={4}, journal={Anglia}, year={2023}, pages={489–580} }
2023 | Book | LibreCat-ID: 37521
@book{Mildorf_2023, place={Berlin}, edition={1}, series={Narratologia}, title={Life Storying in Oral History: Fictional Contamination and Literary Complexity}, volume={85}, DOI={https://doi.org/10.1515/9783111073101}, publisher={De Gruyter}, author={Mildorf, Jarmila}, year={2023}, collection={Narratologia} }
2023 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 49718
@article{Haekel_Butter_Mildorf_2023, title={Introduction: Abstract Reflection in Contemporary Fiction}, volume={141}, number={4}, journal={Anglia}, author={Haekel, Ralf and Butter, Stella and Mildorf, Jarmila}, year={2023}, pages={489–496} }
2022 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 29355
@inbook{Mildorf_2022, place={Loccum}, edition={1}, series={Loccumer Kleine Reihe}, title={Durch Andere sich selbst erzählen: Figuren der Selbststilisierung in autobiographischen Schriften von Alan Bennett und Candia McWilliam}, volume={9}, booktitle={Erzählte Welt: Sinnstiftung in Zeiten kultureller und politischer Umbrüche}, publisher={Evangelische Akademie Loccum}, author={Mildorf, Jarmila}, editor={Schachtner, Christina and Drews, Albert}, year={2022}, pages={167–194}, collection={Loccumer Kleine Reihe} }
2022 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 33541
@inbook{Mildorf_2022, place={Paris}, title={Charge mentale et violence domestique: une approche des récits de femmes en termes de small stories}, booktitle={Récits de la charge mentale des femmes: small stories II}, publisher={Herrmann}, author={Mildorf, Jarmila}, editor={Patron, Sylvie}, year={2022}, pages={43–62} }
2022 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 33543
@inbook{Mildorf_2022, place={Heidelberg}, series={Jahrbuch Literatur und Medizin}, title={Arzt-Patienten-Kommunikation und das Problem der Einverständniserklärung in Jeffrey Eugenides’ Roman Middlesex}, volume={13}, booktitle={Jahrbuch Literatur und Medizin}, publisher={Universitätsverlag Winter}, author={Mildorf, Jarmila}, editor={Steger, Florian}, year={2022}, pages={59–76}, collection={Jahrbuch Literatur und Medizin} }
2021 | Book Review | LibreCat-ID: 27372
@article{Mildorf_2021, title={Book review: Katharina Fürholzer: Das Ethos des Pathographen: Literatur- und medizinethische Dimensionen von Krankenbiographien. Heidelberg 2019.}, volume={51}, number={1}, journal={ European Journal of Scandinavian Studies}, author={Mildorf, Jarmila}, year={2021}, pages={180–185} }
2021 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 29356
@inbook{Bernaerts_Mildorf_2021, place={Columbus}, edition={1}, series={Theory and Interpretation of Narrative}, title={When Sounds Make Stories: Lessons for Narrative Theory from the Study of Radio Drama}, booktitle={Audionarratology: Lessons from Radio Drama}, publisher={Ohio State University Press}, author={Bernaerts, Lars and Mildorf, Jarmila}, editor={Bernaerts, Lars and Mildorf, Jarmila}, year={2021}, pages={1–13}, collection={Theory and Interpretation of Narrative} }
2021 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 26824
@inbook{Mildorf_2021, place={Columbus, OH}, title={Auricularization and Narrative-Epistemic Stance in Louis Nowra’s Echo Point}, booktitle={Audionarratology: Lessons from Radio Drama}, publisher={Ohio State University Press}, author={Mildorf, Jarmila}, editor={Bernaerts, Lars and Mildorf, Jarmila}, year={2021} }
2021 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 29354
@inbook{Mildorf_2021, place={Manchester}, edition={1}, title={‘Ja, ja, so schön klingt das Schreckliche’: An Audionarratological Analysis of Andreas Ammer and FM Einheit’s Lost & Found: Das Paradies}, booktitle={Tuning in to the Neo-Avantgarde: Experimental Radio Plays in the Postwar Period}, publisher={Manchester University Press}, author={Mildorf, Jarmila}, editor={Arteel, Inge and Bernaerts, Lars and Bluijs, Siebe and Verhulst, Pim}, year={2021}, pages={128–149} }
2021 | Book (Editor) | LibreCat-ID: 26816
@book{Mildorf_Bernaerts_2021, place={Columbus}, title={Audionarratology: Lessons from Radio Drama}, publisher={Ohio State University Press}, year={2021} }
2020 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 26832
@inbook{Mildorf_2020, place={Leuven}, title={Functions of Fictional Dialogue: Narratological and Historical Perspectives}, booktitle={La contribution du discours à la charactérisation des personnages biblique}, publisher={Peeters}, author={Mildorf, Jarmila}, editor={Wénin, André}, year={2020}, pages={1–23} }
2020 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 26834
@inbook{Mildorf_2020, place={Lanham, MD}, title={Music and Politics in the BBC Radio Adaptation of Alan Bennett’s The Madness of George III}, booktitle={Radio Art and Music: Culture, Aesthetics, Politics}, publisher={Lexington Books}, author={Mildorf, Jarmila}, editor={Mildorf, Jarmila and Verhulst, Pim}, year={2020}, pages={205–215} }
2020 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 26836
@inbook{Mildorf_Verhulst_2020, place={Lanham, MD}, title={Radio Art and Music: An Introduction}, booktitle={Radio Art and Music: Culture, Aesthetics, Politics}, publisher={Lexington Books}, author={Mildorf, Jarmila and Verhulst, Pim}, editor={Mildorf, Jarmila and Verhulst, Pim}, year={2020}, pages={1–7} }
2020 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 26828
@inbook{Mildorf_2020, place={Heidelberg}, title={Erzähllogik und Krankheitserfahrung: Siri Hustvedts The Shaking Woman}, booktitle={Jahrbuch Literatur und Medizin, vol.12}, publisher={Universitätsverlag Winter}, author={Mildorf, Jarmila}, year={2020}, pages={107–130} }
2020 | Book (Editor) | LibreCat-ID: 18124
@book{Mildorf_Verhulst_2020, place={Lanham, MD}, edition={1}, title={Radio Art and Music: Culture, Aesthetics, Politics}, publisher={Lexington Books}, year={2020} }
2020 | Book Review | LibreCat-ID: 26844
@article{Mildorf_2020, title={Book Review: Storytelling as Narrative Practice: Ethnographic Approaches to the Tales We Tell, Elizabeth A. Falconi, Kathryn E. Graber (Eds.), Brill, Leiden (2019)}, volume={164}, DOI={10.1016/j.pragma.2020.05.004}, journal={Journal of Pragmatics}, author={Mildorf, Jarmila}, year={2020}, pages={25–26} }
2020 | Book Review | LibreCat-ID: 27371 |

@article{Mildorf_2020, title={Book review: Fictional Dialogue as Poiesis: Elizabeth Alsop’s Making Conversation in Modernist Fiction.}, volume={9}, number={2}, journal={Diegesis}, author={Mildorf, Jarmila}, year={2020} }
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2019 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 18125
@article{Mildorf_2019, title={Narratives of Vicarious Experience in Oral History Interviews with Craft Artists}, volume={152}, journal={Journal of Pragmatics}, publisher={Elsevier}, author={Mildorf, Jarmila}, year={2019}, pages={103–112} }
2019 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 18129
@article{Mildorf_2019, title={The Irrelevance of Relevance Theory for the Study of Generic Fiction}, volume={53}, number={4}, journal={Style}, publisher={Penn State University Press}, author={Mildorf, Jarmila}, year={2019}, pages={463–469} }
2019 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 18127
@article{Mildorf_2019, title={Can Sounds Narrate? Prosody in Sound Poetry Performance}, volume={5}, number={3}, journal={CounterText}, publisher={Edinburgh University Press}, author={Mildorf, Jarmila}, year={2019}, pages={294–311} }
2019 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 9623
@article{Hyvärinen_Hatavara_Mildorf_2019, title={Narrating Selves from the Bible to Social Media: Introduction to the Forum}, volume={17}, number={1}, journal={Partial Answers}, author={Hyvärinen, Matti and Hatavara, Mari and Mildorf, Jarmila}, year={2019} }
2019 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 9622
@article{Mildorf_2019, title={Autobiography, the Literary and the Everyday in Paul Auster’s “Report from the Interior”}, volume={17}, number={1}, journal={Partial Answers}, author={Mildorf, Jarmila}, year={2019} }
2019 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 18126
@article{Mildorf_2019, title={Aural Worldmaking: An Introduction}, volume={5}, number={3}, journal={CounterText}, publisher={Edinburgh University Press}, author={Mildorf, Jarmila}, year={2019}, pages={290–293} }
2019 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 18131
@inbook{Mildorf_Ketteler_2019, place={Heidelberg}, title={Ressourcenorientiertes Schreiben. Tagebücher, Skizzen und Notate in der sozio-therapeutischen Praxis. Mit einem Exkurs zum Tagebuch der Trauer von Roland Barthes}, booktitle={Jahrbuch Literatur und Medizin}, publisher={Universitätsverlag Winter}, author={Mildorf, Jarmila and Ketteler, Daniel}, editor={Steger, Florian}, year={2019}, pages={43–58} }
2019 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 26840
@inbook{Mildorf_2019, place={Heidelberg}, title={Why Poetry Matters: Defamiliarization and Perspective in Poetry}, booktitle={Lyrik und Medizin}, publisher={Universitätsverlag Winter}, author={Mildorf, Jarmila}, editor={Steger, Florian and Fürholzer, Katharina}, year={2019}, pages={199–212} }
2019 | Special Issue | LibreCat-ID: 9621
@book{Hatavara_Hyvärinen_Mildorf_2019, title={Narrating Selves and the Literary from the Bible to Social Media}, volume={17}, number={1}, journal={Partial Answers}, publisher={Partial Answers 17(1)}, year={2019} }
2019 | Special Issue | LibreCat-ID: 18130
@book{Mildorf_2019, title={Aural Worldmaking: Audionarratological Approaches to Sound and Narrative}, volume={5}, number={3}, journal={CounterText}, publisher={CounterText 5,}, year={2019} }
2019 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 18128
@article{Mildorf_2019, title={Dance, Text and Philosophy in Gertrude Stein’s ‘One Dancing’ and Roger Scruton’s Perictione in Colophon}, volume={69}, number={4}, journal={Germanisch-Romanische Monatsschrift }, publisher={Universitätsverlag Winter}, author={Mildorf, Jarmila}, year={2019}, pages={1–18} }
2018 | Habilitation | LibreCat-ID: 9651
@book{Mildorf_2018, place={Paderborn}, title={Reading (Fictional) Dialogue: Text, Context, Cognition}, publisher={Universität Paderborn}, author={Mildorf, Jarmila}, year={2018} }
2018 | Book Review | LibreCat-ID: 9637
@article{Mildorf_2018, title={Book review: Roger Sell (ed.) (2014). “Dialogue as Literature.” Amsterdam: John Benjamins}, volume={16}, number={2}, journal={Partial Answers}, author={Mildorf, Jarmila}, year={2018}, pages={353–356} }
2018 | Encyclopedia Article | LibreCat-ID: 9628
@inbook{Mildorf_2018, place={Berlin}, series={Grundthemen der Literaturwissenschaft}, title={Mündliches Erzählen / Alltagserzählungen}, volume={7}, booktitle={Erzählen}, publisher={de Gruyter}, author={Mildorf, Jarmila}, editor={Huber, Martin and Schmid, Wolf}, year={2018}, pages={229–243}, collection={Grundthemen der Literaturwissenschaft} }
2017 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 9223
@inbook{Mildorf_2017, place={Bern}, title={Negotiating Vulnerable Subjects: Margaret Thatcher’s Dementia in Media and Film}, booktitle={Dementia and Subjectivity: Aesthetic, Literary and Philosophical Perspectives}, publisher={Peter Lang}, author={Mildorf, Jarmila}, editor={Ringkamp, Daniela and Süwolto, Leonie and Strauss, Sara}, year={2017}, pages={159–176} }
2017 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 9206
@article{Hatavara_Mildorf_2017, title={Hybrid Fictionality and Vicarious Narrative Experience}, volume={25}, number={1}, journal={Narrative}, author={Hatavara, Mari and Mildorf, Jarmila}, year={2017}, pages={65–82} }
2017 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 9226
@inbook{Mildorf_2017, place={Oxford}, title={Narrative Refashioning and Illness: Doctor-Patient Encounters in Siri Hustvedt’s “The Shaking Woman”}, booktitle={Life and Narrative: The Risks and Responsibilities of Storying Experience}, publisher={Oxford University Press}, author={Mildorf, Jarmila}, editor={Schiff, Brian and McKim, Elizabeth and Patron, Sylvie}, year={2017}, pages={161–178} }
2017 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 9225
@inbook{Mildorf_2017, place={Amsterdam}, title={Dialogic Interactions on Radio: Studs Terkel’s Literary Interviews}, booktitle={Dialogue across Media}, publisher={John Benjamins}, author={Mildorf, Jarmila}, editor={Mildorf, Jarmila and Thomas, Bronwen}, year={2017}, pages={117–136} }
2017 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 9224
@inbook{Mildorf_Thomas_2017, place={Amsterdam}, title={Dialogue across Media: An Introduction}, booktitle={Dialogue across Media}, publisher={John Benjamins}, author={Mildorf, Jarmila and Thomas, Bronwen}, editor={Mildorf, Jarmila and Thomas, Bronwen}, year={2017}, pages={1–15} }
2017 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 9220
@inbook{Mildorf_2017, place={Heidelberg}, series={Jahrbuch Literatur und Medizin}, title={Lyrik in der medizinischen Ausbildung}, volume={9}, booktitle={Jahrbuch Literatur und Medizin}, publisher={Universitätsverlag Winter}, author={Mildorf, Jarmila}, editor={Steger, Florian}, year={2017}, pages={67–88}, collection={Jahrbuch Literatur und Medizin} }
2017 | Book (Editor) | LibreCat-ID: 9193
@book{Mildorf_Thomas_2017, place={Amsterdam}, series={Dialogue Studies}, title={Dialogue Across Media}, volume={28}, publisher={John Benjamins}, year={2017}, collection={Dialogue Studies} }
2017 | Special Issue | LibreCat-ID: 9190
@book{Hatavara_Hyvärinen_Mildorf_2017, title={Narrating Selves in Everyday Contexts: Art, the Literary and Life Experience}, volume={51}, number={3}, journal={Style}, publisher={Style 51(3)}, year={2017} }
2017 | Special Issue | LibreCat-ID: 9192
@book{Mildorf_Kinzel_2017, title={Narrating Sounds}, volume={15}, number={1}, journal={Partial Answers}, publisher={Partial Answers 15(1)}, year={2017}, pages={61–188} }
2017 | Encyclopedia Article | LibreCat-ID: 9631
@inbook{Mildorf_2017, place={Stuttgart}, title={Hörfunk}, booktitle={Handbuch Erzählen}, publisher={Metzler}, author={Mildorf, Jarmila}, editor={Martínez, Matías}, year={2017}, pages={63–65} }
2017 | Encyclopedia Article | LibreCat-ID: 9633
@inbook{Mildorf_2017, place={Stuttgart}, title={Musik}, booktitle={Handbuch Erzählen}, publisher={Metzler}, author={Mildorf, Jarmila}, editor={Martínez, Matías}, year={2017}, pages={87–91} }
2017 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 9201
@article{Hatavara_Hyvärinen_Mildorf_2017, title={Narrating Selves in Everyday Contexts: Art, the Literary and Life Experience}, volume={51}, number={3}, journal={Style}, author={Hatavara, Mari and Hyvärinen, Matti and Mildorf, Jarmila}, year={2017}, pages={293–299} }
2017 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 9204
@article{Mildorf_2017, title={Sounding Postmodernity: Radio Adaptation of Alasdair Gray’s “Lanark”}, volume={15}, number={1}, journal={Partial Answers}, author={Mildorf, Jarmila}, year={2017}, pages={167–188} }
2017 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 9203
@article{Hatavara_Mildorf_2017, title={Fictionality, Narrative Modes and Vicarious Storytelling}, volume={51}, number={3}, journal={Style}, author={Hatavara, Mari and Mildorf, Jarmila}, year={2017}, pages={391–408} }
2017 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 9205
@article{Mildorf_Kinzel_2017, title={Narrating Sounds: Introduction to the Forum}, volume={15}, number={1}, journal={Partial Answers}, author={Mildorf, Jarmila and Kinzel, Till}, year={2017}, pages={61–67} }
2017 | Book (Editor) | LibreCat-ID: 9189
@book{Bischoff_Kinzel_Mildorf_2017, place={Heidelberg}, edition={1}, series={Beihefte zur Germanisch-Romanischen Monatsschrift}, title={Das Dialoggedicht: Studien zur englischen, deutschen und romanischen Lyrik / Dialogue Poems: Studies in English, German and Romance Language Poetry}, volume={84}, publisher={Universitätsverlag Winter}, year={2017}, collection={Beihefte zur Germanisch-Romanischen Monatsschrift} }
2017 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 9222
@inbook{Mildorf_2017, place={Heidelberg}, title={Surprising Twists in Conversation: Christina Rossetti’s Dialogue Poems}, booktitle={Das Dialoggedicht: Studien zur englischen, deutschen und romanischen Lyrik / Dialogue Poems: Studies in English, German and Romance Language Poetry}, publisher={Universitätsverlag Winter}, author={Mildorf, Jarmila}, editor={Bischoff, Christina Johanna and Kinzel, Till and Mildorf, Jarmila}, year={2017}, pages={407–421} }
2017 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 9221
@inbook{Kinzel_Mildorf_2017, place={Heidelberg}, title={Das Dialoggedicht – Prolegomena zur poetischen Dialogizität}, booktitle={Das Dialoggedicht: Studien zur englischen, deutschen und romanischen Lyrik / Dialogue Poems: Studies in English, German and Romance Language Poetry}, publisher={Universitätsverlag Winter}, author={Kinzel, Till and Mildorf, Jarmila}, editor={Bischoff, Christina Johanna and Kinzel, Till and Mildorf, Jarmila}, year={2017}, pages={13–34} }
2016 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 9227
@inbook{Mildorf_2016, place={London}, title={Pragmatic Implications of ‘You’-Narration for Postcolonial Fiction: Mohsin Hamid’s “How to Get Filthy Rich in Rising Asia”}, booktitle={Pragmatic Perspectives on Postcolonial Discourse: Linguistics and Literature}, publisher={Cambridge Scholars}, author={Mildorf, Jarmila}, editor={Schubert, Christoph and Volkmann, Laurenz}, year={2016}, pages={99–113} }
2016 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 9207
@article{Mildorf_Kinzel_2016, title={Multisensory Imaginings: An Audionarratological Analysis of Philip Roth’s Novel Indignation and its German Radio Play Adaptation Empörung}, volume={2}, number={3}, journal={CounterText}, author={Mildorf, Jarmila and Kinzel, Till}, year={2016}, pages={307–321} }
2016 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 9230
@inbook{Mildorf_2016, place={London}, series={Routledge Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Literature}, title={Performing Selves and Audience Design: Interview Narratives on the Internet}, booktitle={Narrative Theory, Literature, and New Media: Narrative Minds and Virtual Worlds}, publisher={Routledge}, author={Mildorf, Jarmila}, editor={Hatavara, Mari and Hyvärinen, Matti and Mäkälä, Maria and Mäyrä, Frans}, year={2016}, pages={256–277}, collection={Routledge Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Literature} }
2016 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 9229
@inbook{Mildorf_Kinzel_2016, place={Berlin}, series={Narratologia}, title={Audionarratology: Prolegomena to a Research Paradigm Exploring Sound and Narrative.” }, booktitle={Audionarratology: Interfaces of Sound and Narrative}, publisher={de Gruyter}, author={Mildorf, Jarmila and Kinzel, Till}, editor={Mildorf, Jarmila and Kinzel, Till}, year={2016}, pages={1–26}, collection={Narratologia} }
2016 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 9228
@inbook{Mildorf_2016, place={Berlin}, series={Narratologia}, title={Pictures into Sound: Aural World-Making in Art Gallery Audio Guides}, booktitle={Audionarratology: Interfaces of Sound and Narrative}, publisher={de Gruyter}, author={Mildorf, Jarmila}, editor={Mildorf, Jarmila and Kinzel, Till}, year={2016}, pages={239–256}, collection={Narratologia} }
2016 | Book (Editor) | LibreCat-ID: 9194
@book{Kinzel_Mildorf_2016, place={Berlin}, series={Narratologia}, title={Audionarratology: Interfaces of Sound and Narrative}, volume={52}, publisher={de Gruyter}, year={2016}, collection={Narratologia} }
2016 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 9209
@article{Mildorf_2016, title={Constructing Dialogues, (Re)constructing the Past: ‘Remembered’ Conversations in Frank McCourt’s “Angela’s Ashes”}, volume={5}, number={2}, journal={International Journal of Literary Linguistics}, author={Mildorf, Jarmila}, year={2016}, pages={1–25} }
2016 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 9208
@article{Mildorf_2016, title={Reconsidering Second-Person Narration and Involvement}, volume={25}, number={2}, journal={Language and Literature}, author={Mildorf, Jarmila}, year={2016}, pages={145–158} }
2015 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 9232
@inbook{Mildorf_2015, place={Berlin}, series={Narratologia}, title={Unreliability in Patient Narratives: From Clinical Assessment to Narrative Practice}, booktitle={Unreliable Narration and Trustworthiness: Intermedial and Interdisciplinary Perspectives}, publisher={de Gruyter}, author={Mildorf, Jarmila}, editor={Nünning, Vera}, year={2015}, pages={395–413}, collection={Narratologia} }
2015 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 9231
@inbook{Mildorf_2015, place={Berlin}, series={Anglia}, title={‘Light of Life’: Gender, Place and Knowledge in H. G. Wells’ “Ann Veronica”}, booktitle={Dark Nights, Bright Lights}, publisher={de Gruyter}, author={Mildorf, Jarmila}, editor={Bach, Susanne and Degenring, Folkert}, year={2015}, pages={57–70}, collection={Anglia} }
2015 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 9210
@article{Mildorf_2015, title={Worth Pursuing? The Limits of Cognitive Narratology}, volume={XLVII}, journal={Književna istorija / Literary History}, author={Mildorf, Jarmila}, year={2015}, pages={33–48} }
2014 | Book Review | LibreCat-ID: 9646
@article{Mildorf_2014, title={Book review: Daniela Carpi (ed.) (2011). ’Bioethics and Biolaw through Literature.’Berlin: de Gruyter}, volume={25}, number={2}, journal={Anglistik}, author={Mildorf, Jarmila}, year={2014}, pages={185-187.} }
2014 | Book (Editor) | LibreCat-ID: 9196
@book{Mildorf_Seeber_Windisch_2014, place={Münster}, edition={2}, title={Magic, Science, Technology and Literature}, publisher={LIT Verlag}, year={2014} }
2014 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 9211
@article{Mildorf_2014, title={Figurenrede im Roman aus kognitionslinguistischer und narratologischer Perspektive am Beispiel von Jean Rhys’ Roman “Good Morning, Midnight”}, volume={64}, number={4}, journal={Germanisch-Romanische Monatsschrift}, author={Mildorf, Jarmila}, year={2014}, pages={447–467} }
2014 | Book (Editor) | LibreCat-ID: 9195
@book{Kinzel_Mildorf_2014, place={Heidelberg}, series={Beihefte zur Germanisch-Romanischen Monatsschrift}, title={Imaginary Dialogues in American Literature and Philosophy: Beyond the Mainstream}, volume={62}, publisher={Universitätsverlag Winter}, year={2014}, collection={Beihefte zur Germanisch-Romanischen Monatsschrift} }
2014 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 9234
@inbook{Mildorf_2014, place={Heidelberg}, title={Exploring ‘our pitiful attempts at connection’: Dialogue in Corey Mesler’s Novel “Talk”}, booktitle={). Imaginary Dialogues in American Literature and Philosophy: Beyond the Mainstream}, publisher={Universitätsverlag Winter}, author={Mildorf, Jarmila}, editor={Kinzel, Till and Mildorf, Jarmila}, year={2014}, pages={301–314} }
2014 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 9233
@inbook{Kinzel_Mildorf_2014, place={Heidelberg}, title={Mapping Imaginary Dialogues in America}, booktitle={Imaginary Dialogues in American Literature and Philosophy: Beyond the Mainstream}, publisher={Universitätsverlag Winter}, author={Kinzel, Till and Mildorf, Jarmila}, editor={Kinzel, Till and Mildorf, Jarmila}, year={2014}, pages={9–25} }
2013 | Book Review | LibreCat-ID: 9648 |

@article{Mildorf_2013, title={Book review: Christoph Schubert (2009). “Raumkonstitution durch Sprache: Blickführung, Bildschemata und Kohäsion in Deskriptionssequenzen englischer Texte.” Tübingen: Max Niemeyer}, journal={Informationsmittel für Bibliotheken}, author={Mildorf, Jarmila}, year={2013} }
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2013 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 9236
@inbook{Mildorf_2013, place={Münster}, title={Teaching Medical Students about Medical Ethics and Domestic Violence: Alice Munro’s Short Story ‘Dimensions.’}, booktitle={The Writing Cure: Literature and Medicine in Context}, publisher={LIT}, author={Mildorf, Jarmila}, editor={Lembert-Heidenreich, Alexandra and Mildorf, Jarmila}, year={2013}, pages={231–248} }
2013 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 9235
@inbook{Mildorf_Lembert-Heidenreich_2013, place={Münster}, title={The Writing Cure: Literature and Medicine in Context}, booktitle={The Writing Cure: Literature and Medicine in Context}, publisher={LIT}, author={Mildorf, Jarmila and Lembert-Heidenreich, Alexandra}, editor={Lembert-Heidenreich, Alexandra and Mildorf, Jarmila}, year={2013}, pages={9–28} }
2013 | Book (Editor) | LibreCat-ID: 9197
@book{Lembert-Heidenreich_Mildorf_2013, place={Münster}, title={The Writing Cure: Literature and Medicine in Context}, publisher={LIT Verlag}, year={2013} }
2013 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 9212
@article{Mildorf_2013, title={Studying Writing in Second Person: A Response to Joshua Parker}, volume={23}, number={1}, journal={Connotations: Journal for Critical Debate}, author={Mildorf, Jarmila}, year={2013}, pages={63–78} }
2013 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 9237
@inbook{Mildorf_2013, place={Amsterdam}, series={Studies in Narrative}, title={'Unnatural’ Narratives? The Case of Second-Person Narration}, volume={18}, booktitle={The Travelling Concepts of Narrative}, publisher={John Benjamins}, author={Mildorf, Jarmila}, editor={Hatavara, Mari and Hydén, Lars-Christer and Hyvärinen, Matti}, year={2013}, pages={179–199}, collection={Studies in Narrative} }
2013 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 9238
@inbook{Mildorf_2013, place={Amsterdam}, series={Studies in Narrative}, title={Referential Frameworks and Focalization in a Craft Artist’s Life Story: A Socionarratological Perspective on Narrative Identity}, volume={17}, booktitle={Rethinking Narrative Identity: Persona and Perspective}, publisher={John Benjamins}, author={Mildorf, Jarmila}, editor={Holler, Claudia and Klepper, Martin}, year={2013}, pages={103–116}, collection={Studies in Narrative} }
2013 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 9213
@article{Mildorf_2013, title={Reading Fictional Dialogue: Reflections on a Cognitive-Pragmatic Reception Theory}, volume={24}, number={2}, journal={Anglistik}, author={Mildorf, Jarmila}, year={2013}, pages={105–116} }
2012 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 9214
@article{Mildorf_2012, title={Second-Person Narration in Literary and Conversational Storytelling}, volume={4}, journal={Storyworlds}, author={Mildorf, Jarmila}, year={2012}, pages={75–98} }
2012 | Book (Editor) | LibreCat-ID: 9198
@book{Kinzel_Mildorf_2012, place={Heidelberg}, series={Beihefte zur Germanisch-Romanischen Monatsschrift}, title={Imaginary Dialogues in English: Explorations of a Literary Form}, volume={46}, publisher={Universitätsverlag Winter}, year={2012}, collection={Beihefte zur Germanisch-Romanischen Monatsschrift} }
2012 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 9239
@inbook{Kinzel_Mildorf_2012, place={Heidelberg}, title={New Perspectives on Imaginary Dialogues: An Interdisciplinary Dialogue}, booktitle={Imaginary Dialogues in English: Explorations of a Literary Form}, publisher={Universitätsverlag Winter}, author={Kinzel, Till and Mildorf, Jarmila}, editor={Kinzel, Till and Mildorf, Jarmila}, year={2012}, pages={9–28} }
2012 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 9240
@inbook{Mildorf_2012, place={Heidelberg}, title={Polite Conversation, Implicatures, and Comical Effect: Jonathan Swift and P. G. Wodehouse}, booktitle={Imaginary Dialogues in English: Explorations of a Literary Form}, publisher={Universitätsverlag Winter}, author={Mildorf, Jarmila}, editor={Kinzel, Till and Mildorf, Jarmila}, year={2012}, pages={89–109} }
2011 | Book Review | LibreCat-ID: 9649
@article{Mildorf_2011, title={Book review: Arthur W. Frank (2010). “Letting Stories Breathe: A Socio-Narratology.” Chicago: University of Chicago Press}, volume={34}, number={4}, journal={Biography}, author={Mildorf, Jarmila}, year={2011}, pages={715–719} }
2010 | Book Review | LibreCat-ID: 9837
@article{Mildorf_2010, title={Book review: Franz K. Stanzel. Telegonie -- Fernzeugung: Macht und Magie der Imagination. Wien: Böhlau}, volume={60}, number={4}, journal={Germanisch-Romanische Monatsschrift}, author={Mildorf, Jarmila}, year={2010}, pages={501–503} }
2010 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 9241
@inbook{Mildorf_2010, place={Georgetown}, title={Negotiating Deviance: Identity, Trajectories and Norms in a Graffitist’s Interview Narrative}, booktitle={Telling Stories: Language, Narrative, and Social Life}, publisher={Georgetown University Press}, author={Mildorf, Jarmila}, editor={Schiffrin, Deborah and De Fina, Anna and Nylund, Anastasia}, year={2010}, pages={135–147} }
2010 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 9242
@inbook{Mildorf_2010, place={Columbus}, title={Narratology and the Social Sciences}, booktitle={Postclassical Narratology: Approaches and Analyses}, publisher={Ohio State University Press}, author={Mildorf, Jarmila}, editor={Fludernik, Monika and Alber, Jan}, year={2010}, pages={234–254} }
2009 | Book Review | LibreCat-ID: 9838
@article{Mildorf_2009, title={Book review: Birgit Neumann, Ansgar Nünning and Bo Pettersson (eds) (2008). Narrative and Identity: Theoretical Approaches and Critical Analyses. Trier: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier}, journal={Informationsmittel für Bibliotheken}, author={Mildorf, Jarmila}, year={2009} }
2009 | Book Review | LibreCat-ID: 9839
@article{Mildorf_2009, title={Book review: Christian Klein and Matías Martínez. (2009) Wirklichkeitserzählungen: Felder, Formen und Funktionen nicht-literarischen Erzählens. Stuttgart: Metzler}, journal={Informationsmittel für Bibliotheken}, author={Mildorf, Jarmila}, year={2009} }
2008 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 9243
@inbook{Mildorf_2008, place={Trier}, title={Kazuo Ishiguro: Never Let Me Go}, booktitle={Novels. Part II}, publisher={WVT}, author={Mildorf, Jarmila}, editor={Peters, Susanne and Stierstorfer, Klaus and Volkmann, Laurenz}, year={2008}, pages={279–296} }
2008 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 9244
@inbook{Mildorf_2008, place={Basingstoke}, title={Female-on-Male Violence: Medical Responses and Popular Imagination}, booktitle={Gender and Interpersonal Violence: Language, Action and Representation}, publisher={Palgrave}, author={Mildorf, Jarmila}, editor={Throsby, Karen and Alexander, Flora}, year={2008}, pages={157–170} }
2008 | Special Issue | LibreCat-ID: 9199
@book{Hyvärinen_Mikkonen_Mildorf_2008, title={Narrative: Knowing, Living, Telling}, volume={6}, number={2}, journal={Partial Answers}, publisher={Partial Answers 6(2)}, year={2008}, pages={225–512} }
2008 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 9215
@article{Mildorf_2008, title={Thought Presentation and Constructed Dialogue in Oral Storytelling: Limits and Possibilities of a Cross-Disciplinary Narratology}, volume={6}, number={2}, journal={Partial Answers}, author={Mildorf, Jarmila}, year={2008}, pages={279–300} }
2007 | Book Review | LibreCat-ID: 9840
@article{Mildorf_2007, title={Book review: Katharina Uhsadel (2005). Antonia Byatts Quartet in der Tradition des Englischen Bildungsromans. Heidelberg: Winter}, volume={18}, number={1}, journal={Anglistik}, author={Mildorf, Jarmila}, year={2007}, pages={193–194} }
2007 | Book | LibreCat-ID: 6684
@book{Mildorf_2007, place={Lincoln, NE}, series={Frontiers of Narrative}, title={Storying Domestic Violence: Constructions and Stereotypes of Abuse in the Discourse of General Practitioners}, publisher={University of Nebraska Press}, author={Mildorf, Jarmila}, year={2007}, collection={Frontiers of Narrative} }
2007 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 9245
@inbook{Mildorf_2007, place={Amsterdam}, title={Mad Intertextuality: “Jane Eyre”, “Wide Sargasso Sea”, “After Mrs Rochester”}, booktitle={A Breath of Fresh Eyre: Intertextual and Intermedial Reworkings of “Jane Eyre”}, publisher={Rodopi}, author={Mildorf, Jarmila}, editor={Rubik, Margarete and Mettinger-Schartmann, Elke}, year={2007}, pages={347–362} }
2006 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 9247
@inbook{Mildorf_2006, place={Münster}, title={Disenchanting the World, Enchanting the Reader: The Negotiation of Biochemistry in Sinclair Lewis’ “Arrowsmith”}, booktitle={Magic, Science, Technology, and Literature}, publisher={LIT Verlag}, author={Mildorf, Jarmila}, editor={Mildorf, Jarmila and Seeber, Hans Ulrich and Windisch, Martin}, year={2006}, pages={191–207} }
2006 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 9248
@inbook{Seeber_Mildorf_Windisch_2006, place={Münster}, title={Introduction}, booktitle={Magic, Science, Technology, and Literature}, publisher={LIT Verlag}, author={Seeber, Hans Ulrich and Mildorf, Jarmila and Windisch, Martin}, editor={Seeber, Hans Ulrich and Mildorf, Jarmila and Windisch, Martin}, year={2006}, pages={9–21} }
2006 | Book Review | LibreCat-ID: 9841
@article{Mildorf_2006, title={Book review: Alan Palmer (2004). Fictional Minds. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press}, volume={123}, number={4}, journal={Anglia}, author={Mildorf, Jarmila}, year={2006}, pages={775–779} }
2006 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 9246
@inbook{Mildorf_2006, place={Helsinki}, series={COLLeGIUM: Studies across Disciplines in the Humanities and Social Sciences}, title={Sociolinguistic Implications of Narratology: Focalization and ‘Double Deixis’ in Conversational Storytelling}, volume={1}, booktitle={The Travelling Concept of Narrative}, publisher={Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Studies}, author={Mildorf, Jarmila}, editor={Hyvärinen, Matti and Korhonen, Anu and Mykkänen, Juri}, year={2006}, pages={42–59}, collection={COLLeGIUM: Studies across Disciplines in the Humanities and Social Sciences} }
2005 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 9216
@article{Mildorf_2005, title={Words That Strike and Words That Comfort: Discursive Dynamics of Verbal Abuse in Roddy Doyle’s “The Woman Who Walked Into Doors”}, volume={14}, number={2}, journal={Journal of Gender Studies}, author={Mildorf, Jarmila}, year={2005}, pages={107–122} }
2004 | Book Review | LibreCat-ID: 9842
@article{Mildorf_2004, title={Book review: Vera and Ansgar Nünning (eds) (2002). Erzähltheorie transgenerisch, intermedial, interdisziplinär. Trier: WVT. / Ansgar and Vera Nünning (eds) (2002). Neue Ansätze in der Erzähltheorie. Trier: WVT}, volume={14}, number={1}, journal={Narrative Inquiry}, author={Mildorf, Jarmila}, year={2004}, pages={219–234} }
2004 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 9249
@inbook{Mildorf_2004, place={Amsterdam}, title={Narrativising the Body: Fragmentation and Unification in Jed Mercurio’s “Bodies”}, booktitle={Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Health, Illness and Disease}, publisher={Rodopi}, author={Mildorf, Jarmila}, editor={Twohig, Peter L. and Kalitzkus, Vera}, year={2004}, pages={97–112} }
2004 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 9250
@inbook{Mildorf_2004, place={Amsterdam}, title={Narratives of Domestic Violence Cases: GPs Defining their Professional Role}, booktitle={Making Sense of Health, Illness and Disease}, publisher={Rodopi}, author={Mildorf, Jarmila}, editor={Twohig, Peter L. and Kalitzkus, Vera}, year={2004}, pages={173–196} }
2002 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 9219
@article{McKie_Fennell_Mildorf_2002, title={Time to Disclose, Timing Disclosure: GPs’ Discourses on Disclosing Domestic Abuse in Primary Care}, volume={24}, number={3}, journal={Sociology of Health and Illness}, author={McKie, Linda and Fennell, Barbara and Mildorf, Jarmila}, year={2002}, pages={327–346} }
2002 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 9218
@article{Mildorf_2002, title={'Opening up a can of worms’: Physicians’ Narrative Construction of Knowledge about Domestic Violence}, volume={12}, number={2}, journal={Narrative Inquiry}, author={Mildorf, Jarmila}, year={2002}, pages={233–260} }
2002 | Dissertation | LibreCat-ID: 9650
@book{Mildorf_2002, place={Aberdeen}, title={General Practitioners’ Narrative Discourse on Domestic Violence: A Sociolinguistic Study}, publisher={University of Aberdeen}, author={Mildorf, Jarmila}, year={2002} }
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119 Publications
2025 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 58313
@inbook{Mildorf_2025, place={Leiden}, edition={1}, series={Narratives and Mental Health}, title={Crisis and Creativity: Poetry in Times of Corona}, volume={3}, booktitle={Pandemic Storytelling}, publisher={Brill}, author={Mildorf, Jarmila}, editor={Alber, Jan and de Muijnck, Deborah and Jumpertz, Jessica }, year={2025}, pages={83–96}, collection={Narratives and Mental Health} }
2024 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 55004 |

@article{Mildorf_2024, title={Time and Transformation in Autobiography: Candia McWilliam’s What to Look for in Winter: A Memoir in Blindness}, volume={45}, DOI={10.35765/pk.2024.4502.14}, number={2}, journal={Perspektywy Kultury / Perspectives on Culture }, author={Mildorf, Jarmila}, year={2024}, pages={181–197} }
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2024 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 49722
@inbook{Mildorf_2024, place={Leiden}, edition={1}, series={Word and Music Studies}, title={The Interplay of Sound Tapestry and Music in the 1992 German Radio Play Adaptation of J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings}, volume={21}, booktitle={Word, Sound and Music in Radio Drama}, publisher={Brill}, author={Mildorf, Jarmila}, editor={Verhulst, Pim and Mildorf, Jarmila}, year={2024}, pages={275–292}, collection={Word and Music Studies} }
2024 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 49721
@inbook{Mildorf_2024, place={Leiden}, edition={1}, series={Word and Music Studies}, title={Word, Sound and Music in Radio Drama: An Introduction}, volume={21}, booktitle={Word, Sound and Music in Radio Drama}, publisher={Brill}, author={Mildorf, Jarmila}, editor={Verhulst, Pim and Mildorf, Jarmila}, year={2024}, pages={1–15}, collection={Word and Music Studies} }
2024 | Book (Editor) | LibreCat-ID: 49720
@book{Verhulst_Mildorf_2024, place={Leiden}, edition={1}, series={Word and Music Studies}, title={Word, Sound and Music in Radio Drama}, volume={21}, publisher={Brill}, year={2024}, collection={Word and Music Studies} }
2024 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 55391 |

@inbook{Mildorf_2024, place={Paderborn}, edition={1}, title={Music and Narrative in Art Exhibition Audio Guides: “Beckmann & Amerika”}, booktitle={Music and its Narrative Potential}, publisher={Brill Fink}, author={Mildorf, Jarmila}, editor={Van Nerom, Carolien and Peeters, Ann and Bouckaert, Bart}, year={2024}, pages={201–218} }
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2024 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 56701
@inbook{Mildorf_2024, place={Berlin}, edition={1}, title={Professionalität und Menschlichkeit: Arzt-Patienten-Interaktionen in William Carlos Williams’ Kurzgeschichte „The Girl with a Pimply Face“}, DOI={https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-662-70039-6_14}, booktitle={Heilkraft der Literatur: Zur Bedeutung der Literatur für eine menschliche Medizin}, publisher={Springer}, author={Mildorf, Jarmila}, editor={Wagner-Pischel, Marga Brigitte}, year={2024}, pages={280–303} }
2024 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 58310 |

@article{Mildorf_2024, title={Auch Ärzte erzählen Geschichten: Medizinisches Wissen und Narration in Blogs und Podcasts}, volume={3}, number={1}, journal={Re:visit: Humanities and Medicine in Dialogue}, author={Mildorf, Jarmila}, year={2024}, pages={9–27} }
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2023 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 49719
@article{Mildorf_2023, title={Reflections on Music in Fiction: Rose Tremain’s Music and Silence (1999), Julian Barnes’s The Noise of Time (2016) and Roger Scruton’s Perictione in Colophon (2000)}, volume={141}, number={4}, journal={Anglia}, author={Mildorf, Jarmila}, year={2023}, pages={554–580} }
2023 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 44214 |

@article{Mildorf_2023, title={Dialogical Functions of You-Narration in Auto/Biography: Anne Harich’s “Wenn ich das gewußt hätte…”: Erinnerungen an Wolfgang Harich (2007)}, volume={65}, DOI={10.26485/ZRL/2022/65.4/5}, number={4–5}, journal={Zagadnienia Rodzajów Literackich}, author={Mildorf, Jarmila}, year={2023}, pages={69–81} }
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2023 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 37519
@inbook{Mildorf_Ketteler_2023, place={Oxford}, edition={1}, series={Explorations in Narrative Psychology}, title={Writing as Narrative Resource in Therapeutic Settings: Diaries, Sketches, Notes}, booktitle={Narrative and Mental Health Today: Reimagining Theory and Practice}, publisher={Oxford University Press}, author={Mildorf, Jarmila and Ketteler, Daniel}, editor={Mildorf, Jarmila and Punzi, Elisabeth and Singer, Christoph}, year={2023}, pages={104–122}, collection={Explorations in Narrative Psychology} }
2023 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 49042
@inbook{Mildorf_2023, place={Berlin}, edition={1}, series={Narratologia}, title={‘I had a patient who…’: Narratives of Vicarious Experience in GPs’ Discourse on Domestic Violence}, volume={90}, booktitle={Narrative Structure and Narrative Knowing in Medicine and Science}, publisher={De Gruyter}, author={Mildorf, Jarmila}, editor={King, Martina and Kindt, Tom}, year={2023}, pages={187–201}, collection={Narratologia} }
2023 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 44217
@inbook{Mildorf_Punzi_Singer_2023, place={Oxford}, edition={1}, series={Explorations in Narrative Psychology}, title={Narratives and Mental Health: An Introduction}, booktitle={Narrative and Mental Health: Reimagining Theory and Practice}, publisher={Oxford University Press}, author={Mildorf, Jarmila and Punzi, Elisabeth and Singer, Christoph}, editor={Mildorf, Jarmila and Punzi, Elisabeth and Singer, Christoph}, year={2023}, pages={1–12}, collection={Explorations in Narrative Psychology} }
2023 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 47847
@inbook{Hatavara_Hyvärinen_Mildorf_2023, place={London}, edition={1}, series={Routledge Literature Companions}, title={The Literary in Narrating Dramatic Life Experiences}, booktitle={The Routledge Companion to Literary Media}, publisher={Routledge}, author={Hatavara, Mari and Hyvärinen, Matti and Mildorf, Jarmila}, editor={Ensslin, Astrid and Round, Julia and Thomas, Bronwen}, year={2023}, pages={137–147}, collection={Routledge Literature Companions} }
2023 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 47848
@inbook{Mildorf_2023, place={London}, edition={1}, series={Routledge Literature Companions}, title={Poeticity and Parody: The Literary Interview on Radio and Podcast}, booktitle={The Routledge Companion to Literary Media}, publisher={Routledge}, author={Mildorf, Jarmila}, editor={Ensslin, Astrid and Round, Julia and Thomas, Bronwen}, year={2023}, pages={148–158}, collection={Routledge Literature Companions} }
2023 | Book (Editor) | LibreCat-ID: 37518
@book{Mildorf_Punzi_Singer_2023, place={Oxford}, edition={1}, series={Explorations in Narrative Psychology}, title={Narrative and Mental Health: Reimagining Theory and Practice}, publisher={Oxford University Press}, year={2023}, collection={Explorations in Narrative Psychology} }
2023 | Special Issue | LibreCat-ID: 49717
@book{Haekel_Butter_Mildorf_2023, title={Abstract Reflection in Contemporary Fiction}, volume={141}, number={4}, journal={Anglia}, year={2023}, pages={489–580} }
2023 | Book | LibreCat-ID: 37521
@book{Mildorf_2023, place={Berlin}, edition={1}, series={Narratologia}, title={Life Storying in Oral History: Fictional Contamination and Literary Complexity}, volume={85}, DOI={https://doi.org/10.1515/9783111073101}, publisher={De Gruyter}, author={Mildorf, Jarmila}, year={2023}, collection={Narratologia} }
2023 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 49718
@article{Haekel_Butter_Mildorf_2023, title={Introduction: Abstract Reflection in Contemporary Fiction}, volume={141}, number={4}, journal={Anglia}, author={Haekel, Ralf and Butter, Stella and Mildorf, Jarmila}, year={2023}, pages={489–496} }
2022 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 29355
@inbook{Mildorf_2022, place={Loccum}, edition={1}, series={Loccumer Kleine Reihe}, title={Durch Andere sich selbst erzählen: Figuren der Selbststilisierung in autobiographischen Schriften von Alan Bennett und Candia McWilliam}, volume={9}, booktitle={Erzählte Welt: Sinnstiftung in Zeiten kultureller und politischer Umbrüche}, publisher={Evangelische Akademie Loccum}, author={Mildorf, Jarmila}, editor={Schachtner, Christina and Drews, Albert}, year={2022}, pages={167–194}, collection={Loccumer Kleine Reihe} }
2022 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 33541
@inbook{Mildorf_2022, place={Paris}, title={Charge mentale et violence domestique: une approche des récits de femmes en termes de small stories}, booktitle={Récits de la charge mentale des femmes: small stories II}, publisher={Herrmann}, author={Mildorf, Jarmila}, editor={Patron, Sylvie}, year={2022}, pages={43–62} }
2022 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 33543
@inbook{Mildorf_2022, place={Heidelberg}, series={Jahrbuch Literatur und Medizin}, title={Arzt-Patienten-Kommunikation und das Problem der Einverständniserklärung in Jeffrey Eugenides’ Roman Middlesex}, volume={13}, booktitle={Jahrbuch Literatur und Medizin}, publisher={Universitätsverlag Winter}, author={Mildorf, Jarmila}, editor={Steger, Florian}, year={2022}, pages={59–76}, collection={Jahrbuch Literatur und Medizin} }
2021 | Book Review | LibreCat-ID: 27372
@article{Mildorf_2021, title={Book review: Katharina Fürholzer: Das Ethos des Pathographen: Literatur- und medizinethische Dimensionen von Krankenbiographien. Heidelberg 2019.}, volume={51}, number={1}, journal={ European Journal of Scandinavian Studies}, author={Mildorf, Jarmila}, year={2021}, pages={180–185} }
2021 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 29356
@inbook{Bernaerts_Mildorf_2021, place={Columbus}, edition={1}, series={Theory and Interpretation of Narrative}, title={When Sounds Make Stories: Lessons for Narrative Theory from the Study of Radio Drama}, booktitle={Audionarratology: Lessons from Radio Drama}, publisher={Ohio State University Press}, author={Bernaerts, Lars and Mildorf, Jarmila}, editor={Bernaerts, Lars and Mildorf, Jarmila}, year={2021}, pages={1–13}, collection={Theory and Interpretation of Narrative} }
2021 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 26824
@inbook{Mildorf_2021, place={Columbus, OH}, title={Auricularization and Narrative-Epistemic Stance in Louis Nowra’s Echo Point}, booktitle={Audionarratology: Lessons from Radio Drama}, publisher={Ohio State University Press}, author={Mildorf, Jarmila}, editor={Bernaerts, Lars and Mildorf, Jarmila}, year={2021} }
2021 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 29354
@inbook{Mildorf_2021, place={Manchester}, edition={1}, title={‘Ja, ja, so schön klingt das Schreckliche’: An Audionarratological Analysis of Andreas Ammer and FM Einheit’s Lost & Found: Das Paradies}, booktitle={Tuning in to the Neo-Avantgarde: Experimental Radio Plays in the Postwar Period}, publisher={Manchester University Press}, author={Mildorf, Jarmila}, editor={Arteel, Inge and Bernaerts, Lars and Bluijs, Siebe and Verhulst, Pim}, year={2021}, pages={128–149} }
2021 | Book (Editor) | LibreCat-ID: 26816
@book{Mildorf_Bernaerts_2021, place={Columbus}, title={Audionarratology: Lessons from Radio Drama}, publisher={Ohio State University Press}, year={2021} }
2020 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 26832
@inbook{Mildorf_2020, place={Leuven}, title={Functions of Fictional Dialogue: Narratological and Historical Perspectives}, booktitle={La contribution du discours à la charactérisation des personnages biblique}, publisher={Peeters}, author={Mildorf, Jarmila}, editor={Wénin, André}, year={2020}, pages={1–23} }
2020 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 26834
@inbook{Mildorf_2020, place={Lanham, MD}, title={Music and Politics in the BBC Radio Adaptation of Alan Bennett’s The Madness of George III}, booktitle={Radio Art and Music: Culture, Aesthetics, Politics}, publisher={Lexington Books}, author={Mildorf, Jarmila}, editor={Mildorf, Jarmila and Verhulst, Pim}, year={2020}, pages={205–215} }
2020 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 26836
@inbook{Mildorf_Verhulst_2020, place={Lanham, MD}, title={Radio Art and Music: An Introduction}, booktitle={Radio Art and Music: Culture, Aesthetics, Politics}, publisher={Lexington Books}, author={Mildorf, Jarmila and Verhulst, Pim}, editor={Mildorf, Jarmila and Verhulst, Pim}, year={2020}, pages={1–7} }
2020 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 26828
@inbook{Mildorf_2020, place={Heidelberg}, title={Erzähllogik und Krankheitserfahrung: Siri Hustvedts The Shaking Woman}, booktitle={Jahrbuch Literatur und Medizin, vol.12}, publisher={Universitätsverlag Winter}, author={Mildorf, Jarmila}, year={2020}, pages={107–130} }
2020 | Book (Editor) | LibreCat-ID: 18124
@book{Mildorf_Verhulst_2020, place={Lanham, MD}, edition={1}, title={Radio Art and Music: Culture, Aesthetics, Politics}, publisher={Lexington Books}, year={2020} }
2020 | Book Review | LibreCat-ID: 26844
@article{Mildorf_2020, title={Book Review: Storytelling as Narrative Practice: Ethnographic Approaches to the Tales We Tell, Elizabeth A. Falconi, Kathryn E. Graber (Eds.), Brill, Leiden (2019)}, volume={164}, DOI={10.1016/j.pragma.2020.05.004}, journal={Journal of Pragmatics}, author={Mildorf, Jarmila}, year={2020}, pages={25–26} }
2020 | Book Review | LibreCat-ID: 27371 |

@article{Mildorf_2020, title={Book review: Fictional Dialogue as Poiesis: Elizabeth Alsop’s Making Conversation in Modernist Fiction.}, volume={9}, number={2}, journal={Diegesis}, author={Mildorf, Jarmila}, year={2020} }
| Download (ext.)
2019 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 18125
@article{Mildorf_2019, title={Narratives of Vicarious Experience in Oral History Interviews with Craft Artists}, volume={152}, journal={Journal of Pragmatics}, publisher={Elsevier}, author={Mildorf, Jarmila}, year={2019}, pages={103–112} }
2019 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 18129
@article{Mildorf_2019, title={The Irrelevance of Relevance Theory for the Study of Generic Fiction}, volume={53}, number={4}, journal={Style}, publisher={Penn State University Press}, author={Mildorf, Jarmila}, year={2019}, pages={463–469} }
2019 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 18127
@article{Mildorf_2019, title={Can Sounds Narrate? Prosody in Sound Poetry Performance}, volume={5}, number={3}, journal={CounterText}, publisher={Edinburgh University Press}, author={Mildorf, Jarmila}, year={2019}, pages={294–311} }
2019 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 9623
@article{Hyvärinen_Hatavara_Mildorf_2019, title={Narrating Selves from the Bible to Social Media: Introduction to the Forum}, volume={17}, number={1}, journal={Partial Answers}, author={Hyvärinen, Matti and Hatavara, Mari and Mildorf, Jarmila}, year={2019} }
2019 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 9622
@article{Mildorf_2019, title={Autobiography, the Literary and the Everyday in Paul Auster’s “Report from the Interior”}, volume={17}, number={1}, journal={Partial Answers}, author={Mildorf, Jarmila}, year={2019} }
2019 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 18126
@article{Mildorf_2019, title={Aural Worldmaking: An Introduction}, volume={5}, number={3}, journal={CounterText}, publisher={Edinburgh University Press}, author={Mildorf, Jarmila}, year={2019}, pages={290–293} }
2019 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 18131
@inbook{Mildorf_Ketteler_2019, place={Heidelberg}, title={Ressourcenorientiertes Schreiben. Tagebücher, Skizzen und Notate in der sozio-therapeutischen Praxis. Mit einem Exkurs zum Tagebuch der Trauer von Roland Barthes}, booktitle={Jahrbuch Literatur und Medizin}, publisher={Universitätsverlag Winter}, author={Mildorf, Jarmila and Ketteler, Daniel}, editor={Steger, Florian}, year={2019}, pages={43–58} }
2019 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 26840
@inbook{Mildorf_2019, place={Heidelberg}, title={Why Poetry Matters: Defamiliarization and Perspective in Poetry}, booktitle={Lyrik und Medizin}, publisher={Universitätsverlag Winter}, author={Mildorf, Jarmila}, editor={Steger, Florian and Fürholzer, Katharina}, year={2019}, pages={199–212} }
2019 | Special Issue | LibreCat-ID: 9621
@book{Hatavara_Hyvärinen_Mildorf_2019, title={Narrating Selves and the Literary from the Bible to Social Media}, volume={17}, number={1}, journal={Partial Answers}, publisher={Partial Answers 17(1)}, year={2019} }
2019 | Special Issue | LibreCat-ID: 18130
@book{Mildorf_2019, title={Aural Worldmaking: Audionarratological Approaches to Sound and Narrative}, volume={5}, number={3}, journal={CounterText}, publisher={CounterText 5,}, year={2019} }
2019 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 18128
@article{Mildorf_2019, title={Dance, Text and Philosophy in Gertrude Stein’s ‘One Dancing’ and Roger Scruton’s Perictione in Colophon}, volume={69}, number={4}, journal={Germanisch-Romanische Monatsschrift }, publisher={Universitätsverlag Winter}, author={Mildorf, Jarmila}, year={2019}, pages={1–18} }
2018 | Habilitation | LibreCat-ID: 9651
@book{Mildorf_2018, place={Paderborn}, title={Reading (Fictional) Dialogue: Text, Context, Cognition}, publisher={Universität Paderborn}, author={Mildorf, Jarmila}, year={2018} }
2018 | Book Review | LibreCat-ID: 9637
@article{Mildorf_2018, title={Book review: Roger Sell (ed.) (2014). “Dialogue as Literature.” Amsterdam: John Benjamins}, volume={16}, number={2}, journal={Partial Answers}, author={Mildorf, Jarmila}, year={2018}, pages={353–356} }
2018 | Encyclopedia Article | LibreCat-ID: 9628
@inbook{Mildorf_2018, place={Berlin}, series={Grundthemen der Literaturwissenschaft}, title={Mündliches Erzählen / Alltagserzählungen}, volume={7}, booktitle={Erzählen}, publisher={de Gruyter}, author={Mildorf, Jarmila}, editor={Huber, Martin and Schmid, Wolf}, year={2018}, pages={229–243}, collection={Grundthemen der Literaturwissenschaft} }
2017 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 9223
@inbook{Mildorf_2017, place={Bern}, title={Negotiating Vulnerable Subjects: Margaret Thatcher’s Dementia in Media and Film}, booktitle={Dementia and Subjectivity: Aesthetic, Literary and Philosophical Perspectives}, publisher={Peter Lang}, author={Mildorf, Jarmila}, editor={Ringkamp, Daniela and Süwolto, Leonie and Strauss, Sara}, year={2017}, pages={159–176} }
2017 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 9206
@article{Hatavara_Mildorf_2017, title={Hybrid Fictionality and Vicarious Narrative Experience}, volume={25}, number={1}, journal={Narrative}, author={Hatavara, Mari and Mildorf, Jarmila}, year={2017}, pages={65–82} }
2017 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 9226
@inbook{Mildorf_2017, place={Oxford}, title={Narrative Refashioning and Illness: Doctor-Patient Encounters in Siri Hustvedt’s “The Shaking Woman”}, booktitle={Life and Narrative: The Risks and Responsibilities of Storying Experience}, publisher={Oxford University Press}, author={Mildorf, Jarmila}, editor={Schiff, Brian and McKim, Elizabeth and Patron, Sylvie}, year={2017}, pages={161–178} }
2017 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 9225
@inbook{Mildorf_2017, place={Amsterdam}, title={Dialogic Interactions on Radio: Studs Terkel’s Literary Interviews}, booktitle={Dialogue across Media}, publisher={John Benjamins}, author={Mildorf, Jarmila}, editor={Mildorf, Jarmila and Thomas, Bronwen}, year={2017}, pages={117–136} }
2017 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 9224
@inbook{Mildorf_Thomas_2017, place={Amsterdam}, title={Dialogue across Media: An Introduction}, booktitle={Dialogue across Media}, publisher={John Benjamins}, author={Mildorf, Jarmila and Thomas, Bronwen}, editor={Mildorf, Jarmila and Thomas, Bronwen}, year={2017}, pages={1–15} }
2017 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 9220
@inbook{Mildorf_2017, place={Heidelberg}, series={Jahrbuch Literatur und Medizin}, title={Lyrik in der medizinischen Ausbildung}, volume={9}, booktitle={Jahrbuch Literatur und Medizin}, publisher={Universitätsverlag Winter}, author={Mildorf, Jarmila}, editor={Steger, Florian}, year={2017}, pages={67–88}, collection={Jahrbuch Literatur und Medizin} }
2017 | Book (Editor) | LibreCat-ID: 9193
@book{Mildorf_Thomas_2017, place={Amsterdam}, series={Dialogue Studies}, title={Dialogue Across Media}, volume={28}, publisher={John Benjamins}, year={2017}, collection={Dialogue Studies} }
2017 | Special Issue | LibreCat-ID: 9190
@book{Hatavara_Hyvärinen_Mildorf_2017, title={Narrating Selves in Everyday Contexts: Art, the Literary and Life Experience}, volume={51}, number={3}, journal={Style}, publisher={Style 51(3)}, year={2017} }
2017 | Special Issue | LibreCat-ID: 9192
@book{Mildorf_Kinzel_2017, title={Narrating Sounds}, volume={15}, number={1}, journal={Partial Answers}, publisher={Partial Answers 15(1)}, year={2017}, pages={61–188} }
2017 | Encyclopedia Article | LibreCat-ID: 9631
@inbook{Mildorf_2017, place={Stuttgart}, title={Hörfunk}, booktitle={Handbuch Erzählen}, publisher={Metzler}, author={Mildorf, Jarmila}, editor={Martínez, Matías}, year={2017}, pages={63–65} }
2017 | Encyclopedia Article | LibreCat-ID: 9633
@inbook{Mildorf_2017, place={Stuttgart}, title={Musik}, booktitle={Handbuch Erzählen}, publisher={Metzler}, author={Mildorf, Jarmila}, editor={Martínez, Matías}, year={2017}, pages={87–91} }
2017 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 9201
@article{Hatavara_Hyvärinen_Mildorf_2017, title={Narrating Selves in Everyday Contexts: Art, the Literary and Life Experience}, volume={51}, number={3}, journal={Style}, author={Hatavara, Mari and Hyvärinen, Matti and Mildorf, Jarmila}, year={2017}, pages={293–299} }
2017 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 9204
@article{Mildorf_2017, title={Sounding Postmodernity: Radio Adaptation of Alasdair Gray’s “Lanark”}, volume={15}, number={1}, journal={Partial Answers}, author={Mildorf, Jarmila}, year={2017}, pages={167–188} }
2017 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 9203
@article{Hatavara_Mildorf_2017, title={Fictionality, Narrative Modes and Vicarious Storytelling}, volume={51}, number={3}, journal={Style}, author={Hatavara, Mari and Mildorf, Jarmila}, year={2017}, pages={391–408} }
2017 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 9205
@article{Mildorf_Kinzel_2017, title={Narrating Sounds: Introduction to the Forum}, volume={15}, number={1}, journal={Partial Answers}, author={Mildorf, Jarmila and Kinzel, Till}, year={2017}, pages={61–67} }
2017 | Book (Editor) | LibreCat-ID: 9189
@book{Bischoff_Kinzel_Mildorf_2017, place={Heidelberg}, edition={1}, series={Beihefte zur Germanisch-Romanischen Monatsschrift}, title={Das Dialoggedicht: Studien zur englischen, deutschen und romanischen Lyrik / Dialogue Poems: Studies in English, German and Romance Language Poetry}, volume={84}, publisher={Universitätsverlag Winter}, year={2017}, collection={Beihefte zur Germanisch-Romanischen Monatsschrift} }
2017 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 9222
@inbook{Mildorf_2017, place={Heidelberg}, title={Surprising Twists in Conversation: Christina Rossetti’s Dialogue Poems}, booktitle={Das Dialoggedicht: Studien zur englischen, deutschen und romanischen Lyrik / Dialogue Poems: Studies in English, German and Romance Language Poetry}, publisher={Universitätsverlag Winter}, author={Mildorf, Jarmila}, editor={Bischoff, Christina Johanna and Kinzel, Till and Mildorf, Jarmila}, year={2017}, pages={407–421} }
2017 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 9221
@inbook{Kinzel_Mildorf_2017, place={Heidelberg}, title={Das Dialoggedicht – Prolegomena zur poetischen Dialogizität}, booktitle={Das Dialoggedicht: Studien zur englischen, deutschen und romanischen Lyrik / Dialogue Poems: Studies in English, German and Romance Language Poetry}, publisher={Universitätsverlag Winter}, author={Kinzel, Till and Mildorf, Jarmila}, editor={Bischoff, Christina Johanna and Kinzel, Till and Mildorf, Jarmila}, year={2017}, pages={13–34} }
2016 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 9227
@inbook{Mildorf_2016, place={London}, title={Pragmatic Implications of ‘You’-Narration for Postcolonial Fiction: Mohsin Hamid’s “How to Get Filthy Rich in Rising Asia”}, booktitle={Pragmatic Perspectives on Postcolonial Discourse: Linguistics and Literature}, publisher={Cambridge Scholars}, author={Mildorf, Jarmila}, editor={Schubert, Christoph and Volkmann, Laurenz}, year={2016}, pages={99–113} }
2016 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 9207
@article{Mildorf_Kinzel_2016, title={Multisensory Imaginings: An Audionarratological Analysis of Philip Roth’s Novel Indignation and its German Radio Play Adaptation Empörung}, volume={2}, number={3}, journal={CounterText}, author={Mildorf, Jarmila and Kinzel, Till}, year={2016}, pages={307–321} }
2016 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 9230
@inbook{Mildorf_2016, place={London}, series={Routledge Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Literature}, title={Performing Selves and Audience Design: Interview Narratives on the Internet}, booktitle={Narrative Theory, Literature, and New Media: Narrative Minds and Virtual Worlds}, publisher={Routledge}, author={Mildorf, Jarmila}, editor={Hatavara, Mari and Hyvärinen, Matti and Mäkälä, Maria and Mäyrä, Frans}, year={2016}, pages={256–277}, collection={Routledge Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Literature} }
2016 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 9229
@inbook{Mildorf_Kinzel_2016, place={Berlin}, series={Narratologia}, title={Audionarratology: Prolegomena to a Research Paradigm Exploring Sound and Narrative.” }, booktitle={Audionarratology: Interfaces of Sound and Narrative}, publisher={de Gruyter}, author={Mildorf, Jarmila and Kinzel, Till}, editor={Mildorf, Jarmila and Kinzel, Till}, year={2016}, pages={1–26}, collection={Narratologia} }
2016 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 9228
@inbook{Mildorf_2016, place={Berlin}, series={Narratologia}, title={Pictures into Sound: Aural World-Making in Art Gallery Audio Guides}, booktitle={Audionarratology: Interfaces of Sound and Narrative}, publisher={de Gruyter}, author={Mildorf, Jarmila}, editor={Mildorf, Jarmila and Kinzel, Till}, year={2016}, pages={239–256}, collection={Narratologia} }
2016 | Book (Editor) | LibreCat-ID: 9194
@book{Kinzel_Mildorf_2016, place={Berlin}, series={Narratologia}, title={Audionarratology: Interfaces of Sound and Narrative}, volume={52}, publisher={de Gruyter}, year={2016}, collection={Narratologia} }
2016 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 9209
@article{Mildorf_2016, title={Constructing Dialogues, (Re)constructing the Past: ‘Remembered’ Conversations in Frank McCourt’s “Angela’s Ashes”}, volume={5}, number={2}, journal={International Journal of Literary Linguistics}, author={Mildorf, Jarmila}, year={2016}, pages={1–25} }
2016 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 9208
@article{Mildorf_2016, title={Reconsidering Second-Person Narration and Involvement}, volume={25}, number={2}, journal={Language and Literature}, author={Mildorf, Jarmila}, year={2016}, pages={145–158} }
2015 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 9232
@inbook{Mildorf_2015, place={Berlin}, series={Narratologia}, title={Unreliability in Patient Narratives: From Clinical Assessment to Narrative Practice}, booktitle={Unreliable Narration and Trustworthiness: Intermedial and Interdisciplinary Perspectives}, publisher={de Gruyter}, author={Mildorf, Jarmila}, editor={Nünning, Vera}, year={2015}, pages={395–413}, collection={Narratologia} }
2015 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 9231
@inbook{Mildorf_2015, place={Berlin}, series={Anglia}, title={‘Light of Life’: Gender, Place and Knowledge in H. G. Wells’ “Ann Veronica”}, booktitle={Dark Nights, Bright Lights}, publisher={de Gruyter}, author={Mildorf, Jarmila}, editor={Bach, Susanne and Degenring, Folkert}, year={2015}, pages={57–70}, collection={Anglia} }
2015 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 9210
@article{Mildorf_2015, title={Worth Pursuing? The Limits of Cognitive Narratology}, volume={XLVII}, journal={Književna istorija / Literary History}, author={Mildorf, Jarmila}, year={2015}, pages={33–48} }
2014 | Book Review | LibreCat-ID: 9646
@article{Mildorf_2014, title={Book review: Daniela Carpi (ed.) (2011). ’Bioethics and Biolaw through Literature.’Berlin: de Gruyter}, volume={25}, number={2}, journal={Anglistik}, author={Mildorf, Jarmila}, year={2014}, pages={185-187.} }
2014 | Book (Editor) | LibreCat-ID: 9196
@book{Mildorf_Seeber_Windisch_2014, place={Münster}, edition={2}, title={Magic, Science, Technology and Literature}, publisher={LIT Verlag}, year={2014} }
2014 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 9211
@article{Mildorf_2014, title={Figurenrede im Roman aus kognitionslinguistischer und narratologischer Perspektive am Beispiel von Jean Rhys’ Roman “Good Morning, Midnight”}, volume={64}, number={4}, journal={Germanisch-Romanische Monatsschrift}, author={Mildorf, Jarmila}, year={2014}, pages={447–467} }
2014 | Book (Editor) | LibreCat-ID: 9195
@book{Kinzel_Mildorf_2014, place={Heidelberg}, series={Beihefte zur Germanisch-Romanischen Monatsschrift}, title={Imaginary Dialogues in American Literature and Philosophy: Beyond the Mainstream}, volume={62}, publisher={Universitätsverlag Winter}, year={2014}, collection={Beihefte zur Germanisch-Romanischen Monatsschrift} }
2014 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 9234
@inbook{Mildorf_2014, place={Heidelberg}, title={Exploring ‘our pitiful attempts at connection’: Dialogue in Corey Mesler’s Novel “Talk”}, booktitle={). Imaginary Dialogues in American Literature and Philosophy: Beyond the Mainstream}, publisher={Universitätsverlag Winter}, author={Mildorf, Jarmila}, editor={Kinzel, Till and Mildorf, Jarmila}, year={2014}, pages={301–314} }
2014 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 9233
@inbook{Kinzel_Mildorf_2014, place={Heidelberg}, title={Mapping Imaginary Dialogues in America}, booktitle={Imaginary Dialogues in American Literature and Philosophy: Beyond the Mainstream}, publisher={Universitätsverlag Winter}, author={Kinzel, Till and Mildorf, Jarmila}, editor={Kinzel, Till and Mildorf, Jarmila}, year={2014}, pages={9–25} }
2013 | Book Review | LibreCat-ID: 9648 |

@article{Mildorf_2013, title={Book review: Christoph Schubert (2009). “Raumkonstitution durch Sprache: Blickführung, Bildschemata und Kohäsion in Deskriptionssequenzen englischer Texte.” Tübingen: Max Niemeyer}, journal={Informationsmittel für Bibliotheken}, author={Mildorf, Jarmila}, year={2013} }
| Download (ext.)
2013 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 9236
@inbook{Mildorf_2013, place={Münster}, title={Teaching Medical Students about Medical Ethics and Domestic Violence: Alice Munro’s Short Story ‘Dimensions.’}, booktitle={The Writing Cure: Literature and Medicine in Context}, publisher={LIT}, author={Mildorf, Jarmila}, editor={Lembert-Heidenreich, Alexandra and Mildorf, Jarmila}, year={2013}, pages={231–248} }
2013 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 9235
@inbook{Mildorf_Lembert-Heidenreich_2013, place={Münster}, title={The Writing Cure: Literature and Medicine in Context}, booktitle={The Writing Cure: Literature and Medicine in Context}, publisher={LIT}, author={Mildorf, Jarmila and Lembert-Heidenreich, Alexandra}, editor={Lembert-Heidenreich, Alexandra and Mildorf, Jarmila}, year={2013}, pages={9–28} }
2013 | Book (Editor) | LibreCat-ID: 9197
@book{Lembert-Heidenreich_Mildorf_2013, place={Münster}, title={The Writing Cure: Literature and Medicine in Context}, publisher={LIT Verlag}, year={2013} }
2013 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 9212
@article{Mildorf_2013, title={Studying Writing in Second Person: A Response to Joshua Parker}, volume={23}, number={1}, journal={Connotations: Journal for Critical Debate}, author={Mildorf, Jarmila}, year={2013}, pages={63–78} }
2013 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 9237
@inbook{Mildorf_2013, place={Amsterdam}, series={Studies in Narrative}, title={'Unnatural’ Narratives? The Case of Second-Person Narration}, volume={18}, booktitle={The Travelling Concepts of Narrative}, publisher={John Benjamins}, author={Mildorf, Jarmila}, editor={Hatavara, Mari and Hydén, Lars-Christer and Hyvärinen, Matti}, year={2013}, pages={179–199}, collection={Studies in Narrative} }
2013 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 9238
@inbook{Mildorf_2013, place={Amsterdam}, series={Studies in Narrative}, title={Referential Frameworks and Focalization in a Craft Artist’s Life Story: A Socionarratological Perspective on Narrative Identity}, volume={17}, booktitle={Rethinking Narrative Identity: Persona and Perspective}, publisher={John Benjamins}, author={Mildorf, Jarmila}, editor={Holler, Claudia and Klepper, Martin}, year={2013}, pages={103–116}, collection={Studies in Narrative} }
2013 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 9213
@article{Mildorf_2013, title={Reading Fictional Dialogue: Reflections on a Cognitive-Pragmatic Reception Theory}, volume={24}, number={2}, journal={Anglistik}, author={Mildorf, Jarmila}, year={2013}, pages={105–116} }
2012 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 9214
@article{Mildorf_2012, title={Second-Person Narration in Literary and Conversational Storytelling}, volume={4}, journal={Storyworlds}, author={Mildorf, Jarmila}, year={2012}, pages={75–98} }
2012 | Book (Editor) | LibreCat-ID: 9198
@book{Kinzel_Mildorf_2012, place={Heidelberg}, series={Beihefte zur Germanisch-Romanischen Monatsschrift}, title={Imaginary Dialogues in English: Explorations of a Literary Form}, volume={46}, publisher={Universitätsverlag Winter}, year={2012}, collection={Beihefte zur Germanisch-Romanischen Monatsschrift} }
2012 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 9239
@inbook{Kinzel_Mildorf_2012, place={Heidelberg}, title={New Perspectives on Imaginary Dialogues: An Interdisciplinary Dialogue}, booktitle={Imaginary Dialogues in English: Explorations of a Literary Form}, publisher={Universitätsverlag Winter}, author={Kinzel, Till and Mildorf, Jarmila}, editor={Kinzel, Till and Mildorf, Jarmila}, year={2012}, pages={9–28} }
2012 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 9240
@inbook{Mildorf_2012, place={Heidelberg}, title={Polite Conversation, Implicatures, and Comical Effect: Jonathan Swift and P. G. Wodehouse}, booktitle={Imaginary Dialogues in English: Explorations of a Literary Form}, publisher={Universitätsverlag Winter}, author={Mildorf, Jarmila}, editor={Kinzel, Till and Mildorf, Jarmila}, year={2012}, pages={89–109} }
2011 | Book Review | LibreCat-ID: 9649
@article{Mildorf_2011, title={Book review: Arthur W. Frank (2010). “Letting Stories Breathe: A Socio-Narratology.” Chicago: University of Chicago Press}, volume={34}, number={4}, journal={Biography}, author={Mildorf, Jarmila}, year={2011}, pages={715–719} }
2010 | Book Review | LibreCat-ID: 9837
@article{Mildorf_2010, title={Book review: Franz K. Stanzel. Telegonie -- Fernzeugung: Macht und Magie der Imagination. Wien: Böhlau}, volume={60}, number={4}, journal={Germanisch-Romanische Monatsschrift}, author={Mildorf, Jarmila}, year={2010}, pages={501–503} }
2010 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 9241
@inbook{Mildorf_2010, place={Georgetown}, title={Negotiating Deviance: Identity, Trajectories and Norms in a Graffitist’s Interview Narrative}, booktitle={Telling Stories: Language, Narrative, and Social Life}, publisher={Georgetown University Press}, author={Mildorf, Jarmila}, editor={Schiffrin, Deborah and De Fina, Anna and Nylund, Anastasia}, year={2010}, pages={135–147} }
2010 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 9242
@inbook{Mildorf_2010, place={Columbus}, title={Narratology and the Social Sciences}, booktitle={Postclassical Narratology: Approaches and Analyses}, publisher={Ohio State University Press}, author={Mildorf, Jarmila}, editor={Fludernik, Monika and Alber, Jan}, year={2010}, pages={234–254} }
2009 | Book Review | LibreCat-ID: 9838
@article{Mildorf_2009, title={Book review: Birgit Neumann, Ansgar Nünning and Bo Pettersson (eds) (2008). Narrative and Identity: Theoretical Approaches and Critical Analyses. Trier: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier}, journal={Informationsmittel für Bibliotheken}, author={Mildorf, Jarmila}, year={2009} }
2009 | Book Review | LibreCat-ID: 9839
@article{Mildorf_2009, title={Book review: Christian Klein and Matías Martínez. (2009) Wirklichkeitserzählungen: Felder, Formen und Funktionen nicht-literarischen Erzählens. Stuttgart: Metzler}, journal={Informationsmittel für Bibliotheken}, author={Mildorf, Jarmila}, year={2009} }
2008 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 9243
@inbook{Mildorf_2008, place={Trier}, title={Kazuo Ishiguro: Never Let Me Go}, booktitle={Novels. Part II}, publisher={WVT}, author={Mildorf, Jarmila}, editor={Peters, Susanne and Stierstorfer, Klaus and Volkmann, Laurenz}, year={2008}, pages={279–296} }
2008 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 9244
@inbook{Mildorf_2008, place={Basingstoke}, title={Female-on-Male Violence: Medical Responses and Popular Imagination}, booktitle={Gender and Interpersonal Violence: Language, Action and Representation}, publisher={Palgrave}, author={Mildorf, Jarmila}, editor={Throsby, Karen and Alexander, Flora}, year={2008}, pages={157–170} }
2008 | Special Issue | LibreCat-ID: 9199
@book{Hyvärinen_Mikkonen_Mildorf_2008, title={Narrative: Knowing, Living, Telling}, volume={6}, number={2}, journal={Partial Answers}, publisher={Partial Answers 6(2)}, year={2008}, pages={225–512} }
2008 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 9215
@article{Mildorf_2008, title={Thought Presentation and Constructed Dialogue in Oral Storytelling: Limits and Possibilities of a Cross-Disciplinary Narratology}, volume={6}, number={2}, journal={Partial Answers}, author={Mildorf, Jarmila}, year={2008}, pages={279–300} }
2007 | Book Review | LibreCat-ID: 9840
@article{Mildorf_2007, title={Book review: Katharina Uhsadel (2005). Antonia Byatts Quartet in der Tradition des Englischen Bildungsromans. Heidelberg: Winter}, volume={18}, number={1}, journal={Anglistik}, author={Mildorf, Jarmila}, year={2007}, pages={193–194} }
2007 | Book | LibreCat-ID: 6684
@book{Mildorf_2007, place={Lincoln, NE}, series={Frontiers of Narrative}, title={Storying Domestic Violence: Constructions and Stereotypes of Abuse in the Discourse of General Practitioners}, publisher={University of Nebraska Press}, author={Mildorf, Jarmila}, year={2007}, collection={Frontiers of Narrative} }
2007 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 9245
@inbook{Mildorf_2007, place={Amsterdam}, title={Mad Intertextuality: “Jane Eyre”, “Wide Sargasso Sea”, “After Mrs Rochester”}, booktitle={A Breath of Fresh Eyre: Intertextual and Intermedial Reworkings of “Jane Eyre”}, publisher={Rodopi}, author={Mildorf, Jarmila}, editor={Rubik, Margarete and Mettinger-Schartmann, Elke}, year={2007}, pages={347–362} }
2006 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 9247
@inbook{Mildorf_2006, place={Münster}, title={Disenchanting the World, Enchanting the Reader: The Negotiation of Biochemistry in Sinclair Lewis’ “Arrowsmith”}, booktitle={Magic, Science, Technology, and Literature}, publisher={LIT Verlag}, author={Mildorf, Jarmila}, editor={Mildorf, Jarmila and Seeber, Hans Ulrich and Windisch, Martin}, year={2006}, pages={191–207} }
2006 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 9248
@inbook{Seeber_Mildorf_Windisch_2006, place={Münster}, title={Introduction}, booktitle={Magic, Science, Technology, and Literature}, publisher={LIT Verlag}, author={Seeber, Hans Ulrich and Mildorf, Jarmila and Windisch, Martin}, editor={Seeber, Hans Ulrich and Mildorf, Jarmila and Windisch, Martin}, year={2006}, pages={9–21} }
2006 | Book Review | LibreCat-ID: 9841
@article{Mildorf_2006, title={Book review: Alan Palmer (2004). Fictional Minds. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press}, volume={123}, number={4}, journal={Anglia}, author={Mildorf, Jarmila}, year={2006}, pages={775–779} }
2006 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 9246
@inbook{Mildorf_2006, place={Helsinki}, series={COLLeGIUM: Studies across Disciplines in the Humanities and Social Sciences}, title={Sociolinguistic Implications of Narratology: Focalization and ‘Double Deixis’ in Conversational Storytelling}, volume={1}, booktitle={The Travelling Concept of Narrative}, publisher={Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Studies}, author={Mildorf, Jarmila}, editor={Hyvärinen, Matti and Korhonen, Anu and Mykkänen, Juri}, year={2006}, pages={42–59}, collection={COLLeGIUM: Studies across Disciplines in the Humanities and Social Sciences} }
2005 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 9216
@article{Mildorf_2005, title={Words That Strike and Words That Comfort: Discursive Dynamics of Verbal Abuse in Roddy Doyle’s “The Woman Who Walked Into Doors”}, volume={14}, number={2}, journal={Journal of Gender Studies}, author={Mildorf, Jarmila}, year={2005}, pages={107–122} }
2004 | Book Review | LibreCat-ID: 9842
@article{Mildorf_2004, title={Book review: Vera and Ansgar Nünning (eds) (2002). Erzähltheorie transgenerisch, intermedial, interdisziplinär. Trier: WVT. / Ansgar and Vera Nünning (eds) (2002). Neue Ansätze in der Erzähltheorie. Trier: WVT}, volume={14}, number={1}, journal={Narrative Inquiry}, author={Mildorf, Jarmila}, year={2004}, pages={219–234} }
2004 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 9249
@inbook{Mildorf_2004, place={Amsterdam}, title={Narrativising the Body: Fragmentation and Unification in Jed Mercurio’s “Bodies”}, booktitle={Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Health, Illness and Disease}, publisher={Rodopi}, author={Mildorf, Jarmila}, editor={Twohig, Peter L. and Kalitzkus, Vera}, year={2004}, pages={97–112} }
2004 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 9250
@inbook{Mildorf_2004, place={Amsterdam}, title={Narratives of Domestic Violence Cases: GPs Defining their Professional Role}, booktitle={Making Sense of Health, Illness and Disease}, publisher={Rodopi}, author={Mildorf, Jarmila}, editor={Twohig, Peter L. and Kalitzkus, Vera}, year={2004}, pages={173–196} }
2002 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 9219
@article{McKie_Fennell_Mildorf_2002, title={Time to Disclose, Timing Disclosure: GPs’ Discourses on Disclosing Domestic Abuse in Primary Care}, volume={24}, number={3}, journal={Sociology of Health and Illness}, author={McKie, Linda and Fennell, Barbara and Mildorf, Jarmila}, year={2002}, pages={327–346} }
2002 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 9218
@article{Mildorf_2002, title={'Opening up a can of worms’: Physicians’ Narrative Construction of Knowledge about Domestic Violence}, volume={12}, number={2}, journal={Narrative Inquiry}, author={Mildorf, Jarmila}, year={2002}, pages={233–260} }
2002 | Dissertation | LibreCat-ID: 9650
@book{Mildorf_2002, place={Aberdeen}, title={General Practitioners’ Narrative Discourse on Domestic Violence: A Sociolinguistic Study}, publisher={University of Aberdeen}, author={Mildorf, Jarmila}, year={2002} }