3 Publications

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2023 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 45277
Aus Erklärvideos lernen
C. Kulgemeyer, F.G. Sterzing, M. Hörnlein, in: T. Wilhelm (Ed.), Digital Physik unterrichten. Grundlagen, Impulse, Perspektiven, Klett Kallmeyer, Hannover, 2023, pp. 230–244.
2022 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 35760
Exploring the effects of physics explainer videos and written explanations on declarative knowledge and the illusion of understanding
C. Kulgemeyer, M. Hörnlein, F.G. Sterzing, International Journal of Science Education 44 (2022) 1855–1875.
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3 Publications

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2023 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 45277
Aus Erklärvideos lernen
C. Kulgemeyer, F.G. Sterzing, M. Hörnlein, in: T. Wilhelm (Ed.), Digital Physik unterrichten. Grundlagen, Impulse, Perspektiven, Klett Kallmeyer, Hannover, 2023, pp. 230–244.
2022 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 35760
Exploring the effects of physics explainer videos and written explanations on declarative knowledge and the illusion of understanding
C. Kulgemeyer, M. Hörnlein, F.G. Sterzing, International Journal of Science Education 44 (2022) 1855–1875.
LibreCat | DOI


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