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1879 Publications

2021 | Research Data | LibreCat-ID: 27875
The younger generation’s views on how their education is preparing them for the digital age against the background of COVID-19
B. Eickelmann, M. Barbovschi, G. Casamassima, K. Drossel, G.B. Gudmundsdottir, H.B. Holmarsdottir, A. Kazani, L. Mifsud, D. Parsanoglou, S. Port, M. Sisask, M. Symeonaki, G. Teidla-Kunitsõn, The Younger Generation’s Views on How Their Education Is Preparing Them for the Digital Age against the Background of COVID-19, DigiGen - working paper series, 2021.

2021 | Research Data | LibreCat-ID: 27874
Digital diversity across Europe. Policy brief September 2021 of Working Package 2 'Mapping digital transformations across Europe' in Horizon-2020-Project DigiGen
S. Ayllón, G. Casamassima, K. Drossel, B. Eickelmann, C. Hyggen, S. Lado, S. Port, N. Broekstra, Digital Diversity across Europe. Policy Brief September 2021 of Working Package 2 “Mapping Digital Transformations across Europe” in Horizon-2020-Project DigiGen, DigiGen - working paper series, 2021.

2021 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 35713
Kooperativ Forschen(d) lernen im inklusiven Sachunterricht der Primarstufe – Ein Theorie-Praxis verzahnter Ansatz zur Vorbereitung von Sachunterrichtsstudierenden auf das Praxissemester
A. Kirsch, E. Blumberg, F. Hellmich, F.K. Hoya, in: C. Caruso, C. Harteis, A. Gröschner (Eds.), Theorie und Praxis in der Lehrerbildung. Verhältnisbestimmungen aus der Perspektive von Fachdidaktiken , Springer , Berlin, 2021, pp. 349–372.
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