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3745 Publications

2006 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 6380
@inproceedings{Schwens_Kabst_2006, title={Early versus Late Internationalizers: Meta-Analytic Results of the Determinants of Internationalization}, author={Schwens, C and Kabst, Rüdiger}, year={2006} }

2006 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 6381
@inproceedings{Schwens_Kabst_2006, title={How Early Internationalizers Learn: Experience from Others and Paradigms of Interpretation}, author={Schwens, C and Kabst, Rüdiger}, year={2006} }

2006 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 4864
@article{Ulaga_Eggert_2006, title={Value-based differentiation in business relationships: Gaining and sustaining key supplier status}, number={1}, journal={Journal of marketing}, author={Ulaga, Wolfgang and Eggert, Andreas}, year={2006}, pages={119--136} }

2006 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 4868
@article{Ulaga_Eggert_2006, title={Relationship value and relationship quality: Broadening the Nomological Network of Business-to-Business Relationships.}, volume={40}, DOI={10.1108/03090560610648075}, number={3/4}, journal={European Journal of Marketing}, publisher={Emerald}, author={Ulaga, Wolfgang and Eggert, Andreas}, year={2006}, pages={311–327} }
LibreCat | DOI

2006 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 4886
@article{Fahr_Sunde_2006, title={Spatial mobility and competition for jobs: Some theory and evidence for Western Germany}, number={6}, journal={Regional Science and Urban Economics}, author={Fahr, Ren{\’e} and Sunde, Uwe}, year={2006}, pages={803--825} }

2006 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 4887
@article{Fahr_Sunde_2006, title={Regional dependencies in job creation: an efficiency analysis for Western Germany}, number={10}, journal={Applied Economics}, author={Fahr, Rene and Sunde, Uwe}, year={2006}, pages={1193--1206} }

2006 | Working Paper | LibreCat-ID: 4921
@book{Fahr_2006, title={The wage effects of social norms: evidence of deviations from peers’ body-mass in Europe}, author={Fahr, Rene}, year={2006} }

2006 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 7432
@article{Eggert_Ulaga_Schultz_2006, title={Value Creation in the Relationship Lifecycle: A Quasi-Longitudinal Analysis}, volume={35}, number={1}, journal={Industrial Marketing Management}, author={Eggert, A and Ulaga, W and Schultz, F}, year={2006}, pages={20–27} }

2006 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 4159
@article{Guse_Hehenkamp_2006, title={The strategic advantage of interdependent preferences in rent-seeking contests}, volume={129}, DOI={10.1007/s11127-006-9033-0}, number={3–4}, journal={Public Choice}, publisher={Springer Nature}, author={Guse, T. and Hehenkamp, Burkhard}, year={2006}, pages={323–352} }
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2006 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 4163
@article{Hehenkamp_Kaarboe_2006, title={When Should the Talented Receive Weaker Incentives? Peer Pressure in Teams}, volume={62}, DOI={10.1628/001522106776667040}, number={1}, journal={FinanzArchiv: Public Finance Analysis}, publisher={Mohr Siebeck}, author={Hehenkamp, Burkhard and Kaarboe, Oddvar}, year={2006}, pages={124–148} }
LibreCat | DOI

2006 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 5218
@inbook{Haucap_Heimeshoff_Uhde_2006, place={Berlin}, title={Credible Threats as an Instrument of Regulation for Network Industries}, booktitle={REGULATORY CHANGES, INNOVATIONS AND INVESTMENT DYNAMICS IN THE DIGITAL WORLD ECONOMY}, author={Haucap, Justus and Heimeshoff, Ulrich and Uhde, André}, editor={Welfens, P.Editor}, year={2006}, pages={171–202} }

2006 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 5398
@article{Gilroy_Lukas_2006, title={On the Dynamics of Innovative Strategic Alliances in Korea}, volume={7}, number={1}, journal={The Journal of the Korean Economy}, publisher={Citeseer}, author={Gilroy, Bernard Michael and Lukas, Elmar}, year={2006}, pages={1–19} }

2006 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 5399
@article{Gilroy_Lukas_2006, title={The choice between greenfield investment and cross-border acquisition: A real option approach}, volume={46}, number={3}, journal={The Quarterly review of economics and finance}, publisher={Elsevier}, author={Gilroy, Bernard Michael and Lukas, Elmar}, year={2006}, pages={447–465} }

2006 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 5400
@article{Broll_Gilroy_Lukas_2006, title={Exportflexibilität und Wechselkursrisiko}, volume={35}, number={12}, journal={WiSt-Wirtschaftswissenschaftliches Studium}, publisher={Verlag Franz Vahlen GmbH}, author={Broll, Udo and Gilroy, Bernard Michael and Lukas, Elmar}, year={2006}, pages={681–683} }

2006 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 5580
@article{Kabst_Matiaske_Schmelter_2006, title={Financial Participation in British, French and German Organizations: An Institutionalist Perspective.}, volume={27}, number={4}, journal={Economic and Industrial Democracy.}, author={Kabst, Rüdiger and Matiaske, W and Schmelter, A}, year={2006}, pages={565–585} }

2006 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 5582
@article{Kabst_Steinbach_2006, title={Internationale Stellenbesetzungspolitik in Early Internationalizers: Jenseits inkrementeller Pfade?}, volume={20}, number={4}, journal={Zeitschrift für Personalforschung.}, author={Kabst, Rüdiger and Steinbach, S}, year={2006}, pages={298–317} }

2006 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 5583
@article{Kabst_2006, title={ Internationalisierung mittelständischer Unternehmen: Fünf Thesen und ein Ausblick.}, volume={37}, number={12}, journal={Korean Journal of Economics.}, author={Kabst, Rüdiger}, year={2006}, pages={1–15} }

2006 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 5584
@article{Giardini_Frese_2006, title={ Reducing the negative effects of emotion work in service occupations: Emotional competence as a psychological resource.}, volume={11}, journal={Journal of Occupational Health Psychology}, author={Giardini, A and Frese, M}, year={2006}, pages={63–75} }

2006 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 5659 | OA
@inproceedings{Schryen_2006, title={A formal approach towards assessing the effectiveness of anti-spam procedures}, booktitle={39th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences}, author={Schryen, Guido}, year={2006} }
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2006 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 12907
@inbook{Beutner_Schaumann_Twardy_2006, place={Frankfurt a. M. / Berlin / Bern / Bruxelles / New York / Oxford / Wien}, title={Neue Beruflichkeit und damit verbundene Anforderungen auf Basis des Kompetenzgedankens in der beruflichen Bildung}, booktitle={Berufs- und wirtschaftspädagogische Grundlagenforschung. Lehr-Lern-Prozesse und Kompetenzdiagnostik. Festschrift für Klaus Beck}, publisher={Peter Lang Verlag}, author={Beutner, Marc and Schaumann, U and Twardy, M}, editor={Minnameier, G and Wuttke, EEditors}, year={2006}, pages={289–303} }

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