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1175 Publications

2016 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 193
@article{von Rechenberg_Gutt_Kundisch_2016, title={Goals as Reference Points: Empirical Evidence from a Virtual Reward System}, DOI={10.1287/deca.2016.0331}, number={2}, journal={Decision Analysis}, publisher={INFORMS}, author={von Rechenberg, Tobias and Gutt, Dominik and Kundisch, Dennis}, year={2016}, pages={153--171} }
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2016 | Conference Abstract | LibreCat-ID: 205
@inproceedings{Herrmann_Gutt_Rahman_2016, title={Crowd-Driven Competitive Intelligence: Understanding the Relationship between Local Market Structure and Online Rating Distributions}, booktitle={INFORMS Annual Meeting}, author={Herrmann, Philipp and Gutt, Dominik and Rahman, Mohammad}, year={2016} }
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2016 | Conference Abstract | LibreCat-ID: 206
@inproceedings{Herrmann_Gutt_Rahman_2016, title={Crowd-Driven Competitive Intelligence: Understanding the Relationship between Local Market Structure and Online Rating Distributions}, booktitle={NBER Summer Institute on the Economics of Information Technology and Digitization}, author={Herrmann, Philipp and Gutt, Dominik and Rahman, Mohammad}, year={2016} }
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2016 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 180
@inproceedings{Gutt_Kundisch_2016, title={Money Talks (Even) in the Sharing Economy: Empirical Evidence for Price Effects in Online Ratings as Quality Signals}, booktitle={Proceedings of the 37th International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Dublin, Ireland}, author={Gutt, Dominik and Kundisch, Dennis}, year={2016} }
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2016 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 5676 | OA
@article{Rauchecker_Schryen_2016, title={Projekt KUBAS: Koordination ungebundener Vor-Ort-Helfer}, volume={23}, journal={Im Einsatz}, publisher={Stumpf & Kossendey}, author={Rauchecker, Gerhard and Schryen, Guido}, year={2016}, pages={44–46} }
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2016 | Conference Abstract | LibreCat-ID: 4374
@inproceedings{Zimmermann_Herrmann_Kundisch_Nault_2016, title={How do different Sources of the Variance of Online Consumer Ratings matter?}, booktitle={Workshop on IS Design and Economic Behavior (ISDEB)}, author={Zimmermann, Steffen and Herrmann, Philipp and Kundisch, Dennis and Nault, Barrie}, year={2016} }
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2016 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 5595 | OA
@inproceedings{Wagner_Prester_Roche_Benlian_Schryen_2016, title={Factors Affecting the Scientific Impact of Literature Reviews: A Scientometric Study}, booktitle={International Conference on Information Systems}, author={Wagner, Gerit and Prester, Julian and Roche, Maria and Benlian, Alexander and Schryen, Guido}, year={2016} }
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2016 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 5617 | OA
@article{Schryen_Wagner_Schlegel_2016, title={Development of two novel face-recognition CAPTCHAs: a security and usability study}, volume={60}, number={July}, journal={Computers & Security}, publisher={Elsevier}, author={Schryen, Guido and Wagner, Gerit and Schlegel, Alexander}, year={2016}, pages={95–116} }
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2016 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 148
@inproceedings{John_2016, title={Supporting Business Model Idea Generation Through Machine-generated Ideas: A Design Theory}, booktitle={Proceedings of the 37th International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Dublin, Ireland}, author={John, Thomas}, year={2016} }
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2016 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 13268
@inbook{Trier_Hillmann_2016, place={Cham}, title={Does Sentiment Among Users in Online Social Networks Polarize or Balance Out? A Sociological Perspective Using Social Network Analysis}, DOI={10.1007/978-3-319-43639-5_12}, booktitle={Understanding Complex Systems}, author={Trier, Matthias and Hillmann, Robert}, year={2016} }
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2016 | Dissertation | LibreCat-ID: 10292
@book{John_2016, place={Universität Paderborn}, title={Business Model Modeling Languages as Tools for Innovation:  Theory and Empirical Evidence}, DOI={10.17619/UNIPB/1-259 }, author={John, Thomas}, year={2016} }
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2016 | Conference Abstract | LibreCat-ID: 135
@inproceedings{Strotmeyer_John_Kundisch_2016, title={Vergleichende Betrachtung von Software-Werkzeugen zur Geschäftsmodellentwicklung}, booktitle={Multikonferenz Wirtschaftsinformatik (MKWI)}, author={Strotmeyer, Sebastian and John, Thomas and Kundisch, Dennis}, year={2016} }
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2016 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 17103
@inproceedings{Fay_Müller_vom Brocke_2016, title={Disentangling the Relationship Between the Adoption of In-Memory Computing and Firm Performance}, booktitle={European Conference on Information Systems}, author={Fay, Maria and Müller, Oliver and vom Brocke, Jan}, year={2016} }
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2016 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 17102
@inproceedings{Schmiedel_Müller_Debortoli_vom Brocke_2016, title={Identifying and quantifying cultural factors that matter to the IT workforce: An approach based on automated content analysis}, booktitle={European Conference on Information Systems}, author={Schmiedel, Theresa and Müller, Oliver and Debortoli, Stefan and vom Brocke, Jan}, year={2016} }
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2016 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 54177
@article{Roy_Tavana_Banerjee_Caprio_2016, title={A secured context-aware tourism recommender system using artificial bee colony and simulated annealing}, volume={8}, DOI={10.1504/ijams.2016.077014}, number={293}, journal={International Journal of Applied Management Science}, publisher={Inderscience Publishers}, author={Roy, Arup and Tavana, Madjid and Banerjee, Soumya and Caprio, Debora Di}, year={2016} }
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2016 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 54174
@article{Aghayi_Tavana_Raayatpanah_2016, title={Robust efficiency measurement with common set of weights under varying degrees of conservatism and data uncertainty}, volume={10}, DOI={10.1504/ejie.2016.076386}, number={3385}, journal={European J. of Industrial Engineering}, publisher={Inderscience Publishers}, author={Aghayi, Nazila and Tavana, Madjid and Raayatpanah, Mohammad Ali}, year={2016} }
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2016 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 54176
@article{Khodabakhshi_Tavana_Abootaleb_2016, title={Optimistic and pessimistic performance and congestion analysis in fuzzy data envelopment analysis}, volume={24}, DOI={10.1504/ijlsm.2016.075660}, number={11}, journal={International Journal of Logistics Systems and Management}, publisher={Inderscience Publishers}, author={Khodabakhshi, Mohamad and Tavana, Madjid and Abootaleb, Fatemeh Baghbani}, year={2016} }
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2016 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 54173
@article{Bagloee_Tavana_Asadi_Oliver_2016, title={Autonomous vehicles: challenges, opportunities, and future implications for transportation policies}, volume={24}, DOI={10.1007/s40534-016-0117-3}, number={4}, journal={Journal of Modern Transportation}, publisher={Springer Science and Business Media LLC}, author={Bagloee, Saeed Asadi and Tavana, Madjid and Asadi, Mohsen and Oliver, Tracey}, year={2016}, pages={284–303} }
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2016 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 54172
@article{Mousavi_Sadeghi_Niaki_Tavana_2016, title={A bi-objective inventory optimization model under inflation and discount using tuned Pareto-based algorithms: NSGA-II, NRGA, and MOPSO}, volume={43}, DOI={10.1016/j.asoc.2016.02.014}, journal={Applied Soft Computing}, publisher={Elsevier BV}, author={Mousavi, Seyed Mohsen and Sadeghi, Javad and Niaki, Seyed Taghi Akhavan and Tavana, Madjid}, year={2016}, pages={57–72} }
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2016 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 54169
@article{Shahverdi_Tavana_Ebrahimnejad_Zahedi_Omranpour_2016, title={An Improved Method for Edge Detection and Image Segmentation Using Fuzzy Cellular Automata}, volume={47}, DOI={10.1080/01969722.2016.1140466}, number={3}, journal={Cybernetics and Systems}, publisher={Informa UK Limited}, author={Shahverdi, Reza and Tavana, Madjid and Ebrahimnejad, Ali and Zahedi, Khadijeh and Omranpour, Hesam}, year={2016}, pages={161–179} }
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