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2003 Publications

2014 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 35684
Gramzow, Yvonne, Josef Riese, and Peter Reinhold. “ Prospective Physics Teachers’ Pedagogical Content Knowledge. Validating a Test Instrument by Using a Think Aloud Study.” In E-Book Proceedings of the ESERA 2013 Conference: Science Education Research For Evidence-Based Teaching and Coherence in Learning. Part 13, edited by Costas P. Constantinou, Nikos Papadouris, Angela Hadjigeorgiou, and European Science Education Research Association, 20–27. Nicosia, Cyprus, 2014.

2014 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 36894
Gramzow, Yvonne, Josef Riese, and Peter Reinhold. “DaWis: Teilprojekt Fachdidaktisches Wissen.” In Naturwissenschaftliche Bildung zwischen Science- und Fachunterricht, edited by Sascha Bernholt, 111–13. Kiel: IPN, 2014.

2014 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 45503
Woitkowski, David, Josef Riese, and Peter Reinhold. “Prospective Physicists’ and Physics Teachers’ Content Knowledge – First Results of a Germany-Wide Study.” In E-Book Proceedings of the ESERA 2013 Conference: Science Education Research For Evidencebased Teaching and Coherence in Learning. Part 13: Pre-Service Science Teacher Education, edited by Costas P Constantinou, Nicos Papadouris, and Angela Hadjigeorgiou, 28–37, 2014.

2014 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 45502
Krumphals, Ilse, Josef Riese, and Martin Hopf. “Physics Teacher Students‘ Professional Knowledge in Austria – a Comparative Study of Two Teacher Training Programs.” In E-Book Proceedings of the ESERA 2013 Conference: Science Education Research For Evidence- Based Teaching and Coherence in Learning. Part 13: Pre-Service Science Teacher Education, edited by Costas P Constantinou, Nicos Papadouris, and Angela Hadjigeorgiou, 196–204, 2014.

2014 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 45504
Woitkowski, David, Josef Riese, and Peter Reinhold. “Fachwissen Physik - Erste Ergebnisse einer deutschlandweiten Erhebung.” In Naturwissenschaftliche Bildung zwischen Science- und Fachunterricht. Gesellschaft für Didaktik der Chemie und Physik. Jahrestagung in München 2013, edited by Sascha Bernholt, 147–49, 2014.

2014 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 45686
Bruns, Julia, C. Walter-Laager, M. Pfiffner, and J. Schwarz. “Beobachten und Dokumentieren. Basis zur chancengerechten Gestaltung des pädagogischen Alltags.” In Vorsprung für alle! Erhöhung der Chancengerechtigkeit durch Projekte der Frühpädagogik, edited by C. Walter-Laager, M. Pfiffner, and K. Fasseing-Heim, 132–168. Bern: hep Verlag, 2014.

2014 | Book | LibreCat-ID: 36474
Bruns, Julia. Adaptive Förderung in der elementarpädagogischen Praxis. Eine empirische Studie zum di-daktischen Handeln von Erzieherinnen und Erziehern im Bereich Mathematik. Vol. 21. Empirische Studien zur Didaktik der Mathematik. Münster: Waxmann, 2014.

2014 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 45767
Calcavecchia, Francesco, Francesco Pederiva, Malvin H. Kalos, and Thomas D. Kühne. “Sign Problem of the Fermionic Shadow Wave Function.” Phys. Rev. E 90 (2014).

2014 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 45768
Richters, Dorothee . “Self-Consistent Field Theory Based Molecular Dynamics with Linear System-Size Scaling.” J. Chem. Phys. 140 (2014).

2014 | Book (Editor) | LibreCat-ID: 45801
Mahs, Claudia, and Rendtorff, Barbara; Riegraf, Birgit, eds. 40 Jahre Feministische Debatten. . Beltz Verlag, 2014.

2014 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 36533 | OA
Bruns, Julia, and Lars Eichen. “Adaptive Mathematische Förderung Im Elementarbereich - Empirische Ergebnisse Zum Didaktischen Handeln von Erzieherinnen.” In Beiträge Zum Mathematikunterricht 2014, edited by Jürgen Roth and Judith Ames, 277–80. Münster: WTM-Verlag, 2014.
LibreCat | Files available | DOI

2014 | Book (Editor) | LibreCat-ID: 30079
Ficara, Elena, ed. Contradictions. Logic, History, Actuality. Berlin / New York : De Gruyter , 2014.
LibreCat | DOI

2014 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 46266
Alizadeh, Bijan, Payman Behnam, and Somayeh Sadeghi-Kohan. “A Scalable Formal Debugging Approach with Auto-Correction Capability Based on Static Slicing and Dynamic Ranking for RTL Datapath Designs.” IEEE Transactions on Computers, 2014, 1–1.
LibreCat | DOI

2014 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 46268
Mohammadi, Marzieh, Somayeh Sadeghi-Kohan, Nasser Masoumi, and Zainalabedin Navabi. “An Off-Line MDSI Interconnect BIST Incorporated in BS 1149.1.” In 2014 19th IEEE European Test Symposium (ETS). IEEE, 2014.
LibreCat | DOI

2014 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 46267
Sadeghi-Kohan, Somayeh, Payman Behnam, Bijan Alizadeh, Masahiro Fujita, and Zainalabedin Navabi. “Improving Polynomial Datapath Debugging with HEDs.” In 2014 19th IEEE European Test Symposium (ETS). IEEE, 2014.
LibreCat | DOI

2014 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 24114
Hoyer, Kay-Peter, Gian Luigi Angrisani, Christian Klose, Friedrich-Wilhelm Bach, and Thomas Hassel. “Influence of Aluminium on the Corrosion Behaviour of Binary Magnesium-Aluminium Alloys in Saline Solutions.” Materials and Corrosion, 2014, 23–30.
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2014 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 29023
Pokharel, Suresh, Mohamed Sherif, and Jens Lehmann. “Ontology Based Data Access and Integration for Improving the Effectiveness of Farming in Nepal.” In Proc. of the International Conference on Web Intelligence, 2014.

2014 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 29028
Sherif, Mohamed, Sandro Coelho, Ricardo Usbeck, Sebastian Hellmann, Jens Lehmann, Martin Brümmer, and Andreas Both. “NIF4OGGD - NLP Interchange Format for Open German Governmental Data.” In The 9th Edition of the Language Resources and Evaluation Conference, 26-31 May, Reykjavik, Iceland, 2014.

2014 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 29022
Ngonga Ngomo, Axel-Cyrille, Mohamed Sherif, and Klaus Lyko. “Unsupervised Link Discovery Through Knowledge Base Repair.” In Extended Semantic Web Conference (ESWC 2014), 2014.

2014 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 29034
Sherif, Mohamed, and Axel-Cyrille Ngonga Ngomo. “Semantic Quran: A Multilingual Resource for Natural-Language Processing.” Semantic Web Journal XXX (2014): 1–5.

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