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39941 Publications

2023 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 48517
Hubner-Benz, S., & Baum, M. (2023). What predicts effectuation preferences Disentangling individual and environmental factors and illuminating decision criteria. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Venturing, 15(1), Article 91.
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2023 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 48512
Deng, W., Hubner-Benz, S., Frese, M., & Song, Z. (2023). Different ways lead to ambidexterity: Configurations for team innovation across China, India, and Singapore. Journal of International Management, 29(3), Article 101027.
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2023 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 48539
Schroeter-Wittke, H., & Breckner, A. (2023). Ambivalenzkompetenz? Rückblick auf die Tagung “Katastrophen”. Religiöse Bildung angesichts von Kriegs- und Krisenerfahrungen im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert am Vortag des russischen Angriffs auf die Ukraine. In R. Janus, N. Kamcili-Yildiz, M. Rose, & H. Schroeter-Wittke (Eds.), Katastrophen. Religiöse Bildung angesichts von Kriegs- und Krisenerfahrungen im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert (pp. 345–363).

2023 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 48532
Philipo, G. H., Kakande, J. N., & Krauter, S. (2023). Combined Economic and Emission Dispatch of a Microgrid Considering Multiple Generators. Proceedings of the 2023 IEEE PES/IAS PowerAfrica Conference. 2023 IEEE PES/IAS PowerAfrica Conference, Marrakech, Morocco.

2023 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 48533
Kakande, J. N., Philipo, G. H., & Krauter, S. (2023). Demand side management potential of refrigeration appliances. Proceedings of the 2023 IEEE PES/IAS PowerAfrica Conference. 2023 IEEE PES/IAS PowerAfrica Conference, Marrakech, Morocco.

2023 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 48531
Philipo, G. H., Kakande, J. N., & Krauter, S. (2023). Demand-Side-Management for Optimal dispatch of an Isolated Solar Microgrid. Proceedings of the 2023 IEEE AFRICON,  Nairobi, Kenya. IEEE AFRICON, Nairobi, Kenya.

2023 | Book (Editor) | LibreCat-ID: 48538
Janus, R., Kamcili-Yildiz, N., Rose, M., & Schroeter-Wittke, H. (Eds.). (2023). Katastrophen. Religiöse Bildung angesichts von Kriegs- und Krisenerfahrungen im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert (Vol. 26).

2023 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 48537
Schroeter-Wittke, H. (2023). Igor Levit - No Fear! Ein Film von Regina Schilling. Magazin für Theologie und Ästhetik (, 145, 65–74.
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2023 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 48570
Lenz, C., Henke, C., & Trächtler, A. (2023). A Methodical Approach to Hybrid Modelling for Contextual Anomaly Detection on Time-Series Data. 2023 IEEE 21st International Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN).
LibreCat | DOI

2023 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 48572
Bathelt, L., Djakow, E., Henke, C., & Trächtler, A. (2023). Innovative self-learning disturbance compensation for straightening processes. Materials Research Proceedings.
LibreCat | DOI

2023 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 48001
Bathelt, L., Djakow, E., Dahms, F., Henke, C., Trächtler, A., & Homberg, W. (2023). Neuartiger Ansatz zum Richten von zwei- und dreidimensionalen Fehlern an einem Federdraht. Ilmenauer Federntag 2023: Neueste Erkenntnisse Zu Funktion, Berechnung, Prüfung Und Gestaltung von Federn Und Werkstoffen. Ilmenauer Federntag 2023, Ilmenau.

2023 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 48571
Koppert, S., Bause, M., Henke, C., & Trächtler, A. (2023). Learning the Automated Setup of Profile Wrapping Lines for New Products from Few Past Setups. 2023 IEEE 21st International Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN).
LibreCat | DOI

2023 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 48584
Uhe, B., Kuball, C.-M., Merklein, M., & Meschut, G. (2023). Increased Sustainability in Fastener Production with the Example of Self-Piercing Rivets. Journal of Manufacturing and Materials Processing, 7(6), Article 193.
LibreCat | DOI

2023 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 48588
Prüßner, T., Meinderink, D., Zhu, S., Orive, A. G., Kielar, C., Huck, M., Steinrück, H.-G., Keller, A., & Grundmeier, G. (2023). Molecular Adhesion of a Pilus‐derived Peptide Involved in Pseudomonas aeruginosa Biofilm Formation on non‐polar ZnO Surfaces. Chemistry – A European Journal.
LibreCat | DOI

2023 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 48349
Stefszky, M., vom Bruch, F., Santandrea, M., Ricken, R., Quiring, V., Eigner, C., Herrmann, H., & Silberhorn, C. (2023). Lithium niobate waveguide squeezer with integrated cavity length stabilisation for network applications. Optics Express, 31(21), Article 34903.
LibreCat | DOI

2023 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 48586
Lückenkötter, J., Aydin, S., Marten, T., & Tröster, T. (2023). Analysis and Optimization of Joint Formation in Hybrid Compression Molding. 23nd International Conference on Composite Materials (ICCM23 2023), Belfast.

2023 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 48602
Rybska, E., Dudziak, R., & Pollmeier, P. (2023). Evidence-based practices in teaching. Problemy Wczesnej Edukacji, 56(1), 89–108.
LibreCat | DOI

2023 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 48598
Kottmann, B., Lütje-Klose, B., & Neumann, P. (2023). Wer übernimmt Verantwortung für Inklusion? Zeitschrift für Heilpädagogik, 74(11), 554–556.

2023 | Patent | LibreCat-ID: 48631 | OA
Iftekhar, M., & Scheytt, J. C. (2023). ENHANCED PLL CIRCUIT.
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2023 | Misc | LibreCat-ID: 48638
Kruse, S. (2023). Photonic Quantum Enhanced Radar Systems.


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