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2076 Publications
2016 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 25
@inproceedings{Lass_Kühne_Plessl_2016, title={Using Approximate Computing in Scientific Codes}, booktitle={Workshop on Approximate Computing (AC)}, author={Lass, Michael and Kühne, Thomas and Plessl, Christian}, year={2016} }
2016 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 138
@inproceedings{Riebler_Vaz_Plessl_Trainiti_Durelli_Del Sozzo_Santambrogio_Bolchini_2016, title={Using Just-in-Time Code Generation for Transparent Resource Management in Heterogeneous Systems}, DOI={10.1109/RTSI.2016.7740545}, booktitle={Proceedings of International Forum on Research and Technologies for Society and Industry (RTSI)}, publisher={IEEE}, author={Riebler, Heinrich and Vaz, Gavin Francis and Plessl, Christian and Trainiti, Ettore M. G. and Durelli, Gianluca C. and Del Sozzo, Emanuele and Santambrogio, Marco D. and Bolchini, Christina}, year={2016}, pages={1–5} }
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2016 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 156
@inbook{Agne_Happe_Lösch_Plessl_Platzner_2016, place={Cham}, series={Natural Computing Series (NCS)}, title={Self-aware Compute Nodes}, DOI={10.1007/978-3-319-39675-0_8}, booktitle={Self-aware Computing Systems}, publisher={Springer International Publishing}, author={Agne, Andreas and Happe, Markus and Lösch, Achim and Plessl, Christian and Platzner, Marco}, year={2016}, pages={145–165}, collection={Natural Computing Series (NCS)} }
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2016 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 165
@article{Vaz_Riebler_Kenter_Plessl_2016, title={Potential and Methods for Embedding Dynamic Offloading Decisions into Application Code}, volume={55}, DOI={10.1016/j.compeleceng.2016.04.021}, journal={Computers and Electrical Engineering}, publisher={Elsevier}, author={Vaz, Gavin Francis and Riebler, Heinrich and Kenter, Tobias and Plessl, Christian}, year={2016}, pages={91–111} }
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2016 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 168
@inproceedings{Lösch_Beisel_Kenter_Plessl_Platzner_2016, title={Performance-centric scheduling with task migration for a heterogeneous compute node in the data center}, booktitle={Proceedings of the 2016 Design, Automation & Test in Europe Conference & Exhibition (DATE)}, publisher={EDA Consortium / IEEE}, author={Lösch, Achim and Beisel, Tobias and Kenter, Tobias and Plessl, Christian and Platzner, Marco}, year={2016}, pages={912–917} }
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2016 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 171
@inproceedings{Kenter_Vaz_Riebler_Plessl_2016, title={Opportunities for deferring application partitioning and accelerator synthesis to runtime (extended abstract)}, booktitle={Workshop on Reconfigurable Computing (WRC)}, author={Kenter, Tobias and Vaz, Gavin Francis and Riebler, Heinrich and Plessl, Christian}, year={2016} }
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2016 | Newspaper Article | LibreCat-ID: 56413 |

@article{Kokew_2016, title={Sunniten und Schiiten: Das sind die Unterschiede}, journal={Bayernkurier}, author={Kokew, Stephan Matthias}, year={2016} }
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2016 | Newspaper Article | LibreCat-ID: 56399
@article{Sandoval_2016, title={Do Not Feed the Monster!}, volume={14}, journal={Stir to Action }, author={Sandoval, Marisol}, year={2016} }
2016 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 56371
@article{Sandoval_2016, title={Fighting Precarity with Co-Operation? Worker Co-Operatives in the Cultural Sector.}, volume={88}, DOI={10.3898/newf.88.04.2016}, number={88}, journal={New Formations}, publisher={Lawrence and Wishart}, author={Sandoval, Marisol}, year={2016}, pages={51–68} }
2016 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 56379
@inbook{Sandoval_2016, place={London}, title={The Hands and Brains of Digital Culture: Arguments for an Inclusive Approach to Cultural Labour}, DOI={10.1057/9781137478573_3}, booktitle={Reconsidering Value and Labour in the Digital Age}, publisher={Palgrave Macmillan UK}, author={Sandoval, Marisol}, year={2016} }
2016 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 56370
@article{Sandoval_2016, title={What would Rosa do? Co-operatives and radical politics}, volume={63}, DOI={10.3898/136266216819377039}, number={63}, journal={Soundings}, publisher={Lawrence and Wishart}, author={Sandoval, Marisol}, year={2016}, pages={98–111} }
2016 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 56388
@inbook{Sandoval_2016, place={London}, title={The Hands and Brains of Digital Culture: Arguments for an Inclusive Approach to Cultural Labour}, DOI={10.1057/9781137478573_3}, booktitle={Reconsidering Value and Labour in the Digital Age}, publisher={Palgrave Macmillan UK}, author={Sandoval, Marisol}, year={2016} }
2016 | Encyclopedia Article | LibreCat-ID: 56406
@inbook{Kokew_2016, place={München}, series={50. Ergänzungslieferung}, title={Toleranz im Islam}, DOI={10.5771/9783866175068-iv-1.5.1}, booktitle={Handbuch der Religionen/Handbook of Religions}, author={Kokew, Stephan Matthias}, editor={Klöcker, Michael and Tworuschka, Udo}, year={2016}, pages={1–15}, collection={50. Ergänzungslieferung} }
2016 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 56806
@inbook{Prietzel_2016, place={Bamberg}, series={Bamberger Interdisziplinäre Mittelalterstudien}, title={Der Schlachtentod mittelalterlicher Könige in den Darstellungen von Zeitgenossen}, volume={5}, booktitle={Der König als Krieger. Zum Verhältnis von Königtum und Krieg im Mittelalter }, author={Prietzel, Malte}, editor={Clauss, Martin and Stieldorf, Andrea and Weller, Tobias}, year={2016}, pages={117–135}, collection={Bamberger Interdisziplinäre Mittelalterstudien} }
2016 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 56807
@inbook{Prietzel_2016, place={Bochum}, series={Bouvines und die Kriegspropaganda im 12. und 13. Jahrhundert, in: Bouvines 1214-2014. Histoire et mémoire d’une bataille / Bouvines, eine Schlacht zwischen Geschichte und Erinnerung. Approches et comparaisons franco-allemandes / Deutsch-französische Ansätze und Vergleiche, hg. von Pierre Monnet in Zusammenarbeit m}, title={Bouvines und die Kriegspropaganda im 12. und 13. Jahrhundert}, booktitle={Bouvines 1214-2014. Histoire et mémoire d’une bataille / Bouvines, eine Schlacht zwischen Geschichte und Erinnerung. Approches et comparaisons franco-allemandes / Deutsch-französische Ansätze und Vergleiche}, author={Prietzel, Malte}, editor={Monnet, Pierre and Große, Rolf and Kintzinger, Martin and Zey, Claudia}, year={2016}, pages={117–130}, collection={Bouvines und die Kriegspropaganda im 12. und 13. Jahrhundert, in: Bouvines 1214-2014. Histoire et mémoire d’une bataille / Bouvines, eine Schlacht zwischen Geschichte und Erinnerung. Approches et comparaisons franco-allemandes / Deutsch-französische Ansätze und Vergleiche, hg. von Pierre Monnet in Zusammenarbeit m} }
2016 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 56893
@article{Biehler_Hochmuth_2016, title={Oberwolfach Papers on Mathematics in Undergraduate Study Programs: Challenges for Research}, volume={3}, DOI={10.1007/s40753-016-0049-7}, number={1}, journal={International Journal of Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education}, publisher={Springer Science and Business Media LLC}, author={Biehler, Rolf and Hochmuth, Reinhard}, year={2016}, pages={1–7} }
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2016 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 45747
@inproceedings{Witte_Steinhoff_Eggert_2016, title={The Power of Gift Purchases in Strengthening Customer-Company Relationships}, booktitle={Proceedings of the 45th European Marketing Academy (EMAC) Conference, Oslo}, author={Witte, Carina and Steinhoff, Lena and Eggert, Andreas}, year={2016} }
2016 | Dissertation | LibreCat-ID: 23047
@book{Löffler_2016, title={Entwicklung einer modellbasierten In-the-Loop-Testumgebung für Waschautomaten.}, publisher={Heinz Nixdorf Institut}, author={Löffler, Alexander}, year={2016} }
2016 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 56973
@article{Biehler_Blum_2016, title={Didaktisch orientierte Rekonstruktion von Mathematik als Basis von Schulmathematik und Lehrerbildung – Editorial}, volume={37}, DOI={10.1007/s13138-016-0101-9}, number={1}, journal={Journal für Mathematik-Didaktik}, publisher={Springer Science and Business Media LLC}, author={Biehler, Rolf and Blum, Werner}, year={2016}, pages={1–4} }
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2016 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 56977
@article{Biehler_Kempen_2016, title={Didaktisch orientierte Beweiskonzepte – Eine Analyse zur mathematikdidaktischen Ideenentwicklung}, volume={37}, DOI={10.1007/s13138-016-0097-1}, number={1}, journal={Journal für Mathematik-Didaktik}, publisher={Springer Science and Business Media LLC}, author={Biehler, Rolf and Kempen, Leander}, year={2016}, pages={141–179} }
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