84 Publications

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2024 | Research Data | LibreCat-ID: 12950
@book{Claes_Webersen_2024, title={pyfds 0.3.1 - modular field simulation tool}, DOI={10.5281/ZENODO.2649826}, publisher={GitHub, Inc.}, author={Claes, Leander and Webersen, Manuel}, year={2024} }
LibreCat | Files available | DOI
2024 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 53822 | OA
@inproceedings{Friesen_Pasha_Schwengelbeck_Claes_Baumhögger_Henning_2024, title={Untersuchung piezoelektrischer Materialeigenschaften unter hydrostatischer Last}, booktitle={Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2024}, author={Friesen, Olga and Pasha, Muhammad Ahsan and Schwengelbeck, Max and Claes, Leander and Baumhögger, Elmar and Henning, Bernd}, year={2024}, pages={1117–1120} }
LibreCat | Files available
2024 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 53824 | OA
@inproceedings{Koch_Claes_Jurgelucks_Meihost_Henning_2024, title={Inverses Verfahren zur Identifikation piezoelektrischer Materialparameter unterstützt durch neuronale Netze}, booktitle={Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2024}, author={Koch, Kevin and Claes, Leander and Jurgelucks, Benjamin and Meihost, Lars and Henning, Bernd}, editor={Gesellschaft für Akustik e.V., Deutsche }, year={2024}, pages={1113–1116} }
LibreCat | Files available
2024 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 53823 | OA
@inproceedings{Claes_2024, title={Einfluss der periodischen Struktur auf geführte Wellen in gewebeverstärkten Polymeren}, booktitle={Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2024}, author={Claes, Leander}, editor={Gesellschaft für Akustik e.V., Deutsche}, year={2024}, pages={620–623} }
LibreCat | Files available
2024 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 53828
@inproceedings{Zeipert_Hölscher_Claes_Henning_2024, title={Beschreibung des akustischen Verhaltens verklebter plattenförmiger Strukturen mittels Kopplungsmodellen}, booktitle={Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2024}, author={Zeipert, Henning and Hölscher, Jonas and Claes, Leander and Henning, Bernd}, editor={Gesellschaft für Akustik e.V., Deutsche}, year={2024}, pages={640–643} }
2024 | Research Data | LibreCat-ID: 53662
@book{Koch_Claes_2024, title={Randomised material parameter piezoelectric impedance dataset with structured electrodes}, DOI={10.5281/ZENODO.11064206}, publisher={zenodo}, author={Koch, Kevin and Claes, Leander}, year={2024} }
LibreCat | DOI
2024 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 54786 | OA
@inproceedings{Claes_Hetkämper_Zeipert_Henning_2024, title={Auswertung der modalen Dämpfung von geführten akustischen Wellen in faserverstärkten Kunststoffplatten}, DOI={10.5162/sensoren2024/D1.2}, booktitle={22. GMA/ITG-Fachtagung – Sensoren und Messsysteme 2024}, publisher={VDE Verlag GmbH}, author={Claes, Leander and Hetkämper, Tim and Zeipert, Henning and Henning, Bernd}, year={2024}, pages={300–305} }
LibreCat | Files available | DOI
2024 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 54788 | OA
@inproceedings{Hetkämper_Nellius_Claes_Henning_2024, title={Visualisierung tomografischer Daten aus Schlierenabbildungen mittels 3D Gaussian Splatting}, DOI={10.5162/sensoren2024/D4.2}, booktitle={22. GMA/ITG-Fachtagung – Sensoren und Messsysteme 2024}, publisher={VDE Verlag GmbH}, author={Hetkämper, Tim and Nellius, Tom and Claes, Leander and Henning, Bernd}, year={2024}, pages={362–367} }
LibreCat | Files available | DOI
2024 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 54962 | OA
@article{Hetkämper_Claes_Henning_2024, title={Das Unhörbare sehen - Ultraschall mittels Schlierentechnik visualisieren}, volume={2}, journal={Akustik Journal}, publisher={Deutsche Gesellschaft für Akustik e.V. (DEGA)}, author={Hetkämper, Tim and Claes, Leander and Henning, Bernd}, year={2024}, pages={18–25} }
LibreCat | Download (ext.)
2024 | Misc | LibreCat-ID: 55416
@book{Claes_Koch_Friesen_Meihost_2024, place={International Workshop on Piezoelectric Materials and Applications (IWPMA)}, title={Machine learning in inverse measurement problems: An application to piezoelectric material characterisation}, author={Claes, Leander and Koch, Kevin and Friesen, Olga and Meihost, Lars}, year={2024} }
2024 | Research Data | LibreCat-ID: 55470
@book{Koch_Friesen_Claes_2024, title={Randomised material parameter impedance dataset of piezoelectric rings}, DOI={10.5281/zenodo.13143680}, publisher={Zenodo}, author={Koch, Kevin and Friesen, Olga and Claes, Leander}, year={2024} }
LibreCat | DOI
2024 | Misc | LibreCat-ID: 55302 | OA
@book{Claes_Wippermann_2024, place={Guided Ultrasonic Waves: Emerging Methods (GUWEM) Workshop, Überherrn}, title={Analysis of guided acoustic waves in periodically structured plates}, author={Claes, Leander and Wippermann, Mareen}, year={2024} }
LibreCat | Download (ext.)
2024 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 56834 | OA
@inproceedings{Friesen_Claes_Scheidemann_Feldmann_Hemsel_Henning_2024, title={Estimation of temperature-dependent piezoelectric material parameters using ring-shaped specimens}, volume={2822}, DOI={10.1088/1742-6596/2822/1/012125}, booktitle={2023 International Congress on Ultrasonics, Beijing, China}, publisher={IOP Publishing}, author={Friesen, Olga and Claes, Leander and Scheidemann, Claus and Feldmann, Nadine and Hemsel, Tobias and Henning, Bernd}, year={2024}, pages={012125} }
LibreCat | DOI | Download (ext.)
2024 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 56836 | OA
@inproceedings{Claes_Johannesmann_Zeipert_Henning_2024, title={Broadband acoustic waves in plate-like structures for acoustic material characterisation}, volume={2822}, DOI={10.1088/1742-6596/2822/1/012171}, booktitle={2023 International Congress on Ultrasonics, Beijing, China}, publisher={IOP Publishing}, author={Claes, Leander and Johannesmann, Sarah and Zeipert, Henning and Henning, Bernd}, year={2024}, pages={012171} }
LibreCat | DOI | Download (ext.)
2024 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 54314
@article{Koch_Claes_Jurgelucks_Meihost_2024, title={Neuronale Netze zur Startwertschätzung bei der Identifikation piezoelektrischer Materialparameter}, DOI={10.1515/teme-2024-0099}, journal={tm - Technisches Messen}, publisher={Walter de Gruyter GmbH}, author={Koch, Kevin and Claes, Leander and Jurgelucks, Benjamin and Meihost, Lars}, year={2024} }
LibreCat | DOI | Download (ext.)
2024 | Misc | LibreCat-ID: 54837 | OA
@book{Claes_Lankeit_Winkler_2024, title={A model for heat generation by acoustic waves in piezoelectric materials: Global large-data solutions}, publisher={Cornell University}, author={Claes, Leander and Lankeit, Johannes and Winkler, Michael}, year={2024} }
LibreCat | Download (ext.) | arXiv
2024 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 56777
@article{Friesen_Claes_Feldmann_Henning_2024, title={Estimation of piezoelectric material parameters of ring-shaped specimens}, DOI={https://doi.org/10.1515/teme-2024-0107}, journal={tm - Technisches Messen}, publisher={De Gruyter}, author={Friesen, Olga and Claes, Leander and Feldmann, Nadine and Henning, Bernd}, year={2024} }
LibreCat | DOI
2023 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 47138
@inproceedings{Hetkämper_Koch_Webersen_Claes_2023, title={Application-based learning of signal analysis methods with the help of a graphical open-source software}, DOI={10.21427/159K-G445}, booktitle={SEFI 51th Annual Conference Proceedings - Engineering Education for Sustainability}, publisher={SEFI}, author={Hetkämper, Tim and Koch, Kevin and Webersen, Manuel and Claes, Leander}, year={2023} }
LibreCat | DOI
2023 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 48053
@article{Hetkämper_Claes_Henning_2023, title={Vorzeichenrichtige tomographische Rekonstruktion von Ultraschallfeldern mit Hilfe der Schlierentechnik}, volume={90}, DOI={10.1515/teme-2023-0069}, number={s1}, journal={tm - Technisches Messen}, publisher={Walter de Gruyter GmbH}, author={Hetkämper, Tim and Claes, Leander and Henning, Bernd}, year={2023}, pages={49–54} }
LibreCat | DOI
2023 | Conference Abstract | LibreCat-ID: 51117
@inproceedings{Scheidemann_Hemsel_Friesen_Claes_Sextro_2023, title={Influence of Temperature and Pre-Stress on the Piezoelectric Material Behavior of Ring-Shaped Ceramics}, author={Scheidemann, Claus and Hemsel, Tobias and Friesen, Olga and Claes, Leander and Sextro, Walter}, year={2023} }
2023 | Conference Abstract | LibreCat-ID: 51118
@inproceedings{Scheidemann_Hemsel_Friesen_Claes_Sextro_2023, title={Influence of Temperature and Pre-Stress on the Piezoelectric Material Behavior of Ring-Shaped Ceramics}, author={Scheidemann, Claus and Hemsel, Tobias and Friesen, Olga and Claes, Leander and Sextro, Walter}, year={2023} }
2023 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 45445 | OA
@article{Claes_Feldmann_Schulze_Meihost_Kuhlmann_Jurgelucks_Walther_Henning_2023, title={Inverse procedure for measuring piezoelectric material parameters using a single multi-electrode sample}, volume={12}, DOI={10.5194/jsss-12-163-2023}, number={1}, journal={Journal of Sensors and Sensor Systems}, author={Claes, Leander and Feldmann, Nadine and Schulze, Veronika and Meihost, Lars and Kuhlmann, Henrik and Jurgelucks, Benjamin and Walther, Andrea and Henning, Bernd}, year={2023}, pages={163–173} }
LibreCat | DOI | Download (ext.)
2023 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 43233
@inproceedings{Zeipert_von Germeten_Friesen_Claes_Johannesmann_Henning_2023, title={Investigation of change in dispersive behaviour during adhesive curing in multi-layered structures}, booktitle={Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2023}, author={Zeipert, Henning and von Germeten, Christian and Friesen, Olga and Claes, Leander and Johannesmann, Sarah and Henning, Bernd}, year={2023}, pages={819–822} }
2023 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 43229
@inproceedings{Claes_2023, title={Bestimmung der Volumenviskosität mittels akustischer Absorptionsmessung}, booktitle={Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2023}, author={Claes, Leander}, year={2023}, pages={7–14} }
2023 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 37543
@article{Hetkämper_Koch_Claes_Henning_2023, title={Phase-preserving methods to visualise ultrasonic fields with schlieren imaging}, volume={90}, DOI={10.1515/teme-2022-0112}, number={2}, journal={tm - Technisches Messen}, publisher={Walter de Gruyter GmbH}, author={Hetkämper, Tim and Koch, Kevin and Claes, Leander and Henning, Bernd}, year={2023}, pages={103–112} }
LibreCat | DOI
2023 | Misc | LibreCat-ID: 45455
@book{Claes_Meihost_Jurgelucks_2023, place={GAMM Annual Meeting, Dresden}, title={Inverse procedure for the identification of piezoelectric material parameters supported by dense neural networks}, author={Claes, Leander and Meihost, Lars and Jurgelucks, Benjamin}, year={2023} }
2022 | Misc | LibreCat-ID: 6592
@book{Claes_2022, place={Workshop “Messtechnische Anwendungen von Ultraschall”, Drübeck}, title={Messverfahren für die akustische Absorption zur Bestimmung der Volumenviskosität}, author={Claes, Leander}, year={2022} }
2022 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 6553
@inproceedings{Claes_Feldmann_Schulze_Jurgelucks_Walther_Henning_2022, title={Identification of piezoelectric material parameters using optimised multi-electrode specimens}, booktitle={Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2022}, author={Claes, Leander and Feldmann, Nadine and Schulze, Veronika and Jurgelucks, Benjamin and Walther, Andrea and Henning, Bernd}, year={2022}, pages={1326–1329} }
LibreCat | Files available
2022 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 6579 | OA
@article{Inguva_Feldmann_Claes_Koturbash_Hahn-Jose_Koutcherov_Kenig_2022, title={An explicit symplectic approach to solving the wave equation in moving media}, DOI={10.1002/eng2.12573}, number={e12573}, journal={Engineering Reports}, author={Inguva, Venkatesh and Feldmann, Nadine and Claes, Leander and Koturbash, Taras and Hahn-Jose, Thomas and Koutcherov, Vladimir and Kenig, Eugeny}, year={2022} }
LibreCat | DOI | Download (ext.)
2022 | Misc | LibreCat-ID: 6558
@book{Friesen_Claes_Feldmann_Henning_2022, place={International Workshop on Piezoelectric Materials and Applications in Actuators (IWPMA)}, title={Estimation of piezoelectric material parameters of ring-shaped specimens}, author={Friesen, Olga and Claes, Leander and Feldmann, Nadine and Henning, Bernd}, year={2022} }
2022 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 30863
@article{Johannesmann_Claes_Feldmann_Zeipert_Henning_2022, title={Lamb wave based approach to the determination of acoustic material parameters}, volume={89}, DOI={10.1515/teme-2021-0134}, number={7–8}, journal={tm - Technisches Messen}, publisher={Walter de Gruyter GmbH}, author={Johannesmann, Sarah and Claes, Leander and Feldmann, Nadine and Zeipert, Henning and Henning, Bernd}, year={2022}, pages={493–506} }
LibreCat | DOI
2022 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 6588
@inproceedings{Johannesmann_Claes_Henning_2022, title={Estimation of viscoelastic material parameters of polymers using Lamb waves}, booktitle={Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2022}, author={Johannesmann, Sarah and Claes, Leander and Henning, Bernd}, year={2022}, pages={1401–1404} }
LibreCat | Files available
2022 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 31331
@inproceedings{Hetkämper_Claes_Henning_2022, place={Berlin, Offenbach}, title={Schlieren imaging with fractional Fourier transform to visualise ultrasonic fields}, booktitle={Sensoren und Messsysteme - Beiträge der 21. ITG/GMA-Fachtagung}, publisher={VDE Verlag GmbH}, author={Hetkämper, Tim and Claes, Leander and Henning, Bernd}, year={2022} }
LibreCat | Download (ext.)
2021 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 21067
@article{Claes_Schmiegel_Grünsteidl_Johannesmann_Webersen_Henning_2021, title={Investigating peculiarities of piezoelectric detection methods for acoustic plate waves in material characterisation applications}, volume={88}, DOI={10.1515/teme-2020-0098}, number={3}, journal={tm - Technisches Messen}, author={Claes, Leander and Schmiegel, Hanna and Grünsteidl, Clemens and Johannesmann, Sarah and Webersen, Manuel and Henning, Bernd}, year={2021}, pages={147–155} }
LibreCat | DOI
2021 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 23791
@article{Johannesmann_Claes_Henning_2021, title={Lamb wave based approach to the determination of elastic and viscoelastic material parameters}, volume={88}, DOI={10.1515/teme-2021-0070}, number={s1}, journal={tm - Technisches Messen}, publisher={Walter de Gruyter {GmbH}}, author={Johannesmann, Sarah and Claes, Leander and Henning, Bernd}, year={2021}, pages={s28–s33} }
LibreCat | DOI
2021 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 22013
@inproceedings{Zeipert_Claes_Johannesmann_Webersen_Lugovtsova_Prager_Henning_2021, title={Measurement and Simulation of Lamb Waves in Adhesive-bonded Multilayer Systems}, DOI={10.5162/SMSI2021/A8.2}, author={Zeipert, Henning and Claes, Leander and Johannesmann, Sarah and Webersen, Manuel and Lugovtsova, Yevgeniya and Prager, Jens and Henning, Bernd}, year={2021}, pages={91–92} }
LibreCat | DOI
2021 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 22925
@article{Claes_Chatwell_Baumhögger_Hetkämper_Zeipert_Vrabec_Henning_2021, title={Measurement procedure for acoustic absorption and bulk viscosity of liquids}, DOI={10.1016/j.measurement.2021.109919}, number={109919}, journal={Measurement}, author={Claes, Leander and Chatwell, René Spencer and Baumhögger, Elmar and Hetkämper, Tim and Zeipert, Henning and Vrabec, Jadran and Henning, Bernd}, year={2021} }
LibreCat | DOI
2021 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 27367
@article{Zeipert_Claes_Johannesmann_Lugovtsova_Nicolai_Prager_Henning_2021, title={An approach to adhesive bond characterisation using guided acoustic waves in multi-layered plates}, DOI={10.1515/auto-2021-0089}, journal={at - Automatisierungstechnik}, author={Zeipert, Henning and Claes, Leander and Johannesmann, Sarah and Lugovtsova, Yevgeniya and Nicolai, Marcel and Prager, Jens and Henning, Bernd}, year={2021}, pages={962–969} }
LibreCat | DOI | Download (ext.)
2021 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 25880 | OA
@inproceedings{Hetkämper_Dreiling_Claes_Henning_2021, title={Tomographie des Schallfelds von Ultraschallwandlern mittels Schlierentechnik}, booktitle={Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2021}, author={Hetkämper, Tim and Dreiling, Dmitrij and Claes, Leander and Henning, Bernd}, year={2021} }
LibreCat | Files available
2021 | Dissertation | LibreCat-ID: 21502 | OA
@book{Claes_2021, title={Messverfahren für die akustische Absorption in reinen Fluiden zur Bestimmung der Volumenviskosität}, DOI={10.17619/UNIPB/1-1104}, publisher={Universiät Paderborn}, author={Claes, Leander}, year={2021} }
LibreCat | DOI | Download (ext.)
2021 | Misc | LibreCat-ID: 21233
@book{Schulze_Schmidt_Jurgelucks_Feldmann_Claes_2021, place={GAMM Annual Meeting, Kassel}, title={Optimal experiment design with respect to electrode configurations for a piezoelectric problem}, author={Schulze, Veronika and Schmidt, Stephan and Jurgelucks, Benjamin and Feldmann, Nadine and Claes, Leander}, year={2021} }
2021 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 21341
@article{Feldmann_Schulze_Claes_Jurgelucks_Meihost_Walther_Henning_2021, title={Modelling damping in piezoceramics: A comparative study}, volume={88}, DOI={10.1515/teme-2020-0096}, number={5}, journal={tm - Technisches Messen}, author={Feldmann, Nadine and Schulze, Veronika and Claes, Leander and Jurgelucks, Benjamin and Meihost, Lars and Walther, Andrea and Henning, Bernd}, year={2021}, pages={294–302} }
LibreCat | DOI
2021 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 22012
@inproceedings{Claes_Feldmann_Jurgelucks_Schulze_Schmidt_Walther_Henning_2021, title={Optimised Multi-Electrode Topology for Piezoelectric Material Characterisation}, DOI={10.5162/SMSI2021/A10.1}, author={Claes, Leander and Feldmann, Nadine and Jurgelucks, Benjamin and Schulze, Veronika and Schmidt, Stephan and Walther, Andrea and Henning, Bernd}, year={2021}, pages={237–238} }
LibreCat | DOI
2021 | Misc | LibreCat-ID: 23462
@book{Schulze_Schmidt_Jurgelucks_Feldmann_Claes_2021, place={GAMM Juniors’ Summer School 2021, Graz}, title={Piezoelectric BC Modeling for Electrode Shapes with OED}, author={Schulze, Veronika and Schmidt, Stephan and Jurgelucks, Benjamin and Feldmann, Nadine and Claes, Leander}, year={2021} }
2020 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 15490 | OA
@inproceedings{Claes_Baumhögger_Rüther_Gierse_Tröster_Henning_2020, title={Reduction of systematic measurement deviation in acoustic absorption measurement systems}, booktitle={Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2020}, author={Claes, Leander and Baumhögger, Elmar and Rüther, Torben and Gierse, Jan and Tröster, Thomas and Henning, Bernd}, year={2020}, pages={1077–1080} }
LibreCat | Files available
2020 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 19313
@article{Feldmann_Schulze_Claes_Jurgelucks_Walther_Henning_2020, title={Inverse piezoelectric material parameter characterization using a single disc-shaped specimen}, DOI={10.1515/teme-2020-0012}, journal={tm - Technisches Messen}, author={Feldmann, Nadine and Schulze, Veronika and Claes, Leander and Jurgelucks, Benjamin and Walther, Andrea and Henning, Bernd}, year={2020}, pages={50–55} }
LibreCat | DOI
2020 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 13943 | OA
@inproceedings{Krumme_Webersen_Claes_Webersen_2020, title={Analoge Klangsynthese zur Vermittlung von Grundkenntnissen der Signalverarbeitung an Studierende nicht-technischer Fachrichtungen}, booktitle={Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2020}, author={Krumme, Matthias and Webersen, Manuel and Claes, Leander and Webersen, Yvonne}, editor={Deutsche Gesellschaft für Akustik e.V.}, year={2020}, pages={542–545} }
LibreCat | Files available
2020 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 19502 | OA
@inproceedings{Hetkämper_Krumme_Dreiling_Claes_2020, title={A modular, scalable open-hardware platform for project-based laboratory courses in electrical engineering studies}, booktitle={SEFI 48th Annual Conference Proceedings - Engaging Engineering Education}, publisher={SEFI}, author={Hetkämper, Tim and Krumme, Matthias and Dreiling, Dmitrij and Claes, Leander}, year={2020}, pages={1309–1313} }
LibreCat | Files available
2020 | Misc | LibreCat-ID: 15489 | OA
@book{Claes_Steidl_Hetkämper_Henning_2020, title={Estimation of acoustic wave non-linearity in ultrasonic measurement systems}, DOI={10.48550/arXiv.2001.05708}, publisher={Cornell University}, author={Claes, Leander and Steidl, Carolin and Hetkämper, Tim and Henning, Bernd}, year={2020} }
LibreCat | DOI | Download (ext.) | arXiv
2019 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 9718
@inproceedings{Johannesmann_Webersen_Düchting_Claes_Henning_2019, title={Characterization of the linear-acoustic material behavior of fiber-reinforced composites using lamb waves}, volume={38}, DOI={10.1063/1.5099742}, booktitle={45th Annual Review of Progress in Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation }, author={Johannesmann, Sarah and Webersen, Manuel and Düchting, Julia and Claes, Leander and Henning, Bernd}, year={2019} }
LibreCat | DOI
2019 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 15164
@inproceedings{Feldmann_Jurgelucks_Claes_Henning_2019, title={A sensitivity-based optimisation procedure for the characterisation of piezoelectric discs}, DOI={10.1121/2.0001070}, booktitle={2019 International Congress on Ultrasonics}, author={Feldmann, Nadine and Jurgelucks, Benjamin and Claes, Leander and Henning, Bernd}, year={2019} }
LibreCat | DOI
2019 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 16076
@inproceedings{Hetkämper_Claes_Henning_2019, title={Evolutionary algorithm for the design of passive electric matching networks for ultrasonic transducers}, DOI={10.1121/2.0001110}, booktitle={2019 International Congress on Ultrasonics}, author={Hetkämper, Tim and Claes, Leander and Henning, Bernd}, year={2019} }
LibreCat | DOI
2019 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 13143
@article{Claes_Hülskämper_Baumhögger_Feldmann_Chatwell_Vrabec_Henning_2019, title={Acoustic absorption measurement for the determination of the volume viscosity of pure fluids / Messverfahren für die akustischen Absorption zur Bestimmung der Volumenviskosität reiner Fluide}, DOI={10.1515/teme-2019-0038}, journal={tm - Technisches Messen}, author={Claes, Leander and Hülskämper, Lars Moritz and Baumhögger, Elmar and Feldmann, Nadine and Chatwell, René Spencer and Vrabec, Jadran and Henning, Bernd}, year={2019}, pages={2–6} }
LibreCat | DOI
2019 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 13647
@inproceedings{Claes_Johannesmann_Baumhögger_Henning_2019, title={Quantification of frequency-dependent absorption phenomena}, DOI={10.1121/2.0001043}, booktitle={2019 International Congress on Ultrasonics}, author={Claes, Leander and Johannesmann, Sarah and Baumhögger, Elmar and Henning, Bernd}, year={2019} }
LibreCat | DOI
2019 | Misc | LibreCat-ID: 8482
@book{Jurgelucks_Schulze_Feldmann_Claes_2019, place={GAMM Annual Meeting, Wien}, title={Arbitrary sensitivity for inverse problems in piezoelectricity}, author={Jurgelucks, Benjamin and Schulze, Veronika and Feldmann, Nadine and Claes, Leander}, year={2019} }
2018 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 6562
@article{Feldmann_Jurgelucks_Claes_Schulze_Henning_Walther_2018, title={An inverse approach to the characterisation of material parameters of piezoelectric discs with triple-ring-electrodes}, volume={86}, DOI={10.1515/teme-2018-0066}, number={2}, journal={tm - Technisches Messen}, publisher={Walter de Gruyter GmbH}, author={Feldmann, Nadine and Jurgelucks, Benjamin and Claes, Leander and Schulze, Veronika and Henning, Bernd and Walther, Andrea}, year={2018}, pages={59–65} }
LibreCat | DOI
2018 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 6567
@article{Johannesmann_Düchting_Webersen_Claes_Henning_2018, title={An acoustic waveguide-based approach to the complete characterisation of linear elastic, orthotropic material behaviour}, volume={2018}, DOI={10.1515/teme-2017-0132}, number={85}, journal={tm - Technisches Messen}, author={Johannesmann, Sarah and Düchting, Julia and Webersen, Manuel and Claes, Leander and Henning, Bernd}, year={2018}, pages={478–486} }
LibreCat | DOI
2018 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 6568
@inproceedings{Johannesmann_Brockschmidt_Rump_Webersen_Claes_Henning_2018, title={Acoustic material characterization of prestressed, plate-shaped specimens}, booktitle={Sensoren und Messsysteme}, publisher={VDE Verlag GmbH}, author={Johannesmann, Sarah and Brockschmidt, Tobias and Rump, Friedhelm and Webersen, Manuel and Claes, Leander and Henning, Bernd}, year={2018}, pages={231–234} }
2018 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 6577
@article{Webersen_Johannesmann_Düchting_Claes_Henning_2018, title={Guided ultrasonic waves for determining effective orthotropic material parameters of continuous-fiber reinforced thermoplastic plates}, volume={84}, DOI={10.1016/j.ultras.2017.10.005}, journal={Ultrasonics}, author={Webersen, Manuel and Johannesmann, Sarah and Düchting, Julia and Claes, Leander and Henning, Bernd}, year={2018}, pages={53–62} }
LibreCat | DOI
2018 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 6578
@inproceedings{Webersen_Johannesmann_Düchting_Claes_Henning_2018, title={Akustische Charakterisierung der richtungsabhängigen elastischen Eigenschaften faserverstärkter Kunststoffe}, booktitle={Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2018}, author={Webersen, Manuel and Johannesmann, Sarah and Düchting, Julia and Claes, Leander and Henning, Bernd}, year={2018}, pages={1263–1266} }
2018 | Misc | LibreCat-ID: 6593
@book{Claes_Feldmann_Henning_2018, place={PI Ceramic Akademie, Lederhose}, title={Materialparameter von bleihaltigen und bleifreien Piezokeramiken und ihre Bedeutung in der Anwendung}, author={Claes, Leander and Feldmann, Nadine and Henning, Bernd}, year={2018} }
2018 | Misc | LibreCat-ID: 6594
@book{Claes_Zeipert_Koppa_Tröster_Henning_2018, place={Workshop “Messtechnische Anwendungen von Ultraschall”, Drübeck}, title={Additiv gefertigte, akustische Diffusor-Strukturen für Ultraschallanwendungen}, author={Claes, Leander and Zeipert, Henning and Koppa, Peter and Tröster, Thomas and Henning, Bernd}, year={2018} }
2018 | Misc | LibreCat-ID: 6595
@book{Feldmann_Jurgelucks_Claes_Henning_2018, place={Workshop “Messtechnische Anwendungen von Ultraschall”, Drübeck}, title={Vollständige Charakterisierung von piezoelektrischen Scheiben mit Ringelektroden}, author={Feldmann, Nadine and Jurgelucks, Benjamin and Claes, Leander and Henning, Bernd}, year={2018} }
2018 | Misc | LibreCat-ID: 6596
@book{Webersen_Johannesmann_Brockschmidt_Rump_Claes_Henning_2018, place={Workshop “Messtechnische Anwendungen von Ultraschall”, Drübeck}, title={Einfluss mechanischer Vorspannung auf das mechanische Materialverhalten von Polymeren}, author={Webersen, Manuel and Johannesmann, Sarah and Brockschmidt, Tobias and Rump, Friedhelm and Claes, Leander and Henning, Bernd}, year={2018} }
2018 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 6571
@article{Jurgelucks_Claes_Walther_Henning_2018, title={Optimization of triple-ring electrodes on piezoceramic transducers using algorithmic differentiation}, volume={33}, DOI={10.1080/10556788.2018.1435652}, number={4–6}, journal={Optimization Methods and Software}, publisher={Taylor and Francis Ltd.}, author={Jurgelucks, Benjamin and Claes, Leander and Walther, Andrea and Henning, Bernd}, year={2018}, pages={868--888} }
LibreCat | DOI
2017 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 6552
@article{Bause_Claes_Webersen_Johannesmann_Henning_2017, title={Viskoelastizität und Anisotropie von Kunststoffen: Ultraschallbasierte Methoden zur Materialparameterbestimmung}, volume={84}, DOI={10.1515/teme-2016-0056}, number={3}, journal={tm - Technisches Messen}, author={Bause, Fabian and Claes, Leander and Webersen, Manuel and Johannesmann, Sarah and Henning, Bernd}, year={2017} }
LibreCat | DOI
2017 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 6556
@inproceedings{Claes_Chatwell_Vrabec_Henning_2017, title={A Spectral Approach to Acoustic Absorption Measurement}, DOI={10.5162/sensor2017/C1.2}, booktitle={PROCEEDINGS -- AMA Conferences 2017}, publisher={AMA Service GmbH}, author={Claes, Leander and Chatwell, René Spencer and Vrabec, Jadran and Henning, Bernd}, year={2017}, pages={304–309} }
LibreCat | DOI
2017 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 6557
@inproceedings{Claes_Jäger_Johannesmann_Webersen_Kupnik_Henning_2017, title={Acoustic Material Characterization of Additively Manufactured Components}, DOI={10.5162/sensor2017/P2.9}, booktitle={PROCEEDINGS -- AMA Conferences 2017}, publisher={AMA Service GmbH}, author={Claes, Leander and Jäger, Axel and Johannesmann, Sarah and Webersen, Manuel and Kupnik, Mario and Henning, Bernd}, year={2017}, pages={605–610} }
LibreCat | DOI
2017 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 6559
@inproceedings{Claes_Zeipert_Koppa_Tröster_Henning_2017, place={Honolulu}, title={Additively manufactured acoustic diffuser structures for ultrasonic measurement applications}, DOI={10.1121/2.0000688}, booktitle={Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics}, author={Claes, Leander and Zeipert, Henning and Koppa, Peter and Tröster, Thomas and Henning, Bernd}, year={2017}, pages={030004} }
LibreCat | DOI
2017 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 6565
@inproceedings{Jäger_Johannesmann_Claes_Webersen_Henning_Kupnik_2017, title={Evaluating the Influence of 3D-Printing Parameters on Acoustic Material Properties}, booktitle={2017 IEEE IUS~Proceedings}, author={Jäger, Axel and Johannesmann, Sarah and Claes, Leander and Webersen, Manuel and Henning, Bernd and Kupnik, Mario}, year={2017} }
2017 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 6566
@inproceedings{Johannesmann_Claes_Webersen_Henning_2017, title={Inverser Ansatz zur akustischen Charakterisierung plattenförmiger Materialproben}, booktitle={Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2017}, publisher={Deutsche Gesellschaft für Akustik e.V. 2017}, author={Johannesmann, Sarah and Claes, Leander and Webersen, Manuel and Henning, Bernd}, year={2017}, pages={999–1002} }
2017 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 6572
@inproceedings{Jurgelucks_Feldmann_Claes_Henning_Walther_2017, place={Honolulu}, title={Material parameter determination of a piezoelectric disc with triple-ring-electrodes for increased sensitivity}, DOI={10.1121/2.0000707}, booktitle={Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics}, author={Jurgelucks, Benjamin and Feldmann, Nadine and Claes, Leander and Henning, Bernd and Walther, Andrea}, year={2017}, pages={030010} }
LibreCat | DOI
2017 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 6575
@inproceedings{Bause_Claes_Webersen_Henning_2017, title={Ultrasonic measurements in the characterization of viscoelasticity and aging of polymers}, DOI={10.5162/sensor2017/C8.1}, booktitle={PROCEEDINGS -- AMA Conferences 2017}, author={Bause, Fabian and Claes, Leander and Webersen, Manuel and Henning, Bernd}, year={2017}, pages={414} }
LibreCat | DOI
2017 | Misc | LibreCat-ID: 6591
@book{Claes_Feldmann_Henning_2017, place={Workshop “Schallfeldbasierte Messverfahren”, Drübeck}, title={Spektrale Verfahren zur Bestimmung der akustischen Absorption in fluiden Medien}, author={Claes, Leander and Feldmann, Nadine and Henning, Bernd}, year={2017} }
2016 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 6551
@article{Bause_Rautenberg_Feldmann_Webersen_Claes_Gravenkamp_Henning_2016, title={Ultrasonic transmission measurements in the characterization of viscoelasticity utilizing polymeric waveguides}, volume={27}, DOI={10.1088/0957-0233/27/10/105601}, number={10}, journal={Measurement Science and Technology}, author={Bause, Fabian and Rautenberg, Jens and Feldmann, Nadine and Webersen, Manuel and Claes, Leander and Gravenkamp, Hauke and Henning, Bernd}, year={2016} }
LibreCat | DOI
2016 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 6564
@inproceedings{Fischer_Claes_2016, title={Miniaturized all-optical Sound Pressure Sensor}, booktitle={INTER-NOISE 2016}, publisher={Deutsche Gesellschaft für Akustik e.V.}, author={Fischer, Balthasar and Claes, Leander}, year={2016} }
2016 | Misc | LibreCat-ID: 6569
@book{Jurgelucks_Claes_2016, place={Workshop on Direct and Inverse Problems in Piezoelectricity, Erlangen}, title={Increasing the Sensitivity of Impedance with Respect to Material Parameters of Triple-Ring Electrode Piezoelectric Transducers using Algorithmic Differentiation}, author={Jurgelucks, Benjamin and Claes, Leander}, year={2016} }
2016 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 6570
@inproceedings{Jurgelucks_Claes_2016, title={Optimisation of triple-ring-electrodes on piezoceramic transducers using algorithmic differentiation}, booktitle={AD2016 The 7th International Conference on Algorithmic Differentiation}, author={Jurgelucks, Benjamin and Claes, Leander}, year={2016}, pages={99–102} }
2016 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 6576
@inproceedings{Webersen_Johannesmann_Claes_Henning_2016, title={Characterization of Continuous-fiber Reinforced Thermoplastics Using Thermoacoustically Excited Ultrasonic Lamb Waves}, booktitle={2016 IEEE IUS~Proceedings}, author={Webersen, Manuel and Johannesmann, Sarah and Claes, Leander and Henning, Bernd}, year={2016} }
2016 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 6555 | OA
@article{Claes_Meyer_Bause_Rautenberg_Henning_2016, title={Determination of the material properties of polymers using laser-generated broadband ultrasound}, volume={5}, DOI={10.5194/jsss-5-187-2016}, number={1}, journal={Journal of Sensors and Sensor Systems}, author={Claes, Leander and Meyer, Thorsten and Bause, Fabian and Rautenberg, Jens and Henning, Bernd}, year={2016}, pages={187–196} }
LibreCat | DOI | Download (ext.)
2015 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 6554
@inproceedings{Claes_Bause_Rautenberg_Henning_2015, title={Detection of ultrasonic plate waves using ceramic strip transducers}, DOI={10.5162/sensor2015/P3.3}, booktitle={Proceedings SENSOR 2015}, author={Claes, Leander and Bause, Fabian and Rautenberg, Jens and Henning, Bernd}, year={2015}, pages={775–779} }
LibreCat | DOI
2014 | Misc | LibreCat-ID: 6550
@book{Bause_Rautenberg_Feldmann_Claes_Henning_2014, place={DEGA-Symposium, Bad Honnef}, title={Methoden zur Zeit-Frequenz-Analyse bei der Untersuchung dispersionsbehafteter Signale}, volume={8}, author={Bause, Fabian and Rautenberg, Jens and Feldmann, Nadine and Claes, Leander and Henning, Bernd}, year={2014} }
2014 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 6574
@inproceedings{Olfert_Claes_Henning_2014, title={Rekonstruktion der räumlichen Schallwechseldruckverteilung unter Berücksichtigung der Orthogonalität optischer und akustischer Achsen beim Schlierenverfahren}, booktitle={Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2014}, author={Olfert, Sergei and Claes, Leander and Henning, Bernd}, year={2014}, pages={541–542} }
2013 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 6573
@inproceedings{Olfert_Claes_Henning_2013, place={Berlin}, title={Influence of angular radiated ultrasound waves on the Schlieren tomogram}, booktitle={Proceedings of the International Conference on Acoustics}, publisher={DEGA}, author={Olfert, Sergei and Claes, Leander and Henning, Bernd}, year={2013}, pages={477–480} }


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84 Publications

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2024 | Research Data | LibreCat-ID: 12950
@book{Claes_Webersen_2024, title={pyfds 0.3.1 - modular field simulation tool}, DOI={10.5281/ZENODO.2649826}, publisher={GitHub, Inc.}, author={Claes, Leander and Webersen, Manuel}, year={2024} }
LibreCat | Files available | DOI
2024 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 53822 | OA
@inproceedings{Friesen_Pasha_Schwengelbeck_Claes_Baumhögger_Henning_2024, title={Untersuchung piezoelektrischer Materialeigenschaften unter hydrostatischer Last}, booktitle={Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2024}, author={Friesen, Olga and Pasha, Muhammad Ahsan and Schwengelbeck, Max and Claes, Leander and Baumhögger, Elmar and Henning, Bernd}, year={2024}, pages={1117–1120} }
LibreCat | Files available
2024 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 53824 | OA
@inproceedings{Koch_Claes_Jurgelucks_Meihost_Henning_2024, title={Inverses Verfahren zur Identifikation piezoelektrischer Materialparameter unterstützt durch neuronale Netze}, booktitle={Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2024}, author={Koch, Kevin and Claes, Leander and Jurgelucks, Benjamin and Meihost, Lars and Henning, Bernd}, editor={Gesellschaft für Akustik e.V., Deutsche }, year={2024}, pages={1113–1116} }
LibreCat | Files available
2024 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 53823 | OA
@inproceedings{Claes_2024, title={Einfluss der periodischen Struktur auf geführte Wellen in gewebeverstärkten Polymeren}, booktitle={Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2024}, author={Claes, Leander}, editor={Gesellschaft für Akustik e.V., Deutsche}, year={2024}, pages={620–623} }
LibreCat | Files available
2024 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 53828
@inproceedings{Zeipert_Hölscher_Claes_Henning_2024, title={Beschreibung des akustischen Verhaltens verklebter plattenförmiger Strukturen mittels Kopplungsmodellen}, booktitle={Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2024}, author={Zeipert, Henning and Hölscher, Jonas and Claes, Leander and Henning, Bernd}, editor={Gesellschaft für Akustik e.V., Deutsche}, year={2024}, pages={640–643} }
2024 | Research Data | LibreCat-ID: 53662
@book{Koch_Claes_2024, title={Randomised material parameter piezoelectric impedance dataset with structured electrodes}, DOI={10.5281/ZENODO.11064206}, publisher={zenodo}, author={Koch, Kevin and Claes, Leander}, year={2024} }
LibreCat | DOI
2024 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 54786 | OA
@inproceedings{Claes_Hetkämper_Zeipert_Henning_2024, title={Auswertung der modalen Dämpfung von geführten akustischen Wellen in faserverstärkten Kunststoffplatten}, DOI={10.5162/sensoren2024/D1.2}, booktitle={22. GMA/ITG-Fachtagung – Sensoren und Messsysteme 2024}, publisher={VDE Verlag GmbH}, author={Claes, Leander and Hetkämper, Tim and Zeipert, Henning and Henning, Bernd}, year={2024}, pages={300–305} }
LibreCat | Files available | DOI
2024 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 54788 | OA
@inproceedings{Hetkämper_Nellius_Claes_Henning_2024, title={Visualisierung tomografischer Daten aus Schlierenabbildungen mittels 3D Gaussian Splatting}, DOI={10.5162/sensoren2024/D4.2}, booktitle={22. GMA/ITG-Fachtagung – Sensoren und Messsysteme 2024}, publisher={VDE Verlag GmbH}, author={Hetkämper, Tim and Nellius, Tom and Claes, Leander and Henning, Bernd}, year={2024}, pages={362–367} }
LibreCat | Files available | DOI
2024 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 54962 | OA
@article{Hetkämper_Claes_Henning_2024, title={Das Unhörbare sehen - Ultraschall mittels Schlierentechnik visualisieren}, volume={2}, journal={Akustik Journal}, publisher={Deutsche Gesellschaft für Akustik e.V. (DEGA)}, author={Hetkämper, Tim and Claes, Leander and Henning, Bernd}, year={2024}, pages={18–25} }
LibreCat | Download (ext.)
2024 | Misc | LibreCat-ID: 55416
@book{Claes_Koch_Friesen_Meihost_2024, place={International Workshop on Piezoelectric Materials and Applications (IWPMA)}, title={Machine learning in inverse measurement problems: An application to piezoelectric material characterisation}, author={Claes, Leander and Koch, Kevin and Friesen, Olga and Meihost, Lars}, year={2024} }
2024 | Research Data | LibreCat-ID: 55470
@book{Koch_Friesen_Claes_2024, title={Randomised material parameter impedance dataset of piezoelectric rings}, DOI={10.5281/zenodo.13143680}, publisher={Zenodo}, author={Koch, Kevin and Friesen, Olga and Claes, Leander}, year={2024} }
LibreCat | DOI
2024 | Misc | LibreCat-ID: 55302 | OA
@book{Claes_Wippermann_2024, place={Guided Ultrasonic Waves: Emerging Methods (GUWEM) Workshop, Überherrn}, title={Analysis of guided acoustic waves in periodically structured plates}, author={Claes, Leander and Wippermann, Mareen}, year={2024} }
LibreCat | Download (ext.)
2024 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 56834 | OA
@inproceedings{Friesen_Claes_Scheidemann_Feldmann_Hemsel_Henning_2024, title={Estimation of temperature-dependent piezoelectric material parameters using ring-shaped specimens}, volume={2822}, DOI={10.1088/1742-6596/2822/1/012125}, booktitle={2023 International Congress on Ultrasonics, Beijing, China}, publisher={IOP Publishing}, author={Friesen, Olga and Claes, Leander and Scheidemann, Claus and Feldmann, Nadine and Hemsel, Tobias and Henning, Bernd}, year={2024}, pages={012125} }
LibreCat | DOI | Download (ext.)
2024 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 56836 | OA
@inproceedings{Claes_Johannesmann_Zeipert_Henning_2024, title={Broadband acoustic waves in plate-like structures for acoustic material characterisation}, volume={2822}, DOI={10.1088/1742-6596/2822/1/012171}, booktitle={2023 International Congress on Ultrasonics, Beijing, China}, publisher={IOP Publishing}, author={Claes, Leander and Johannesmann, Sarah and Zeipert, Henning and Henning, Bernd}, year={2024}, pages={012171} }
LibreCat | DOI | Download (ext.)
2024 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 54314
@article{Koch_Claes_Jurgelucks_Meihost_2024, title={Neuronale Netze zur Startwertschätzung bei der Identifikation piezoelektrischer Materialparameter}, DOI={10.1515/teme-2024-0099}, journal={tm - Technisches Messen}, publisher={Walter de Gruyter GmbH}, author={Koch, Kevin and Claes, Leander and Jurgelucks, Benjamin and Meihost, Lars}, year={2024} }
LibreCat | DOI | Download (ext.)
2024 | Misc | LibreCat-ID: 54837 | OA
@book{Claes_Lankeit_Winkler_2024, title={A model for heat generation by acoustic waves in piezoelectric materials: Global large-data solutions}, publisher={Cornell University}, author={Claes, Leander and Lankeit, Johannes and Winkler, Michael}, year={2024} }
LibreCat | Download (ext.) | arXiv
2024 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 56777
@article{Friesen_Claes_Feldmann_Henning_2024, title={Estimation of piezoelectric material parameters of ring-shaped specimens}, DOI={https://doi.org/10.1515/teme-2024-0107}, journal={tm - Technisches Messen}, publisher={De Gruyter}, author={Friesen, Olga and Claes, Leander and Feldmann, Nadine and Henning, Bernd}, year={2024} }
LibreCat | DOI
2023 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 47138
@inproceedings{Hetkämper_Koch_Webersen_Claes_2023, title={Application-based learning of signal analysis methods with the help of a graphical open-source software}, DOI={10.21427/159K-G445}, booktitle={SEFI 51th Annual Conference Proceedings - Engineering Education for Sustainability}, publisher={SEFI}, author={Hetkämper, Tim and Koch, Kevin and Webersen, Manuel and Claes, Leander}, year={2023} }
LibreCat | DOI
2023 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 48053
@article{Hetkämper_Claes_Henning_2023, title={Vorzeichenrichtige tomographische Rekonstruktion von Ultraschallfeldern mit Hilfe der Schlierentechnik}, volume={90}, DOI={10.1515/teme-2023-0069}, number={s1}, journal={tm - Technisches Messen}, publisher={Walter de Gruyter GmbH}, author={Hetkämper, Tim and Claes, Leander and Henning, Bernd}, year={2023}, pages={49–54} }
LibreCat | DOI
2023 | Conference Abstract | LibreCat-ID: 51117
@inproceedings{Scheidemann_Hemsel_Friesen_Claes_Sextro_2023, title={Influence of Temperature and Pre-Stress on the Piezoelectric Material Behavior of Ring-Shaped Ceramics}, author={Scheidemann, Claus and Hemsel, Tobias and Friesen, Olga and Claes, Leander and Sextro, Walter}, year={2023} }
2023 | Conference Abstract | LibreCat-ID: 51118
@inproceedings{Scheidemann_Hemsel_Friesen_Claes_Sextro_2023, title={Influence of Temperature and Pre-Stress on the Piezoelectric Material Behavior of Ring-Shaped Ceramics}, author={Scheidemann, Claus and Hemsel, Tobias and Friesen, Olga and Claes, Leander and Sextro, Walter}, year={2023} }
2023 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 45445 | OA
@article{Claes_Feldmann_Schulze_Meihost_Kuhlmann_Jurgelucks_Walther_Henning_2023, title={Inverse procedure for measuring piezoelectric material parameters using a single multi-electrode sample}, volume={12}, DOI={10.5194/jsss-12-163-2023}, number={1}, journal={Journal of Sensors and Sensor Systems}, author={Claes, Leander and Feldmann, Nadine and Schulze, Veronika and Meihost, Lars and Kuhlmann, Henrik and Jurgelucks, Benjamin and Walther, Andrea and Henning, Bernd}, year={2023}, pages={163–173} }
LibreCat | DOI | Download (ext.)
2023 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 43233
@inproceedings{Zeipert_von Germeten_Friesen_Claes_Johannesmann_Henning_2023, title={Investigation of change in dispersive behaviour during adhesive curing in multi-layered structures}, booktitle={Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2023}, author={Zeipert, Henning and von Germeten, Christian and Friesen, Olga and Claes, Leander and Johannesmann, Sarah and Henning, Bernd}, year={2023}, pages={819–822} }
2023 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 43229
@inproceedings{Claes_2023, title={Bestimmung der Volumenviskosität mittels akustischer Absorptionsmessung}, booktitle={Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2023}, author={Claes, Leander}, year={2023}, pages={7–14} }
2023 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 37543
@article{Hetkämper_Koch_Claes_Henning_2023, title={Phase-preserving methods to visualise ultrasonic fields with schlieren imaging}, volume={90}, DOI={10.1515/teme-2022-0112}, number={2}, journal={tm - Technisches Messen}, publisher={Walter de Gruyter GmbH}, author={Hetkämper, Tim and Koch, Kevin and Claes, Leander and Henning, Bernd}, year={2023}, pages={103–112} }
LibreCat | DOI
2023 | Misc | LibreCat-ID: 45455
@book{Claes_Meihost_Jurgelucks_2023, place={GAMM Annual Meeting, Dresden}, title={Inverse procedure for the identification of piezoelectric material parameters supported by dense neural networks}, author={Claes, Leander and Meihost, Lars and Jurgelucks, Benjamin}, year={2023} }
2022 | Misc | LibreCat-ID: 6592
@book{Claes_2022, place={Workshop “Messtechnische Anwendungen von Ultraschall”, Drübeck}, title={Messverfahren für die akustische Absorption zur Bestimmung der Volumenviskosität}, author={Claes, Leander}, year={2022} }
2022 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 6553
@inproceedings{Claes_Feldmann_Schulze_Jurgelucks_Walther_Henning_2022, title={Identification of piezoelectric material parameters using optimised multi-electrode specimens}, booktitle={Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2022}, author={Claes, Leander and Feldmann, Nadine and Schulze, Veronika and Jurgelucks, Benjamin and Walther, Andrea and Henning, Bernd}, year={2022}, pages={1326–1329} }
LibreCat | Files available
2022 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 6579 | OA
@article{Inguva_Feldmann_Claes_Koturbash_Hahn-Jose_Koutcherov_Kenig_2022, title={An explicit symplectic approach to solving the wave equation in moving media}, DOI={10.1002/eng2.12573}, number={e12573}, journal={Engineering Reports}, author={Inguva, Venkatesh and Feldmann, Nadine and Claes, Leander and Koturbash, Taras and Hahn-Jose, Thomas and Koutcherov, Vladimir and Kenig, Eugeny}, year={2022} }
LibreCat | DOI | Download (ext.)
2022 | Misc | LibreCat-ID: 6558
@book{Friesen_Claes_Feldmann_Henning_2022, place={International Workshop on Piezoelectric Materials and Applications in Actuators (IWPMA)}, title={Estimation of piezoelectric material parameters of ring-shaped specimens}, author={Friesen, Olga and Claes, Leander and Feldmann, Nadine and Henning, Bernd}, year={2022} }
2022 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 30863
@article{Johannesmann_Claes_Feldmann_Zeipert_Henning_2022, title={Lamb wave based approach to the determination of acoustic material parameters}, volume={89}, DOI={10.1515/teme-2021-0134}, number={7–8}, journal={tm - Technisches Messen}, publisher={Walter de Gruyter GmbH}, author={Johannesmann, Sarah and Claes, Leander and Feldmann, Nadine and Zeipert, Henning and Henning, Bernd}, year={2022}, pages={493–506} }
LibreCat | DOI
2022 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 6588
@inproceedings{Johannesmann_Claes_Henning_2022, title={Estimation of viscoelastic material parameters of polymers using Lamb waves}, booktitle={Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2022}, author={Johannesmann, Sarah and Claes, Leander and Henning, Bernd}, year={2022}, pages={1401–1404} }
LibreCat | Files available
2022 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 31331
@inproceedings{Hetkämper_Claes_Henning_2022, place={Berlin, Offenbach}, title={Schlieren imaging with fractional Fourier transform to visualise ultrasonic fields}, booktitle={Sensoren und Messsysteme - Beiträge der 21. ITG/GMA-Fachtagung}, publisher={VDE Verlag GmbH}, author={Hetkämper, Tim and Claes, Leander and Henning, Bernd}, year={2022} }
LibreCat | Download (ext.)
2021 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 21067
@article{Claes_Schmiegel_Grünsteidl_Johannesmann_Webersen_Henning_2021, title={Investigating peculiarities of piezoelectric detection methods for acoustic plate waves in material characterisation applications}, volume={88}, DOI={10.1515/teme-2020-0098}, number={3}, journal={tm - Technisches Messen}, author={Claes, Leander and Schmiegel, Hanna and Grünsteidl, Clemens and Johannesmann, Sarah and Webersen, Manuel and Henning, Bernd}, year={2021}, pages={147–155} }
LibreCat | DOI
2021 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 23791
@article{Johannesmann_Claes_Henning_2021, title={Lamb wave based approach to the determination of elastic and viscoelastic material parameters}, volume={88}, DOI={10.1515/teme-2021-0070}, number={s1}, journal={tm - Technisches Messen}, publisher={Walter de Gruyter {GmbH}}, author={Johannesmann, Sarah and Claes, Leander and Henning, Bernd}, year={2021}, pages={s28–s33} }
LibreCat | DOI
2021 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 22013
@inproceedings{Zeipert_Claes_Johannesmann_Webersen_Lugovtsova_Prager_Henning_2021, title={Measurement and Simulation of Lamb Waves in Adhesive-bonded Multilayer Systems}, DOI={10.5162/SMSI2021/A8.2}, author={Zeipert, Henning and Claes, Leander and Johannesmann, Sarah and Webersen, Manuel and Lugovtsova, Yevgeniya and Prager, Jens and Henning, Bernd}, year={2021}, pages={91–92} }
LibreCat | DOI
2021 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 22925
@article{Claes_Chatwell_Baumhögger_Hetkämper_Zeipert_Vrabec_Henning_2021, title={Measurement procedure for acoustic absorption and bulk viscosity of liquids}, DOI={10.1016/j.measurement.2021.109919}, number={109919}, journal={Measurement}, author={Claes, Leander and Chatwell, René Spencer and Baumhögger, Elmar and Hetkämper, Tim and Zeipert, Henning and Vrabec, Jadran and Henning, Bernd}, year={2021} }
LibreCat | DOI
2021 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 27367
@article{Zeipert_Claes_Johannesmann_Lugovtsova_Nicolai_Prager_Henning_2021, title={An approach to adhesive bond characterisation using guided acoustic waves in multi-layered plates}, DOI={10.1515/auto-2021-0089}, journal={at - Automatisierungstechnik}, author={Zeipert, Henning and Claes, Leander and Johannesmann, Sarah and Lugovtsova, Yevgeniya and Nicolai, Marcel and Prager, Jens and Henning, Bernd}, year={2021}, pages={962–969} }
LibreCat | DOI | Download (ext.)
2021 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 25880 | OA
@inproceedings{Hetkämper_Dreiling_Claes_Henning_2021, title={Tomographie des Schallfelds von Ultraschallwandlern mittels Schlierentechnik}, booktitle={Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2021}, author={Hetkämper, Tim and Dreiling, Dmitrij and Claes, Leander and Henning, Bernd}, year={2021} }
LibreCat | Files available
2021 | Dissertation | LibreCat-ID: 21502 | OA
@book{Claes_2021, title={Messverfahren für die akustische Absorption in reinen Fluiden zur Bestimmung der Volumenviskosität}, DOI={10.17619/UNIPB/1-1104}, publisher={Universiät Paderborn}, author={Claes, Leander}, year={2021} }
LibreCat | DOI | Download (ext.)
2021 | Misc | LibreCat-ID: 21233
@book{Schulze_Schmidt_Jurgelucks_Feldmann_Claes_2021, place={GAMM Annual Meeting, Kassel}, title={Optimal experiment design with respect to electrode configurations for a piezoelectric problem}, author={Schulze, Veronika and Schmidt, Stephan and Jurgelucks, Benjamin and Feldmann, Nadine and Claes, Leander}, year={2021} }
2021 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 21341
@article{Feldmann_Schulze_Claes_Jurgelucks_Meihost_Walther_Henning_2021, title={Modelling damping in piezoceramics: A comparative study}, volume={88}, DOI={10.1515/teme-2020-0096}, number={5}, journal={tm - Technisches Messen}, author={Feldmann, Nadine and Schulze, Veronika and Claes, Leander and Jurgelucks, Benjamin and Meihost, Lars and Walther, Andrea and Henning, Bernd}, year={2021}, pages={294–302} }
LibreCat | DOI
2021 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 22012
@inproceedings{Claes_Feldmann_Jurgelucks_Schulze_Schmidt_Walther_Henning_2021, title={Optimised Multi-Electrode Topology for Piezoelectric Material Characterisation}, DOI={10.5162/SMSI2021/A10.1}, author={Claes, Leander and Feldmann, Nadine and Jurgelucks, Benjamin and Schulze, Veronika and Schmidt, Stephan and Walther, Andrea and Henning, Bernd}, year={2021}, pages={237–238} }
LibreCat | DOI
2021 | Misc | LibreCat-ID: 23462
@book{Schulze_Schmidt_Jurgelucks_Feldmann_Claes_2021, place={GAMM Juniors’ Summer School 2021, Graz}, title={Piezoelectric BC Modeling for Electrode Shapes with OED}, author={Schulze, Veronika and Schmidt, Stephan and Jurgelucks, Benjamin and Feldmann, Nadine and Claes, Leander}, year={2021} }
2020 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 15490 | OA
@inproceedings{Claes_Baumhögger_Rüther_Gierse_Tröster_Henning_2020, title={Reduction of systematic measurement deviation in acoustic absorption measurement systems}, booktitle={Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2020}, author={Claes, Leander and Baumhögger, Elmar and Rüther, Torben and Gierse, Jan and Tröster, Thomas and Henning, Bernd}, year={2020}, pages={1077–1080} }
LibreCat | Files available
2020 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 19313
@article{Feldmann_Schulze_Claes_Jurgelucks_Walther_Henning_2020, title={Inverse piezoelectric material parameter characterization using a single disc-shaped specimen}, DOI={10.1515/teme-2020-0012}, journal={tm - Technisches Messen}, author={Feldmann, Nadine and Schulze, Veronika and Claes, Leander and Jurgelucks, Benjamin and Walther, Andrea and Henning, Bernd}, year={2020}, pages={50–55} }
LibreCat | DOI
2020 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 13943 | OA
@inproceedings{Krumme_Webersen_Claes_Webersen_2020, title={Analoge Klangsynthese zur Vermittlung von Grundkenntnissen der Signalverarbeitung an Studierende nicht-technischer Fachrichtungen}, booktitle={Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2020}, author={Krumme, Matthias and Webersen, Manuel and Claes, Leander and Webersen, Yvonne}, editor={Deutsche Gesellschaft für Akustik e.V.}, year={2020}, pages={542–545} }
LibreCat | Files available
2020 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 19502 | OA
@inproceedings{Hetkämper_Krumme_Dreiling_Claes_2020, title={A modular, scalable open-hardware platform for project-based laboratory courses in electrical engineering studies}, booktitle={SEFI 48th Annual Conference Proceedings - Engaging Engineering Education}, publisher={SEFI}, author={Hetkämper, Tim and Krumme, Matthias and Dreiling, Dmitrij and Claes, Leander}, year={2020}, pages={1309–1313} }
LibreCat | Files available
2020 | Misc | LibreCat-ID: 15489 | OA
@book{Claes_Steidl_Hetkämper_Henning_2020, title={Estimation of acoustic wave non-linearity in ultrasonic measurement systems}, DOI={10.48550/arXiv.2001.05708}, publisher={Cornell University}, author={Claes, Leander and Steidl, Carolin and Hetkämper, Tim and Henning, Bernd}, year={2020} }
LibreCat | DOI | Download (ext.) | arXiv
2019 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 9718
@inproceedings{Johannesmann_Webersen_Düchting_Claes_Henning_2019, title={Characterization of the linear-acoustic material behavior of fiber-reinforced composites using lamb waves}, volume={38}, DOI={10.1063/1.5099742}, booktitle={45th Annual Review of Progress in Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation }, author={Johannesmann, Sarah and Webersen, Manuel and Düchting, Julia and Claes, Leander and Henning, Bernd}, year={2019} }
LibreCat | DOI
2019 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 15164
@inproceedings{Feldmann_Jurgelucks_Claes_Henning_2019, title={A sensitivity-based optimisation procedure for the characterisation of piezoelectric discs}, DOI={10.1121/2.0001070}, booktitle={2019 International Congress on Ultrasonics}, author={Feldmann, Nadine and Jurgelucks, Benjamin and Claes, Leander and Henning, Bernd}, year={2019} }
LibreCat | DOI
2019 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 16076
@inproceedings{Hetkämper_Claes_Henning_2019, title={Evolutionary algorithm for the design of passive electric matching networks for ultrasonic transducers}, DOI={10.1121/2.0001110}, booktitle={2019 International Congress on Ultrasonics}, author={Hetkämper, Tim and Claes, Leander and Henning, Bernd}, year={2019} }
LibreCat | DOI
2019 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 13143
@article{Claes_Hülskämper_Baumhögger_Feldmann_Chatwell_Vrabec_Henning_2019, title={Acoustic absorption measurement for the determination of the volume viscosity of pure fluids / Messverfahren für die akustischen Absorption zur Bestimmung der Volumenviskosität reiner Fluide}, DOI={10.1515/teme-2019-0038}, journal={tm - Technisches Messen}, author={Claes, Leander and Hülskämper, Lars Moritz and Baumhögger, Elmar and Feldmann, Nadine and Chatwell, René Spencer and Vrabec, Jadran and Henning, Bernd}, year={2019}, pages={2–6} }
LibreCat | DOI
2019 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 13647
@inproceedings{Claes_Johannesmann_Baumhögger_Henning_2019, title={Quantification of frequency-dependent absorption phenomena}, DOI={10.1121/2.0001043}, booktitle={2019 International Congress on Ultrasonics}, author={Claes, Leander and Johannesmann, Sarah and Baumhögger, Elmar and Henning, Bernd}, year={2019} }
LibreCat | DOI
2019 | Misc | LibreCat-ID: 8482
@book{Jurgelucks_Schulze_Feldmann_Claes_2019, place={GAMM Annual Meeting, Wien}, title={Arbitrary sensitivity for inverse problems in piezoelectricity}, author={Jurgelucks, Benjamin and Schulze, Veronika and Feldmann, Nadine and Claes, Leander}, year={2019} }
2018 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 6562
@article{Feldmann_Jurgelucks_Claes_Schulze_Henning_Walther_2018, title={An inverse approach to the characterisation of material parameters of piezoelectric discs with triple-ring-electrodes}, volume={86}, DOI={10.1515/teme-2018-0066}, number={2}, journal={tm - Technisches Messen}, publisher={Walter de Gruyter GmbH}, author={Feldmann, Nadine and Jurgelucks, Benjamin and Claes, Leander and Schulze, Veronika and Henning, Bernd and Walther, Andrea}, year={2018}, pages={59–65} }
LibreCat | DOI
2018 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 6567
@article{Johannesmann_Düchting_Webersen_Claes_Henning_2018, title={An acoustic waveguide-based approach to the complete characterisation of linear elastic, orthotropic material behaviour}, volume={2018}, DOI={10.1515/teme-2017-0132}, number={85}, journal={tm - Technisches Messen}, author={Johannesmann, Sarah and Düchting, Julia and Webersen, Manuel and Claes, Leander and Henning, Bernd}, year={2018}, pages={478–486} }
LibreCat | DOI
2018 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 6568
@inproceedings{Johannesmann_Brockschmidt_Rump_Webersen_Claes_Henning_2018, title={Acoustic material characterization of prestressed, plate-shaped specimens}, booktitle={Sensoren und Messsysteme}, publisher={VDE Verlag GmbH}, author={Johannesmann, Sarah and Brockschmidt, Tobias and Rump, Friedhelm and Webersen, Manuel and Claes, Leander and Henning, Bernd}, year={2018}, pages={231–234} }
2018 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 6577
@article{Webersen_Johannesmann_Düchting_Claes_Henning_2018, title={Guided ultrasonic waves for determining effective orthotropic material parameters of continuous-fiber reinforced thermoplastic plates}, volume={84}, DOI={10.1016/j.ultras.2017.10.005}, journal={Ultrasonics}, author={Webersen, Manuel and Johannesmann, Sarah and Düchting, Julia and Claes, Leander and Henning, Bernd}, year={2018}, pages={53–62} }
LibreCat | DOI
2018 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 6578
@inproceedings{Webersen_Johannesmann_Düchting_Claes_Henning_2018, title={Akustische Charakterisierung der richtungsabhängigen elastischen Eigenschaften faserverstärkter Kunststoffe}, booktitle={Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2018}, author={Webersen, Manuel and Johannesmann, Sarah and Düchting, Julia and Claes, Leander and Henning, Bernd}, year={2018}, pages={1263–1266} }
2018 | Misc | LibreCat-ID: 6593
@book{Claes_Feldmann_Henning_2018, place={PI Ceramic Akademie, Lederhose}, title={Materialparameter von bleihaltigen und bleifreien Piezokeramiken und ihre Bedeutung in der Anwendung}, author={Claes, Leander and Feldmann, Nadine and Henning, Bernd}, year={2018} }
2018 | Misc | LibreCat-ID: 6594
@book{Claes_Zeipert_Koppa_Tröster_Henning_2018, place={Workshop “Messtechnische Anwendungen von Ultraschall”, Drübeck}, title={Additiv gefertigte, akustische Diffusor-Strukturen für Ultraschallanwendungen}, author={Claes, Leander and Zeipert, Henning and Koppa, Peter and Tröster, Thomas and Henning, Bernd}, year={2018} }
2018 | Misc | LibreCat-ID: 6595
@book{Feldmann_Jurgelucks_Claes_Henning_2018, place={Workshop “Messtechnische Anwendungen von Ultraschall”, Drübeck}, title={Vollständige Charakterisierung von piezoelektrischen Scheiben mit Ringelektroden}, author={Feldmann, Nadine and Jurgelucks, Benjamin and Claes, Leander and Henning, Bernd}, year={2018} }
2018 | Misc | LibreCat-ID: 6596
@book{Webersen_Johannesmann_Brockschmidt_Rump_Claes_Henning_2018, place={Workshop “Messtechnische Anwendungen von Ultraschall”, Drübeck}, title={Einfluss mechanischer Vorspannung auf das mechanische Materialverhalten von Polymeren}, author={Webersen, Manuel and Johannesmann, Sarah and Brockschmidt, Tobias and Rump, Friedhelm and Claes, Leander and Henning, Bernd}, year={2018} }
2018 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 6571
@article{Jurgelucks_Claes_Walther_Henning_2018, title={Optimization of triple-ring electrodes on piezoceramic transducers using algorithmic differentiation}, volume={33}, DOI={10.1080/10556788.2018.1435652}, number={4–6}, journal={Optimization Methods and Software}, publisher={Taylor and Francis Ltd.}, author={Jurgelucks, Benjamin and Claes, Leander and Walther, Andrea and Henning, Bernd}, year={2018}, pages={868--888} }
LibreCat | DOI
2017 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 6552
@article{Bause_Claes_Webersen_Johannesmann_Henning_2017, title={Viskoelastizität und Anisotropie von Kunststoffen: Ultraschallbasierte Methoden zur Materialparameterbestimmung}, volume={84}, DOI={10.1515/teme-2016-0056}, number={3}, journal={tm - Technisches Messen}, author={Bause, Fabian and Claes, Leander and Webersen, Manuel and Johannesmann, Sarah and Henning, Bernd}, year={2017} }
LibreCat | DOI
2017 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 6556
@inproceedings{Claes_Chatwell_Vrabec_Henning_2017, title={A Spectral Approach to Acoustic Absorption Measurement}, DOI={10.5162/sensor2017/C1.2}, booktitle={PROCEEDINGS -- AMA Conferences 2017}, publisher={AMA Service GmbH}, author={Claes, Leander and Chatwell, René Spencer and Vrabec, Jadran and Henning, Bernd}, year={2017}, pages={304–309} }
LibreCat | DOI
2017 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 6557
@inproceedings{Claes_Jäger_Johannesmann_Webersen_Kupnik_Henning_2017, title={Acoustic Material Characterization of Additively Manufactured Components}, DOI={10.5162/sensor2017/P2.9}, booktitle={PROCEEDINGS -- AMA Conferences 2017}, publisher={AMA Service GmbH}, author={Claes, Leander and Jäger, Axel and Johannesmann, Sarah and Webersen, Manuel and Kupnik, Mario and Henning, Bernd}, year={2017}, pages={605–610} }
LibreCat | DOI
2017 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 6559
@inproceedings{Claes_Zeipert_Koppa_Tröster_Henning_2017, place={Honolulu}, title={Additively manufactured acoustic diffuser structures for ultrasonic measurement applications}, DOI={10.1121/2.0000688}, booktitle={Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics}, author={Claes, Leander and Zeipert, Henning and Koppa, Peter and Tröster, Thomas and Henning, Bernd}, year={2017}, pages={030004} }
LibreCat | DOI
2017 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 6565
@inproceedings{Jäger_Johannesmann_Claes_Webersen_Henning_Kupnik_2017, title={Evaluating the Influence of 3D-Printing Parameters on Acoustic Material Properties}, booktitle={2017 IEEE IUS~Proceedings}, author={Jäger, Axel and Johannesmann, Sarah and Claes, Leander and Webersen, Manuel and Henning, Bernd and Kupnik, Mario}, year={2017} }
2017 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 6566
@inproceedings{Johannesmann_Claes_Webersen_Henning_2017, title={Inverser Ansatz zur akustischen Charakterisierung plattenförmiger Materialproben}, booktitle={Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2017}, publisher={Deutsche Gesellschaft für Akustik e.V. 2017}, author={Johannesmann, Sarah and Claes, Leander and Webersen, Manuel and Henning, Bernd}, year={2017}, pages={999–1002} }
2017 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 6572
@inproceedings{Jurgelucks_Feldmann_Claes_Henning_Walther_2017, place={Honolulu}, title={Material parameter determination of a piezoelectric disc with triple-ring-electrodes for increased sensitivity}, DOI={10.1121/2.0000707}, booktitle={Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics}, author={Jurgelucks, Benjamin and Feldmann, Nadine and Claes, Leander and Henning, Bernd and Walther, Andrea}, year={2017}, pages={030010} }
LibreCat | DOI
2017 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 6575
@inproceedings{Bause_Claes_Webersen_Henning_2017, title={Ultrasonic measurements in the characterization of viscoelasticity and aging of polymers}, DOI={10.5162/sensor2017/C8.1}, booktitle={PROCEEDINGS -- AMA Conferences 2017}, author={Bause, Fabian and Claes, Leander and Webersen, Manuel and Henning, Bernd}, year={2017}, pages={414} }
LibreCat | DOI
2017 | Misc | LibreCat-ID: 6591
@book{Claes_Feldmann_Henning_2017, place={Workshop “Schallfeldbasierte Messverfahren”, Drübeck}, title={Spektrale Verfahren zur Bestimmung der akustischen Absorption in fluiden Medien}, author={Claes, Leander and Feldmann, Nadine and Henning, Bernd}, year={2017} }
2016 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 6551
@article{Bause_Rautenberg_Feldmann_Webersen_Claes_Gravenkamp_Henning_2016, title={Ultrasonic transmission measurements in the characterization of viscoelasticity utilizing polymeric waveguides}, volume={27}, DOI={10.1088/0957-0233/27/10/105601}, number={10}, journal={Measurement Science and Technology}, author={Bause, Fabian and Rautenberg, Jens and Feldmann, Nadine and Webersen, Manuel and Claes, Leander and Gravenkamp, Hauke and Henning, Bernd}, year={2016} }
LibreCat | DOI
2016 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 6564
@inproceedings{Fischer_Claes_2016, title={Miniaturized all-optical Sound Pressure Sensor}, booktitle={INTER-NOISE 2016}, publisher={Deutsche Gesellschaft für Akustik e.V.}, author={Fischer, Balthasar and Claes, Leander}, year={2016} }
2016 | Misc | LibreCat-ID: 6569
@book{Jurgelucks_Claes_2016, place={Workshop on Direct and Inverse Problems in Piezoelectricity, Erlangen}, title={Increasing the Sensitivity of Impedance with Respect to Material Parameters of Triple-Ring Electrode Piezoelectric Transducers using Algorithmic Differentiation}, author={Jurgelucks, Benjamin and Claes, Leander}, year={2016} }
2016 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 6570
@inproceedings{Jurgelucks_Claes_2016, title={Optimisation of triple-ring-electrodes on piezoceramic transducers using algorithmic differentiation}, booktitle={AD2016 The 7th International Conference on Algorithmic Differentiation}, author={Jurgelucks, Benjamin and Claes, Leander}, year={2016}, pages={99–102} }
2016 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 6576
@inproceedings{Webersen_Johannesmann_Claes_Henning_2016, title={Characterization of Continuous-fiber Reinforced Thermoplastics Using Thermoacoustically Excited Ultrasonic Lamb Waves}, booktitle={2016 IEEE IUS~Proceedings}, author={Webersen, Manuel and Johannesmann, Sarah and Claes, Leander and Henning, Bernd}, year={2016} }
2016 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 6555 | OA
@article{Claes_Meyer_Bause_Rautenberg_Henning_2016, title={Determination of the material properties of polymers using laser-generated broadband ultrasound}, volume={5}, DOI={10.5194/jsss-5-187-2016}, number={1}, journal={Journal of Sensors and Sensor Systems}, author={Claes, Leander and Meyer, Thorsten and Bause, Fabian and Rautenberg, Jens and Henning, Bernd}, year={2016}, pages={187–196} }
LibreCat | DOI | Download (ext.)
2015 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 6554
@inproceedings{Claes_Bause_Rautenberg_Henning_2015, title={Detection of ultrasonic plate waves using ceramic strip transducers}, DOI={10.5162/sensor2015/P3.3}, booktitle={Proceedings SENSOR 2015}, author={Claes, Leander and Bause, Fabian and Rautenberg, Jens and Henning, Bernd}, year={2015}, pages={775–779} }
LibreCat | DOI
2014 | Misc | LibreCat-ID: 6550
@book{Bause_Rautenberg_Feldmann_Claes_Henning_2014, place={DEGA-Symposium, Bad Honnef}, title={Methoden zur Zeit-Frequenz-Analyse bei der Untersuchung dispersionsbehafteter Signale}, volume={8}, author={Bause, Fabian and Rautenberg, Jens and Feldmann, Nadine and Claes, Leander and Henning, Bernd}, year={2014} }
2014 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 6574
@inproceedings{Olfert_Claes_Henning_2014, title={Rekonstruktion der räumlichen Schallwechseldruckverteilung unter Berücksichtigung der Orthogonalität optischer und akustischer Achsen beim Schlierenverfahren}, booktitle={Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2014}, author={Olfert, Sergei and Claes, Leander and Henning, Bernd}, year={2014}, pages={541–542} }
2013 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 6573
@inproceedings{Olfert_Claes_Henning_2013, place={Berlin}, title={Influence of angular radiated ultrasound waves on the Schlieren tomogram}, booktitle={Proceedings of the International Conference on Acoustics}, publisher={DEGA}, author={Olfert, Sergei and Claes, Leander and Henning, Bernd}, year={2013}, pages={477–480} }


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