38688 Publications

2022 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 48389
@inproceedings{Dröse_Griese_Wessel_2022, title={Prospective teachers’ diagnostic judgments on students’ understanding of conditional probabilities}, booktitle={Twelfth Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education (CERME12)}, author={Dröse, Jennifer and Griese, Birgit and Wessel, Lena}, year={2022} }
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2022 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 48325
@article{Dellori_Wessel_2022, title={Entwicklung und Erprobung von professionsorientierten Lernumgebungen zur Wissensvernetzung in der Algebra}, DOI={10.17877/DE290R-23598}, journal={Beiträge zum Mathematikunterricht 2022}, publisher={LibreCat University}, author={Dellori, Anna and Wessel, Lena}, year={2022}, pages={665–668} }
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2022 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 48385
@inbook{Dellori_Wessel_2022, title={Design principles for intertwining local and nonlocal mathematics - The case of relating registers and representations in abstract algebra}, booktitle={Proceedings of INDRUM2022}, author={Dellori, Anna and Wessel, Lena}, editor={Trigueros, M. and Barquero, B. and Hochmuth, R. and Peters, J.}, year={2022}, pages={572–573} }
2022 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 48407
@inbook{Dellori_Wessel_2022, place={Boston}, title={Pre-service Teachers’ Professional Development: Relating Abstract Algebra and School Algebra}, booktitle={Proceedings of the 24th Annual Conference on Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education}, publisher={MA}, author={Dellori, Anna and Wessel, Lena}, editor={Karunakaran, S.S. and Higgins, A.}, year={2022}, pages={1177} }
2022 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 48408
@article{Wessel_Dröse_2022, title={Schreiben will gelernt sein: Schreiblerngelegenheiten adaptiv gestalten}, volume={233}, journal={mathematik lehren}, author={Wessel, Lena and Dröse, Jennifer}, year={2022}, pages={33–36} }
2022 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 35741
@article{Röglinger_Plattfaut_Borghoff_Kerpedzhiev_Becker_Beverungen_vom Brocke_Van Looy_del-Río-Ortega_Rinderle-Ma_et al._2022, title={Exogenous Shocks and Business Process Management}, volume={64}, DOI={10.1007/s12599-021-00740-w}, number={5}, journal={Business & Information Systems Engineering}, publisher={Springer Science and Business Media LLC}, author={Röglinger, Maximilian and Plattfaut, Ralf and Borghoff, Vincent and Kerpedzhiev, Georgi and Becker, Jörg and Beverungen, Daniel and vom Brocke, Jan and Van Looy, Amy and del-Río-Ortega, Adela and Rinderle-Ma, Stefanie and et al.}, year={2022}, pages={669–687} }
LibreCat | Files available | DOI
2022 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 35696
@inbook{Nieszporek_Griese_Biehler_2022, place={Rosario, Argentina}, title={Facilitators’ Orientations Towards Learning Goals, Perceived Challenges, and Teaching Resources for a PD Course on Conditional Probability}, DOI={10.52041/iase.icots11.t4b2}, booktitle={Bridging the Gap: Empowering and Educating Today’s Learners in Statistics. Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on Teaching Statistics}, publisher={International Association for Statistical Education}, author={Nieszporek, Ralf and Griese, Birgit and Biehler, Rolf}, editor={Peters, S. A. and Zapata-Cardona, L. and Bonafini, F. and Fan, A.}, year={2022} }
LibreCat | DOI
2022 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 34919
@inproceedings{Biehler_2022, title={Revisiting Fundamental Ideas for Statistics Education From the Perspective of Machine Learning and Its Applications}, DOI={10.52041/iase.icots11.t1a2}, booktitle={Bridging the Gap: Empowering and Educating Today’s Learners in Statistics. Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on Teaching Statistics}, publisher={International Association for Statistical Education}, author={Biehler, Rolf}, editor={Peters, S. A. and Zapata-Cardona, L. and Bonafini, F. and Fan, A.}, year={2022} }
LibreCat | DOI
2022 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 34920
@article{Biehler_De Veaux_Engel_Kazak_Frischemeier_2022, title={Editorial: Research on Data Science Education}, volume={21}, DOI={10.52041/serj.v21i2.606}, number={21}, journal={Statistics Education Research Journal}, publisher={International Association for Statistical Education}, author={Biehler, Rolf and De Veaux, Richard and Engel, Joachim and Kazak, Sibel and Frischemeier, Daniel}, year={2022} }
LibreCat | DOI
2022 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 35718
@article{Biehler_Langlotz_Zappe_2022, title={Alles normal?! Daten auf Normalverteilung prüfen–mit schulischen Mitteln}, volume={2022}, number={232}, journal={mathematik lehren}, publisher={Friedrich Verlag}, author={Biehler, Rolf and Langlotz, Hubert and Zappe, Wilfried}, year={2022}, pages={41–45} }
2022 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 35926
@article{Biehler_Griese_2022, title={Modellieren im Stochastikunterricht: Annahmen hinterfragen, Ergebnisse validieren}, volume={2022}, number={232}, journal={mathematik lehren}, publisher={Friedrich Verlag}, author={Biehler, Rolf and Griese, Birgit}, year={2022}, pages={2–6} }
2022 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 39058
@inproceedings{Griese_Nieszporek_Biehler_2022, title={Facilitators’ views on content goals, learning obstacles, and teaching resources in reference to conditional probability}, author={Griese, Birgit and Nieszporek, Ralf and Biehler, Rolf}, year={2022} }
LibreCat | Files available
2022 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 42653 | OA
@inbook{Lankeit_Biehler_2022, place={Berlin, Heidelberg}, title={Mathematik-Vorkurse zur Vorbereitung auf das Studium – Zielsetzungen und didaktische Konzepte}, DOI={10.1007/978-3-662-64833-9_4}, booktitle={Unterstützungsmaßnahmen in mathematikbezogenen Studiengängen - Konzepte, Praxisbeispiele und Untersuchungsergebnisse}, publisher={Springer}, author={Lankeit, Elisa and Biehler, Rolf}, editor={Hochmuth, Reinhard and Biehler, Rolf and Liebendörfer, Michael and Schaper, Niclas}, year={2022}, pages={117–141} }
LibreCat | DOI | Download (ext.)
2022 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 35685
@article{Liebendörfer_Göller_Gildehaus_Kortemeyer_Biehler_Hochmuth_Ostsieker_Rode_Schaper_2022, title={The role of learning strategies for performance in mathematics courses for engineers}, volume={53}, DOI={10.1080/0020739x.2021.2023772}, number={5}, journal={International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology}, publisher={Informa UK Limited}, author={Liebendörfer, Michael and Göller, Robin and Gildehaus, Lara and Kortemeyer, Jörg and Biehler, Rolf and Hochmuth, Reinhard and Ostsieker, Laura and Rode, Jana and Schaper, Niclas}, year={2022}, pages={1133–1152} }
LibreCat | DOI
2022 | Book (Editor) | LibreCat-ID: 42650 | OA
@book{Hochmuth_Biehler_Liebendörfer_Schaper_2022, place={Berlin, Heidelberg}, title={Unterstützungsmaßnahmen in mathematikbezogenen Studiengängen - Konzepte, Praxisbeispiele und Untersuchungsergebnisse}, DOI={10.1007/978-3-662-64833-9}, publisher={Springer}, year={2022} }
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2022 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 43232
@inbook{Ridgway_Campos_Biehler_2022, place={Cham}, title={Data Science, Statistics, and Civic Statistics: Education for a Fast Changing World}, DOI={10.1007/978-3-031-20748-8_22}, booktitle={Statistics for Empowerment and Social Engagement}, publisher={Springer International Publishing}, author={Ridgway, Jim and Campos, Pedro and Biehler, Rolf}, year={2022} }
LibreCat | Files available | DOI
2022 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 42649 | OA
@inbook{Bauer_Biehler_Lankeit_2022, place={Berlin, Heidelberg}, title={Mini-Aufgaben in mathematischen Übungsgruppen zur Analysis: Charakteristika von Aufgaben und Abstimmungsverhalten von Studierenden}, DOI={10.1007/978-3-662-64833-9_19}, booktitle={Unterstützungsmaßnahmen in mathematikbezogenen Studiengängen - Konzepte, Praxisbeispiele und Untersuchungsergebnisse}, publisher={Springer Berlin Heidelberg}, author={Bauer, Thomas and Biehler, Rolf and Lankeit, Elisa}, editor={Hochmuth, Reinhard and Biehler, Rolf and Liebendörfer, Michael and Schaper, Niclas}, year={2022}, pages={515–543} }
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2022 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 42652
@inbook{Lankeit_Biehler_2022, place={Berlin, Heidelberg}, title={Vorkurse und ihre Wirkungen im Übergang Schule – Hochschule}, DOI={10.1007/978-3-662-64833-9_12}, booktitle={Unterstützungsmaßnahmen in mathematikbezogenen Studiengängen - Konzepte, Praxisbeispiele und Untersuchungsergebnisse}, publisher={Springer}, author={Lankeit, Elisa and Biehler, Rolf}, editor={Hochmuth, Reinhard and Biehler, Rolf and Liebendörfer, Michael and Schaper, Niclas}, year={2022}, pages={293–363} }
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2022 | Research Data | LibreCat-ID: 35698
@book{Schürmann_Büdenbender-Kuklinski_Lankeit_Liebendörfer_Hochmuth_Biehler_Schaper_2022, title={Dokumentation der Erhebungsinstrumente des Projekts WiGeMath}, DOI={10.17170/KOBRA-202205176188}, publisher={LibreCat University}, author={Schürmann, Mirko and Büdenbender-Kuklinski, C. and Lankeit, Elisa and Liebendörfer, Michael and Hochmuth, R. and Biehler, Rolf and Schaper, N.}, year={2022} }
LibreCat | DOI
2022 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 42651
@inbook{Hochmuth_Biehler_Schaper_Liebendörfer_Büdenbender-Kuklinski_Lankeit_Ruge_Schürmann_2022, place={Berlin, Heidelberg}, title={Einführung in das WiGeMath-Projekt: Wirkung und Gelingensbedingungen von Unterstützungsmaßnahmen für mathematikbezogenes Lernen in der Studieneingangsphase}, DOI={10.1007/978-3-662-64833-9_1}, booktitle={Unterstützungsmaßnahmen in mathematikbezogenen Studiengängen - Konzepte, Praxisbeispiele und Untersuchungsergebnisse}, publisher={Springer}, author={Hochmuth, Reinhard and Biehler, Rolf and Schaper, Niclas and Liebendörfer, Michael and Büdenbender-Kuklinski, Christiane and Lankeit, Elisa and Ruge, Johanna and Schürmann, Mirko}, editor={Reinhard, Hochmuth and Biehler, Rolf and Liebendörfer, Michael and Schaper, Niclas}, year={2022}, pages={3–31} }
LibreCat | DOI | Download (ext.)
2022 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 42654 | OA
@inbook{Liebendörfer_Hochmuth_Biehler_Schaper_Büdenbender-Kuklinski_Lankeit_Ruge_Schürmann_2022, place={Berlin, Heidelberg}, title={Ein Rahmenmodell für hochschuldidaktische Maßnahmen in der Mathematik}, DOI={10.1007/978-3-662-64833-9_2}, booktitle={Unterstützungsmaßnahmen in mathematikbezogenen Studiengängen - Konzepte, Praxisbeispiele und Untersuchungsergebnisse}, publisher={Springer}, author={Liebendörfer, Michael and Hochmuth, Reinhard and Biehler, Rolf and Schaper, Niclas and Büdenbender-Kuklinski, Christiane and Lankeit, Elisa and Ruge, Johanna and Schürmann, Mirko}, editor={Hochmuth, Reinhard and Biehler, Rolf and Liebendörfer, Michael and Schaper, Niclas}, year={2022}, pages={33–65} }
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2022 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 46160
@inbook{Wessel_Leuders_2022, place={Cham}, title={Profession-Specific Curriculum Design in Mathematics Teacher Education: Connecting Disciplinary Practice to the Learning of Group Theory}, DOI={10.1007/978-3-031-14175-1_17}, booktitle={Practice-Oriented Research in Tertiary Mathematics Education}, publisher={Springer International Publishing}, author={Wessel, Lena and Leuders, Timo}, editor={Biehler, Rolf and Liebendörfer, Michael and Gueudet, G. and Rasmussen, C. and Winslow, C.}, year={2022}, pages={349–368} }
LibreCat | DOI
2022 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 35728
@article{Beverungen_Hess_Köster_Lehrer_2022, title={From private digital platforms to public data spaces: implications for the digital transformation}, volume={32}, DOI={10.1007/s12525-022-00553-z}, journal={Electronic Markets}, publisher={Springer Science and Business Media LLC}, author={Beverungen, Daniel and Hess, Thomas and Köster, Antonia and Lehrer, Christiane}, year={2022}, pages={493–501} }
LibreCat | Files available | DOI
2022 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 35732
@article{Bartelheimer_zur Heiden_Lüttenberg_Beverungen_2022, title={Systematizing the lexicon of platforms in information systems: a data-driven study}, volume={32}, DOI={10.1007/s12525-022-00530-6}, journal={Electronic Markets}, publisher={Springer Science and Business Media LLC}, author={Bartelheimer, Christian and zur Heiden, Philipp and Lüttenberg, Hedda and Beverungen, Daniel}, year={2022}, pages={375–396} }
LibreCat | Files available | DOI
2022 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 53052
@inproceedings{Kolbe_Wessel_2022, title={Self-regulated learning in a mathematics course for engineers in the first semester: insights into students reported resource management and cognitive strategies}, booktitle={Fourth conference of the International Network for Didactic Research in University Mathematics}, author={Kolbe, Tim and Wessel, Lena}, editor={Trigueros, Maria and Baerquero, Berta and Hochmuth, Reinhard and Peters, Jana}, year={2022}, pages={632–641} }
2022 | Book Review | LibreCat-ID: 53747
@article{Reis_2022, title={Mahr, Melanie: Reden ist Gold... – vom Umgang mit Sexualität bei Jugendlichen. Eine empirisch-qualitative Studie zur Situation der Sexualpädagogik im Kontext katholischer, vollstationärer Einrichtungen der Kinder- und Jugendhilfe. – Würzburg: Echter Verlag 2020 (=Studien zur Theologie und Praxis der Caritas und Sozialen Pastoral, 40)}, volume={118}, journal={Theologische Revue}, author={Reis, Oliver}, year={2022}, pages={1–3} }
2022 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 53051
@inbook{Hofmeister_Reis_2022, place={Freiburg i.Br. / Basel / Wien}, title={Wann ist eine Differenz diskriminierend? Das Oszillieren zwischen Unterschieden und Ungleichheiten in der katholischen Gemeindearbeit}, booktitle={Der Vielfalt Raum geben. Zum ambivalenten Potenzial einer differenzsensiblen Kirche}, author={Hofmeister, Lisa and Reis, Oliver}, editor={Brunnert, Barbara and Haunerland, Winfried and Kopp, Stefan}, year={2022}, pages={282–304} }
2022 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 53036
@article{Mellentin_Reis_2022, title={Wie steht es mit der Situationsorientierung der Religionspädagogik?}, journal={unterwegs 2/2022}, author={Mellentin, Franziska and Reis, Oliver}, year={2022}, pages={3–8} }
2022 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 53007
@inbook{Rakowski_Reis_2022, place={Ostfildern / Stuttgart}, title={Schulbuch}, booktitle={Religionsunterricht beobachten. Praktiken – Artefakte – Akteure}, author={Rakowski, Jana and Reis, Oliver}, editor={Brieden, Norbert and Büttner, Gerhard and Mendl, Hans and Reis, Oliver and Roose, Hanna}, year={2022}, pages={216–225} }
2022 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 53005
@inbook{Reis_Saß_2022, place={Ostfildern / Stuttgart}, title={Vorlesen}, booktitle={Religionsunterricht beobachten. Praktiken – Artefakte – Akteure}, author={Reis, Oliver and Saß, Katharina}, editor={Brieden, Norbert and Büttner, Gerhard and Mendl, Hans and Reis, Oliver and Roose, Hanna}, year={2022}, pages={145–155} }
2022 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 53006
@inbook{Reis_Wittke_2022, place={Ostfildern / Stuttgart}, title={Kerze}, booktitle={Religionsunterricht beobachten. Praktiken – Artefakte – Akteure}, author={Reis, Oliver and Wittke, Annika}, editor={Brieden, Norbert and Büttner, Gerhard and Mendl, Hans and Reis, Oliver and Roose, Hanna}, year={2022}, pages={197–205} }
2022 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 53003
@inbook{Reis_2022, place={Ostfildern / Stuttgart}, title={Beten - Meditieren}, booktitle={Religionsunterricht beobachten. Praktiken – Artefakte – Akteure}, author={Reis, Oliver}, editor={Brieden, Norbert and Büttner, Gerhard and Mendl, Hans and Reis, Oliver and Roose, Hanna}, year={2022}, pages={49–57} }
2022 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 53004
@inbook{Reis_2022, place={Ostfildern / Stuttgart}, title={Segnen}, booktitle={Religionsunterricht beobachten. Praktiken – Artefakte – Akteure}, author={Reis, Oliver}, editor={Brieden, Norbert and Büttner, Gerhard and Mendl, Hans and Reis, Oliver and Roose, Hanna}, year={2022}, pages={58–67} }
2022 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 52996
@inbook{Reis_Roose_2022, place={Münster / New York}, title={„Warum können wir denn jetzt nicht sagen, dass die Sophia wirklich Recht hat?“ Norm und Relativierung in religionspädagogischen Bildungsprozessen}, booktitle={Relativität und Bildung. Fachübergreifende Herausforderungen und fachspezifische Grenzen}, publisher={Waxmann }, author={Reis, Oliver and Roose, Hanna}, editor={Führer, Carolin and u.a.}, year={2022}, pages={97–108} }
2022 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 52998
@inbook{Reis_Tomberg_2022, place={Freiburg i.Br. / Basel / Wien}, title={Religiöse Bildung als Medium der Kirchenmodernisierung und der Kirchenrestauration}, booktitle={Aufbruch statt Rückzug. Die römisch-katholische Kirche in der Öffentlichkeit heute}, publisher={Herder Verlag}, author={Reis, Oliver and Tomberg, Markus}, editor={Beck, Wolfgang and Heyder, Regina and Sattler, Dorothea and Söding, Thomas and Wuckelt, Agnes}, year={2022}, pages={122–127} }
2022 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 53000
@inbook{Reis_Weber_2022, place={Babenhausen}, series={Nachhaltige Wirkung von Religionsunterricht}, title={„In Erinnerung geblieben sind mir die ritualartigen Dinge“. Rituale und ihre eigensinnige Mitarbeit am nachhaltigen Lernen}, volume={13}, booktitle={Jahrbuch für Konstruktivistische Religionsdidaktik}, author={Reis, Oliver and Weber, Carla}, year={2022}, pages={174–188}, collection={Nachhaltige Wirkung von Religionsunterricht} }
2022 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 52999
@inbook{Reis_Walter_2022, place={Babenhausen}, series={Nachhaltige Wirkung von Religionsunterricht}, title={Den roten Faden selbst in der Hand – Ritualisierte Selbstorganisation als Wirkungsfaktor im Paderborner Reli-Fächer}, volume={13}, booktitle={Jahrbuch für Konstruktivistische Religionsdidaktik}, author={Reis, Oliver and Walter, Marie}, year={2022}, pages={147–160}, collection={Nachhaltige Wirkung von Religionsunterricht} }
2022 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 52995
@inbook{Brandstetter_Reis_2022, place={Göttingen}, title={Behinderung / Inklusion}, booktitle={Ethische Kernthemen. Lebensweltlich – theologisch-ethisch – didaktisch}, author={Brandstetter, Bettina and Reis, Oliver}, editor={Simojoki, Henrik and Rothgangel, Martin and Körtner, Ulrich H.J.}, year={2022}, pages={63–73} }
2022 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 53002
@inbook{Reis_2022, place={Ostfildern / Stuttgart}, title={Akteur-Netzwerk-Theorie}, booktitle={Religionsunterricht beobachten. Praktiken – Artefakte – Akteure}, author={Reis, Oliver}, editor={Brieden, Norbert and Büttner, Gerhard and Mendl, Hans and Reis, Oliver and Roose, Hanna}, year={2022}, pages={20–24} }
2022 | Book (Editor) | LibreCat-ID: 52956
@book{Brieden_Mendl_Reis_Roose_2022, place={Babenhausen}, series={Jahrbuch für konstruktivistische Religionsdidaktik}, title={Nachhaltige Wirkung von Religionsunterricht}, volume={13}, year={2022}, collection={Jahrbuch für konstruktivistische Religionsdidaktik} }
2022 | Book (Editor) | LibreCat-ID: 52957
@book{Brieden_Büttner_Mendl_Reis_Roose_2022, place={Ostfildern / Stuttgart}, title={Religionsunterricht beobachten. Praktiken – Artefakte – Akteure}, year={2022} }
2022 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 52997
@inbook{Reis_2022, place={Stuttgart}, series={Jahrbuch für Kinder- und Jugendtheologie}, title={Weltanschauliche, religiöse oder theologische Positionalität – Positionalität als Lösung und Problem der KJT im Zueinander von Tradition und subjektiven Überzeugungen}, volume={5}, booktitle={„Hauptsache, du hast eine Meinung und einen eigenen Glauben“ Positionalität (nicht nur) in der Kinder- und Jugendtheologie}, author={Reis, Oliver}, year={2022}, pages={48–59}, collection={Jahrbuch für Kinder- und Jugendtheologie} }
2022 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 53001 | OA
@article{Viertel_Reis_Rohlfing_2022, title={Acquiring religious words: Dialogical and individual construction of the word’s meaning}, volume={378}, DOI={10.1098/rstb.2021.0359}, number={187020210359}, journal={Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B}, author={Viertel, Franziska and Reis, Oliver and Rohlfing, Katharina}, year={2022} }
LibreCat | DOI | Download (ext.)
2022 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 53035
@article{Reis_Roose_2022, title={Auf die Position kommt es an?! Theologische Gespräche im Religionsunterricht und die Herausforderung der Positionalität}, volume={2}, number={1}, journal={Lesepause. Magazin für alle, die im Erzbistum Paderborn Religion unterrichten}, author={Reis, Oliver and Roose, Hanna}, year={2022}, pages={5–10} }
2022 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 53032
@article{Büttner_Reis_2022, title={Was meint Digitalisierung und was hat das mit dem RU zu tun?}, volume={147}, number={2}, journal={KatBl}, author={Büttner, Gerhard and Reis, Oliver}, year={2022}, pages={145–149} }
2022 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 53034
@article{Reis_Woppowa_2022, title={Kompetenzorientiere Aufgabenformate im Distanzunterricht?!}, volume={147}, number={2}, journal={KatBl}, author={Reis, Oliver and Woppowa, Jan}, year={2022}, pages={156–158} }
2022 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 53033
@article{Woppowa_Reis_2022, title={Der Distanzunterricht als digitalisierender Kurzschluss}, volume={147}, number={2}, journal={KatBl}, author={Woppowa, Jan and Reis, Oliver}, year={2022}, pages={150–155} }
2022 | Book | LibreCat-ID: 34655 | OA
@book{Hoyer_Reis_2022, title={Artefakte als (An-)Zeiger der Zeit. Praxistheoretische Analysen zu religiösen Artefakten an einer Katholischen Schule}, author={Hoyer, Isabelle and Reis, Oliver}, year={2022} }
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2022 | Encyclopedia Article | LibreCat-ID: 53040 | OA
@inbook{Reis_2022, title={Lernstandserhebung/-diagnostik, wissenschaftstheoretisch}, booktitle={WiReLex 2/2022}, author={Reis, Oliver}, year={2022}, pages={1–15} }
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2022 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 42655 | OA
@inbook{Schürmann_Liebendörfer_Büdenbender-Kuklinski_Lankeit_Ruge_Schaper_Biehler_Hochmuth_2022, place={Berlin, Heidelberg}, title={Evaluation von Unterstützungsmaßnahmen in mathematikbezogenen Studiengängen}, DOI={10.1007/978-3-662-64833-9_3}, booktitle={Unterstützungsmaßnahmen in mathematikbezogenen Studiengängen - Konzepte, Praxisbeispiele und Untersuchungsergebnisse}, publisher={Springer}, author={Schürmann, Mirko and Liebendörfer, Michael and Büdenbender-Kuklinski, Christiane and Lankeit, Elisa and Ruge, Johanna and Schaper, Niclas and Biehler, Rolf and Hochmuth, Reinhard}, editor={Hochmuth, Reinhard and Biehler, Rolf and Liebendörfer, Michael and Schaper, Niclas}, year={2022}, pages={67–113} }
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2022 | Conference (Editor) | LibreCat-ID: 53803 | OA
@book{Kersting_2022, place={Barcelona, Spain}, title={PATTERNS 2022 The Fourteenth International Conferences on Pervasive Patterns and Applications}, publisher={IARIA}, year={2022} }
LibreCat | Files available | Download (ext.)
2022 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 45334
@article{Schönherr_Schukajlow_Blomberg_Leopold_2022, title={Effects of drawing instructions and strategic knowledge on mathematical modeling performance: Mediated by the use of the drawing strategy}, volume={36}, DOI={10.1002/acp.3930}, number={2}, journal={Applied Cognitive Psychology, ac3930}, author={Schönherr, Johanna and Schukajlow, S. and Blomberg, J. and Leopold, C.}, year={2022}, pages={402–417} }
LibreCat | DOI
2022 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 45339
@inproceedings{Schönherr_Schukajlow_Leopold_2022, title={Drawing instructions, strategic knowledge, strategy-based motivation, and students’ use of drawings}, volume={3}, booktitle={Proceedings of the 45th PME Conference}, author={Schönherr, Johanna and Schukajlow, S. and Leopold, C.}, year={2022}, pages={347–354} }
2022 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 53830
@article{Bartlitz_2022, title={Die Kommanditistenhaftung in der GmbH & Co. KG vor Registereintragung - Eine Untersuchung auf der Grundlage Digitaler Rechtstatsachenforschung}, number={35}, journal={Neue Zeitschrift für Gesellschaftsrecht (NZG)}, author={Bartlitz, David}, year={2022}, pages={1669–1678} }
2022 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 53829
@article{Bartlitz_Bohnert_2022, title={Die Gesellschafterstruktur der GmbH & Co. KG aus der Perspektive der Digitalen Rechtstatsachenforschung}, number={25}, journal={Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftsrecht (ZIP)}, author={Bartlitz, David and Bohnert, Alexander}, year={2022}, pages={1244–1251} }
2022 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 53839
@article{Bartlitz_2022, title={Die Begebung elektronischer Wertpapiere}, number={28}, journal={Neue Juristische Wochenschrift (NJW)}, author={Bartlitz, David}, year={2022}, pages={1981–1986} }
2022 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 53952
@article{Massacci_Sabetta_Mirkovic_Murray_Okhravi_Mannan_Rocha_Bodden_Geer_2022, title={“Free” as in Freedom to Protest?}, volume={20}, DOI={10.1109/msec.2022.3185845}, number={5}, journal={IEEE Security & Privacy}, publisher={Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)}, author={Massacci, Fabio and Sabetta, Antonino and Mirkovic, Jelena and Murray, Toby and Okhravi, Hamed and Mannan, Mohammad and Rocha, Anderson and Bodden, Eric and Geer, Daniel E.}, year={2022}, pages={16–21} }
LibreCat | DOI
2022 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 41293
@inbook{Flath_2022, title={Transdisziplinäre Eventforschung als Möglichkeitswissenschaft. Überlegungen zum Vermittlungs- und Moderationspotential von Events}, booktitle={Druckwellen. Eskalationskulturen und Kultureskalationen in Pop, Gesellschaft und Politik }, publisher={transcript }, author={Flath, Beate}, editor={Flath, Beate and Heinrich, Ina and Jacke , Christoph and Momen Pour Tafreshi , Maryam }, year={2022}, pages={83–96} }
2022 | Book (Editor) | LibreCat-ID: 33566
@book{Rezat_2022, title={Lesen und Schreiben: digital. Praxis Deutsch 292}, year={2022} }
2022 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 51060
@inbook{Klingmann_2022, place={Bielefeld}, title={POPulismus, POPkultur und Pop-Didaktik.}, booktitle={Druckwellen. Eskalationskulturen und Kultureskalationen in Pop, Gesellschaft und Politik.}, publisher={transcript}, author={Klingmann, Heinrich}, editor={Flath, Beate and Heinrich, Ina and Jacke, Christoph and Klingmann, Heinrich and Momen Pour Tafreshi, Maryam}, year={2022}, pages={65–82} }
2022 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 40986
@article{Nowakowski_Kalinko_Szlachetko_Fanselow_Bauer_2022, title={High resolution off resonant spectroscopy as a probe of the oxidation state}, volume={37}, DOI={10.1039/d2ja00232a}, number={11}, journal={Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry}, publisher={Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC)}, author={Nowakowski, Michał and Kalinko, Aleksandr and Szlachetko, Jakub and Fanselow, Rafał and Bauer, Matthias}, year={2022}, pages={2383–2391} }
LibreCat | DOI
2022 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 41282
@article{Flath_Momen Pour Tafreshi _2022, title={Zwischen teilhaben und Teil sein. Ein Gespräch über kulturelle Teilhabe im Kontext transdisziplinärer Forschung}, volume={2}, journal={Transformational  POP: Transitions, Breaks, and Crises in Popular Music (Studies) (Vibes - The IASPM D-A-CH Series 2)}, author={Flath, Beate and Momen Pour Tafreshi , Maryam }, year={2022}, pages={19–32} }
LibreCat | Download (ext.)
2022 | Book (Editor) | LibreCat-ID: 40253
@book{Flath_Jacke_2022, place={Bielefeld, Germany}, title={PopEventKulturen an den Schnittstellen von Management und Politik}, DOI={10.14361/9783839453247}, publisher={transcript Verlag}, year={2022} }
LibreCat | Files available | DOI
2022 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 40241
@inbook{Flath_Jacke_2022, place={Bielefeld, Germany}, series={Transdisziplinäre Popkulturstudien }, title={PopEventKulturen an den Schnittstellen von Management und Politik}, volume={2}, DOI={10.14361/9783839453247-001}, booktitle={Transdisziplinäre Popkulturstudien}, publisher={transcript Verlag}, author={Flath, Beate and Jacke, Christoph}, year={2022}, pages={9–17}, collection={Transdisziplinäre Popkulturstudien } }
LibreCat | Files available | DOI
2022 | Book (Editor) | LibreCat-ID: 37244 | OA
@book{Flath_Jacke_Troike_2022, place={Berlin}, series={~Vibes – The IASPM D-A-CH Series}, title={Transformational POP: Transitions, Breaks, and Crises in Popular Music (Studies)}, volume={2}, publisher={International Association for the Study of Popular Music Deutschland-Austria-Confoederation Helvetica}, year={2022}, collection={~Vibes – The IASPM D-A-CH Series} }
LibreCat | Files available | Download (ext.)
2022 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 37246 | OA
@inbook{Burkhalter_Troike_2022, series={ ~Vibes – The IASPM D-A-CH Series}, title={Contradict – Ideas for a New World. A Talk between Thomas Burkhalter and Manuel Troike about the documentary film Contradict.}, volume={2}, booktitle={Transformational POP: Transitions, Breaks, and Crises in Popular Music (Studies)}, publisher={International Association for the Study of Popular Music Deutschland-Austria-Confoederation Helvetica}, author={Burkhalter, Thomas and Troike, Manuel}, editor={Flath, Beate and Jacke, Christoph and Troike, Manuel}, year={2022}, pages={225–230}, collection={ ~Vibes – The IASPM D-A-CH Series} }
LibreCat | Files available | Download (ext.)
2022 | Book (Editor) | LibreCat-ID: 40249
@book{Flath_Heinrich_Jacke_Klingmann_Momen Pour Tafreshi_2022, place={Bielefeld, Germany}, title={Druckwellen. Eskalationskulturen und Kultureskalationen in Pop, Gesellschaft und Politik}, DOI={10.14361/9783839453230}, publisher={transcript Verlag}, year={2022} }
LibreCat | DOI
2022 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 40272
@inbook{Flath_Heinrich_Jacke_Klingmann_Momen Pour Tafreshi_2022, place={Bielefeld, Germany}, title={Druckwellen. Eskalationskulturen und Kultureskalationen in Pop, Gesellschaft und Politik}, DOI={10.14361/9783839453230-002}, booktitle={Transdisziplinäre Popkulturstudien}, publisher={transcript Verlag}, author={Flath, Beate and Heinrich, Ina and Jacke, Christoph and Klingmann, Heinrich and Momen Pour Tafreshi, Maryam}, year={2022}, pages={13–18} }
LibreCat | Files available | DOI
2022 | Book (Editor) | LibreCat-ID: 51056
@book{Klingmann_Flath_Heinrich_Jacke_Momen Pour Tafreshi_2022, place={Bielefeld}, title={Druckwellen. Eskalationskulturen und Kultureskalationen in Pop, Gesellschaft und Politik.}, publisher={transcript}, year={2022} }
LibreCat | Download (ext.)
2022 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 41292
@inbook{Flath_2022, title={4 Minuten 33 Sekunden - Klangvignetten}, booktitle={Musik als Lebensmittel. Kulturwissenschaftlich-theologische Rationen für ein Jahr. Festschrift zum 60. Geburtstag von Prof. Dr. Harald Schroeter-Wittke}, publisher={LIT-Verlag}, author={Flath, Beate}, editor={Janus , Richard and Keuchen, Marion }, year={2022}, pages={62–65} }
2022 | Book (Editor) | LibreCat-ID: 51055
@book{Klingmann_Schilling-Sandvoß_2022, place={Innsbruck}, title={Musikunterricht und Inklusion. Grundlagen, Themen- und Handlungsfelder.}, publisher={Helbling}, year={2022} }
LibreCat | Download (ext.)
2022 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 51059
@inbook{Klingmann_2022, place={Innsbruck}, title={Heterogenität und Musikunterricht - Ungleichheitskritische und konzeptionelle Aspekte.}, booktitle={Musikunterricht und Inklusion. Grundlagen, Themen- und Handlungsfelder.}, publisher={Helbling}, author={Klingmann, Heinrich}, editor={Klingmann, Heinrich and Schilling-Sandvoß, Katharina}, year={2022}, pages={109–135} }
2022 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 53607
@inbook{Janus_2022, place={Wiesbaden}, series={pop.religion: lebensstil – kultur – theologie}, title={Nicht aufzuhalten – Im Labyrinth der Suche nach dem Ursprung der Pandemie: „Twelve Monkeys“}, DOI={10.1007/978-3-658-38127-1_13}, booktitle={Pandemie im Film. Religiöse und ästhetische Transformationen in der Popularkultur}, publisher={Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden}, author={Janus, Richard}, editor={Kirsner, Inge and Schroeter-Wittke, Harald}, year={2022}, pages={175–183}, collection={pop.religion: lebensstil – kultur – theologie} }
LibreCat | DOI
2022 | Book (Editor) | LibreCat-ID: 52940
@book{Janus_Schroeter-Wittke_2022, place={Wiesbaden}, series={pop.religion: lebensstil - kultur - theologie}, title={Lust und Abgrund. Theologische und kulturwissenschaftliche Zugänge zum Begehren}, publisher={SpringerVS}, year={2022}, collection={pop.religion: lebensstil - kultur - theologie} }
2022 | Book (Editor) | LibreCat-ID: 54055
@book{Markewitz_Holtfreter_Kroll_Lisek_2022, place={Göttingen}, title={Sprache - Text - System}, publisher={Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht}, year={2022} }
2022 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 54064
@article{Markewitz_2022, title={“Aber man tut eben seine Pflicht, bis der Schwindel zu Ende geht ...“. Zu soldatischen Identitätskonstruktionen vom 18. bis zum 20. Jahrhundert anhand der Ausdrücke Pflicht und Treue}, volume={47}, number={3}, journal={Sprachwissenschaft}, publisher={Winter}, author={Markewitz, Friedrich}, year={2022}, pages={257–291} }
2022 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 54063 | OA
@inbook{Markewitz_2022, series={Jahrbuch für Internationale Linguistik}, title={Inklusion, Exklusion, Usurpation. Strategien der Übernahme diskursiver Widerstands- und Protest- Positionen im “Dritten Reich” sowie in der DDR anhand des rechtspopulistischen Blogs Politically Incorrect}, booktitle={Akten des XIV. Internationalen Germanistenkongresses Palermo 2021: Wege der Germanistik in transkultureller Perspektive}, author={Markewitz, Friedrich}, editor={Auteri, Laura and Barrale, Natascia and Di Bella, Arianna and Hoffmann, Sabine}, year={2022}, pages={541–550}, collection={Jahrbuch für Internationale Linguistik} }
LibreCat | Download (ext.)
2022 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 54065
@inbook{Markewitz_Holtfreter_Kroll_Lisek_2022, place={Göttingen}, title={Zum 65. Geburtstag Christina Gansels – Einführendes zur (Textsorte) Festschrift}, booktitle={Sprache - Text - System}, publisher={Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht}, author={Markewitz, Friedrich and Holtfreter, Susan and Kroll, Iris and Lisek, Grzegorz}, editor={Holtfreter, Susan and Kroll, Iris and Lisek, Grzegorz and Markewitz, Friedrich}, year={2022}, pages={7–10} }
2022 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 54066
@inbook{Markewitz_2022, place={Göttingen}, title={Luhmann und Lyotard? Reflexionen zu möglichen Verbindungslinien zwischen Diskurs- und Systemtheorie}, booktitle={Sprache - Text - System}, publisher={Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht}, author={Markewitz, Friedrich}, editor={Holtfreter, Susan and Kroll, Iris and Lisek, Grzegorz and Markewitz, Friedrich}, year={2022}, pages={45–55} }
2022 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 54067 | OA
@article{Markewitz_2022, title={Tarnschriften als Medium des diskursiven Bedeutungsbruchs sowie der diskursiven Bedeutungserweiterung und -destabilisierung}, volume={52}, number={4}, journal={Zeitschrift für Literaturwissenschaft und Linguistik}, author={Markewitz, Friedrich}, year={2022}, pages={569–590} }
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2022 | Book Review | LibreCat-ID: 54071
@article{Markewitz_2022, title={Sprachliche Aggression bei Martin Luther. Argumentationsformen und -funktionen am Beispiel der Streitschrift “Wider das Papsttum zu Rom vom Teufel gestiftet” (1545)}, volume={77}, journal={Zeitschrift für Angewandte Linguistik}, author={Markewitz, Friedrich}, year={2022}, pages={327–333} }
2022 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 54075 | OA
@inbook{Markewitz_Dang-Anh_Kämper_Scholl_Schuster_Wilk_2022, place={Göttingen}, series={Arbeiten zu Sprachgebrauch und Kommunikation zur Zeit des Nationalsozialismus}, title={Einleitung}, volume={1}, booktitle={Im Nationalsozialismus. Praktiken – Kommunikation – Diskurse. Teil 1}, publisher={Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht}, author={Markewitz, Friedrich and Dang-Anh, Mark and Kämper, Heidrun and Scholl, Stefan and Schuster, Britt-Marie and Wilk, Nicole M.}, editor={Kämper, Heidrun and Schuster, Britt-Marie}, year={2022}, pages={9–29}, collection={Arbeiten zu Sprachgebrauch und Kommunikation zur Zeit des Nationalsozialismus} }
LibreCat | Download (ext.)
2022 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 54076 | OA
@inbook{Markewitz_2022, place={Göttingen}, series={Arbeiten zu Sprachgebrauch und Kommunikation zur Zeit des Nationalsozialismus}, title={Wahr-Sagen im Widerstand}, volume={1}, booktitle={Im Nationalsozialismus. Praktiken – Kommunikation – Diskurse. Teil 1}, publisher={Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht}, author={Markewitz, Friedrich}, editor={Kämper, Heidrun and Schuster, Britt-Marie}, year={2022}, pages={331–349}, collection={Arbeiten zu Sprachgebrauch und Kommunikation zur Zeit des Nationalsozialismus} }
LibreCat | Download (ext.)
2022 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 54080 | OA
@inbook{Markewitz_Wilk_2022, place={Göttingen}, series={Arbeiten zu Sprachgebrauch und Kommunikation zur Zeit des Nationalsozialismus}, title={Freiheit}, volume={1}, booktitle={Im Nationalsozialismus. Praktiken – Kommunikation – Diskurse. Teil 2}, publisher={Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht}, author={Markewitz, Friedrich and Wilk, Nicole M.}, editor={Kämper, Heidrun and Schuster, Britt-Marie}, year={2022}, pages={445–468}, collection={Arbeiten zu Sprachgebrauch und Kommunikation zur Zeit des Nationalsozialismus} }
LibreCat | Download (ext.)
2022 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 54077 | OA
@inbook{Markewitz_Kämper_2022, place={Göttingen}, series={Arbeiten zu Sprachgebrauch und Kommunikation zur Zeit des Nationalsozialismus}, title={Tagebuch}, volume={1}, booktitle={Im Nationalsozialismus. Praktiken – Kommunikation – Diskurse. Teil 2}, publisher={Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht}, author={Markewitz, Friedrich and Kämper, Heidrun}, editor={Kämper, Heidrun and Schuster, Britt-Marie}, year={2022}, pages={30–80}, collection={Arbeiten zu Sprachgebrauch und Kommunikation zur Zeit des Nationalsozialismus} }
LibreCat | Download (ext.)
2022 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 54079 | OA
@inbook{Markewitz_Kämper_2022, place={Göttingen}, series={Arbeiten zu Sprachgebrauch und Kommunikation zur Zeit des Nationalsozialismus}, title={Rede}, volume={1}, booktitle={Im Nationalsozialismus. Praktiken – Kommunikation – Diskurse. Teil 2}, publisher={Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht}, author={Markewitz, Friedrich and Kämper, Heidrun}, editor={Kämper, Heidrun and Schuster, Britt-Marie}, year={2022}, pages={277–333}, collection={Arbeiten zu Sprachgebrauch und Kommunikation zur Zeit des Nationalsozialismus} }
LibreCat | Download (ext.)
2022 | Working Paper | LibreCat-ID: 54081 | OA
@book{Markewitz_Schuster_Wilk_2022, title={Guidelines zur Annotation von Widerstandspraktiken in CATMA 5.0 im Rahmen des DFG-Projektes “Heterogene Widerstandskulturen. Sprachliche Praktiken des Sich-Widersetzens von 1933 bis 1945”}, author={Markewitz, Friedrich and Schuster, Britt-Marie and Wilk, Nicole M.}, year={2022} }
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2022 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 50795
@inproceedings{Qudus_Röder_Saleem_Ngomo_2022, place={Cham}, title={HybridFC: A Hybrid Fact-Checking Approach for Knowledge Graphs}, DOI={10.1007/978-3-031-19433-7_27}, booktitle={The Semantic Web – ISWC 2022}, publisher={Springer International Publishing}, author={Qudus, Umair and Röder, Michael and Saleem, Muhammad and Ngomo, Axel-Cyrille Ngonga}, editor={Sattler, Ulrike and Hogan, Aidan and Keet, Maria and Presutti, Valentina and Almeida, João Paulo A. and Takeda, Hideaki and Monnin, Pierre and Pirrò, Giuseppe and d’Amato, Claudia}, year={2022}, pages={462–480} }
LibreCat | DOI
2022 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 40988
@article{Weber_Zimmermann_Bremer_Abel_Poppitz_Prinz_Ilsemann_Wendholt_Yang_Pashminehazar_et al._2022, title={Digitization in Catalysis Research: Towards a Holistic Description of a Ni/Al2O3 Reference Catalyst for CO2 Methanation}, volume={14}, DOI={10.1002/cctc.202101878}, number={8}, journal={ChemCatChem}, publisher={Wiley}, author={Weber, Sebastian and Zimmermann, Ronny T. and Bremer, Jens and Abel, Ken L. and Poppitz, David and Prinz, Nils and Ilsemann, Jan and Wendholt, Sven and Yang, Qingxin and Pashminehazar, Reihaneh and et al.}, year={2022} }
LibreCat | DOI
2022 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 54205
@article{Bartlitz_2022, title={Leistungsverweigerungsrecht des Darlehensgebers aus §§ 358, 357 Abs. 4 Satz 1 BGB auch hinsichtlich vom Darlehensnehmer nach Widerruf erbrachter Leistungen. Anmerkung zu OLG Stuttgart, Urt. v. 22.03.2022 - 6 U 79/19}, number={19}, journal={Entscheidungen zum Wirtschaftsrecht (EWiR)}, author={Bartlitz, David}, year={2022}, pages={577–579} }
2022 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 54206
@article{Bartlitz_2022, title={Regulierung der Vergütungspraxis hochrangiger Mitarbeiter im Finanzdienstleistungssektor. Anmerkung zu EuGH, Urt. v. 01.08.2022 - C-352/20}, number={19}, journal={Europäische Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftsrecht (EuZW)}, author={Bartlitz, David}, year={2022}, pages={905–906} }
2022 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 54211
@article{Bartlitz_2022, title={Start-up-Gründung mit Schwierigkeiten}, number={2}, journal={Juristische Schulung (JuS)}, author={Bartlitz, David}, year={2022}, pages={131–137} }
2022 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 40452
@inproceedings{Hellmich_Hoya_Schulze_Blumberg_2022, place={Porto, Portugal}, title={The composition of pre-service teacher teams and primary school students’ competencies in (non-)inclusive science lessons. Oral Communication. Porto International Conference on Research in Education 2022 (ICRE 2022), Polytechnic of Porto, Centre for Research and Innovation in Education (inED) of the School of Education}, publisher={Polytechnic of Porto}, author={Hellmich, Frank and Hoya, Fabian Karl and Schulze, Jan Roland and Blumberg, Eva}, year={2022} }
2022 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 35920
@inproceedings{Löper_Görel_Hellmich_2022, place={Ghent, Belgium}, title={Determinants for primary school teachers’ inclusive practices in heterogenous classes. Paper Presentation. EARLI SIG 15 Biennial Conference 2022 `Special Educational Needs´. “A Village to Teach a Child – The Influence of Contextual Factors on Learning and Development”}, publisher={Ghent University}, author={Löper, Marwin Felix and Görel, Gamze and Hellmich, Frank}, year={2022} }
2022 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 54232
@inbook{Bartlitz_2022, place={Berlin}, title={§ 2 eWpG (Elektronisches Wertpapier)}, booktitle={eWpG - Gesetz über elektronische Wertpapiere - mit weiterführenden Vorschriften - Kommentar}, publisher={Erich Schmidt}, author={Bartlitz, David}, editor={Conreder, Christian and Meier, Johannes}, year={2022}, pages={610} }
2022 | Book (Editor) | LibreCat-ID: 54257
@book{Janus_2022, place={Düsseldorf}, series={Studien zur Religiösen Bildung}, title={Reformation mit Jochen Klepper feiern. 31. Oktober 2022}, year={2022}, collection={Studien zur Religiösen Bildung} }
2022 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 54264
@article{Janus_2022, title={Ökumenischer Patriarch Bartholomaios I. Würdigung zum dreißigjährigen Amtsjubiläum}, volume={73}, DOI={doi.org/10.1515/mdki-2022-0007}, number={1}, journal={Materialdienst des Konfessionskundlichen Instituts Bensheim}, publisher={Walter de Gruyter}, author={Janus, Richard}, year={2022}, pages={45–48} }
LibreCat | DOI
2022 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 54258
@inbook{Janus_2022, place={Düsseldorf}, series={Predigtstudien des Evangelischen Bundes Rheinland}, title={Gottesdienstentwurf zum Reformationstag mit Klepper}, volume={3}, booktitle={Reformation mit Jochen Klepper feiern. 31. Oktober 2022}, author={Janus, Richard}, editor={Janus, Richard}, year={2022}, pages={3–9}, collection={Predigtstudien des Evangelischen Bundes Rheinland} }
2022 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 54272
@article{Janus_2022, title={Akteure im Rheinischen Hauptverein des Evangelischen Bundes zur Wahrung deutsch-protestantischer Interessen in der Zeit des Nationalsozialismus}, volume={71}, journal={Jahrbuch für Evangelische Kirchengeschichte des Rheinlandes}, publisher={Dr. Rudolf Habelt}, author={Janus, Richard}, year={2022}, pages={41–55} }
2022 | Book Review | LibreCat-ID: 54273
@article{Janus_2022, place={Bonn}, title={Cesary Lipinski / Wolfgang Brylla (Hg.), Reformation 2017. Zwischen Gewinn und Verlust, Göttingen 2020}, volume={71}, journal={Jahrbuch für Evangelische Kirchengeschichte des Rheinlandes}, publisher={Dr. Rudolf Habelt}, author={Janus, Richard}, year={2022}, pages={183–186} }
2022 | Working Paper | LibreCat-ID: 37089
@book{Ahlers_Edossa_Uckert_Kosi_2022, title={Insolvcency Process in Germany and the insol database: A research Note}, author={Ahlers, Theresa and Edossa, Fikir Worku and Uckert, Matthias and Kosi, Urska}, year={2022} }
LibreCat | Files available
2022 | Working Paper | LibreCat-ID: 37131
@book{Franke_Kosi_Stoczek_2022, title={Current developments in the European corporate bond market}, author={Franke, Benedikt and Kosi, Urska and Stoczek, Pia}, year={2022} }
LibreCat | Files available
2022 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 29790 | OA
@article{Kothe_Albert_Meier_Wagner_Tiemann_2022, title={Stimulation and Enhancement of Near‐Band‐Edge Emission in Zinc Oxide by Distributed Bragg Reflectors}, DOI={10.1002/admi.202102357}, number={2102357}, journal={Advanced Materials Interfaces}, publisher={Wiley}, author={Kothe, Linda and Albert, Maximilian and Meier, Cedrik and Wagner, Thorsten and Tiemann, Michael}, year={2022} }
LibreCat | DOI | Download (ext.)
2022 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 54435
@inproceedings{Siewert_Kretschmer_Niemietz_Somorovsky_2022, title={On the Security of Parsing Security-Relevant HTTP Headers in Modern Browsers}, DOI={10.1109/spw54247.2022.9833880}, booktitle={2022 IEEE Security and Privacy Workshops (SPW)}, publisher={IEEE}, author={Siewert, Hendrik and Kretschmer, Martin and Niemietz, Marcus and Somorovsky, Juraj}, year={2022} }
LibreCat | DOI
2022 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 29290 | OA
@inproceedings{Heindorf_Blübaum_Düsterhus_Werner_Golani_Demir_Ngonga Ngomo_2022, title={EvoLearner: Learning Description Logics with Evolutionary Algorithms}, DOI={10.1145/3485447.3511925}, booktitle={WWW}, publisher={ACM}, author={Heindorf, Stefan and Blübaum, Lukas and Düsterhus, Nick and Werner, Till and Golani, Varun Nandkumar and Demir, Caglar and Ngonga Ngomo, Axel-Cyrille}, year={2022}, pages={818–828} }
LibreCat | DOI | Download (ext.)
2022 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 29851 | OA
@article{Pestryakova_Vollmers_Sherif_Heindorf_Saleem_Moussallem_Ngonga Ngomo_2022, title={CovidPubGraph: A FAIR Knowledge Graph of COVID-19 Publications}, DOI={10.1038/s41597-022-01298-2}, journal={Scientific Data}, author={Pestryakova, Svetlana and Vollmers, Daniel and Sherif, Mohamed and Heindorf, Stefan and Saleem, Muhammad and Moussallem, Diego and Ngonga Ngomo, Axel-Cyrille}, year={2022} }
LibreCat | DOI | Download (ext.)
2022 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 54310
@inbook{Janus_Schroeter-Wittke_2022, place={Wiesbaden}, title={Einleitung}, booktitle={Lust und Abgrund. Theologische und kulturwissenschaftliche Zugänge zum Begehren}, publisher={Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden}, author={Janus, Richard and Schroeter-Wittke, Harald}, editor={Janus, Richard and Schroeter-Wittke, Harald}, year={2022}, pages={1–6} }
2022 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 54309
@inbook{Janus_2022, place={Wiesbaden}, series={pop.religion: lebensstil - kultur - theologie}, title={Eingeständnis - Bekenntnis - Widerstand. Die Geste des Bekennens als Ende jeglichen Begehrens}, booktitle={Lust und Abgrund. Theologische und kulturwissenschaftliche Zugänge zum Begehren}, publisher={Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden}, author={Janus, Richard}, editor={Janus, Richard and Schroeter-Wittke, Harald}, year={2022}, pages={53–67}, collection={pop.religion: lebensstil - kultur - theologie} }
2022 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 54308
@inbook{Janus_2022, place={Leipzig}, title={Pfingstmontag. Johannes 4, 19-26}, booktitle={Er ist unser Friede. Lesepredigten 1. Advent 2022 bis Pfingstmontag 2023. Textreihe V/1}, publisher={Evangelischer Verlagsanstalt}, author={Janus, Richard}, editor={Schult, Maike}, year={2022}, pages={249–254} }
2022 | Misc | LibreCat-ID: 54493
@book{Mombeck_Caruso, title={Projektbericht zum durch die Forschungsreserve der Fakultät für Kulturwissenschaften geförderten Projekt „Hundegestütztes Resilienztraining – soziales Lernen von Kindern fördern“ }, author={Mombeck, Mona Maria and Caruso, Carina} }
2022 | Misc | LibreCat-ID: 54489
@book{Mombeck_2022, title={Tiergestützte Pädagogik - ein junges Feld in der Bildungswissenschaft}, author={Mombeck, Mona Maria}, year={2022} }
2022 | Misc | LibreCat-ID: 54488
@book{Mombeck_2022, title={Pfotenglück - Hunde in der Pädagogik }, author={Mombeck, Mona Maria}, year={2022} }
2022 | Misc | LibreCat-ID: 54490
@book{Mombeck_2022, title={Animal-Assisted Pedagogy & Animal Wellfare}, author={Mombeck, Mona Maria}, year={2022} }
2022 | Book | LibreCat-ID: 54471
@book{Mombeck_2022, title={Tiergestützte Pädagogik – Soziale Teilhabe – Inklusive Prozesse. Der Einsatz von Schulhunden aus wissenschaftlicher Perspektive}, publisher={Springer}, author={Mombeck, Mona Maria}, year={2022} }
2022 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 34674 | OA
@inproceedings{Sieger_Hermann_Schomäcker_Heindorf_Meske_Hey_Doğangün_2022, title={User Involvement in Training Smart Home Agents}, DOI={10.1145/3527188.3561914}, booktitle={International Conference on Human-Agent Interaction}, publisher={ACM}, author={Sieger, Leonie Nora and Hermann, Julia and Schomäcker, Astrid and Heindorf, Stefan and Meske, Christian and Hey, Celine-Chiara and Doğangün, Ayşegül}, year={2022} }
LibreCat | Files available | DOI | Download (ext.)
2022 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 40054
@inproceedings{Janicki_Tenberge_2022, title={Technology Education in Elementary School Using the Example of “Learning Robots” – Development and Evaluation of an In-Service Teacher Training Concept.}, author={Janicki, Nicole and Tenberge, Claudia}, editor={Gill, David and Tuff, Jim and Kennedy, Thomas and Pendergast, Shawn and Jamil, Sana}, year={2022}, pages={475–485} }
LibreCat | Download (ext.)
2022 | Newspaper Article | LibreCat-ID: 54537
@article{Bauer_Hohwiller_2022, title={iMustHave. Anhand von Werbevideos den Kult um den digital global player Apple untersuchen}, volume={178}, journal={Der fremdsprachliche Unterricht Englisch}, author={Bauer, Maike and Hohwiller, Peter}, year={2022}, pages={30–33} }
2022 | Newspaper Article | LibreCat-ID: 54534
@article{Bauer_Menschig_2022, title={Should I Stay or Should I Go? Discussing the Advantages and Disadvantages of Taking a Gap Year}, volume={6}, journal={Englisch Betrifft Uns}, author={Bauer, Maike and Menschig, Leigh}, year={2022}, pages={1–5} }
2022 | Newspaper Article | LibreCat-ID: 54535
@article{Bauer_Menschig_2022, title={Virtual Employees in India: Off-site Employment for Large Corporations. Two oral exams}, volume={5}, journal={Englisch Betrifft Uns}, author={Bauer, Maike and Menschig, Leigh}, year={2022}, pages={22–25} }
2022 | Newspaper Article | LibreCat-ID: 54536
@article{Bauer_Menschig_2022, title={Modern Slavery vs. Fairtrade: Raising Awareness of the Working Conditions in India}, volume={5}, journal={Englisch Betrifft Uns}, author={Bauer, Maike and Menschig, Leigh}, year={2022}, pages={17–21} }
2022 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 54541
@inproceedings{Bauer_2022, title={Diaspora Short Stories – A Meaningful Aspect in Young Adult Literature? }, author={Bauer, Maike}, year={2022} }
2022 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 52924
@inproceedings{Tirtarasa_Turhan_2022, title={Computing generalizations of temporal ϵL concepts with next and global}, DOI={10.1145/3477314.3507136}, booktitle={SAC ’22: The 37th {ACM/SIGAPP} Symposium on Applied Computing, Virtual Event, April 25 - 29, 2022}, publisher={ACM}, author={Tirtarasa, Satyadharma and Turhan, Anni-Yasmin}, editor={Hong, Jiman and Bures, Miroslav and Park, Juw Won and Cerný, Tomás}, year={2022}, pages={903–910} }
LibreCat | DOI
2022 | Conference Abstract | LibreCat-ID: 54549
@inproceedings{Janicki_2022, title={Technische Bildung im Sachunterricht der Grundschule am Beispiel von Lernrobotern - Entwicklung und Evaluation eines Fortbildungskonzepts. Posterbeitrag im Rahmen der 31. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Didaktik des Sachunterrichts (GDSU) vom 09. bis 12.03.2022 in Köln}, author={Janicki, Nicole}, year={2022} }
2022 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 52918
@article{Baader_Koopmann_Michel_Turhan_Zarrieß_2022, title={Efficient TBox Reasoning with Value Restrictions using the Flower Reasoner}, volume={22}, DOI={10.1017/S1471068421000466}, number={2}, journal={Theory Pract. Log. Program.}, author={Baader, Franz and Koopmann, Patrick and Michel, Friedrich and Turhan, Anni-Yasmin and Zarrieß, Benjamin}, year={2022}, pages={162–192} }
LibreCat | DOI
2022 | Misc | LibreCat-ID: 54554
@book{Janus_2022, place={Bensheim}, series={Evangelische Orientierung}, title={Gott wird Mensch. Weihnachten zwischen Fiktion und Evangelium}, volume={4}, publisher={Evangelischer Bund}, author={Janus, Richard}, year={2022}, collection={Evangelische Orientierung} }
2022 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 49458 | OA
@article{Nastjuk_Trang_Papageorgiou_2022, title={Smart cities and smart governance models for future cities}, volume={32}, journal={Electronic Markets}, author={Nastjuk, I. and Trang, Simon Thanh-Nam and Papageorgiou, E.}, year={2022}, pages={1917–1924} }
LibreCat | Download (ext.)
2022 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 49460
@article{Masuch_Greve_Trang_2022, title={What to do after a data breach? Examining apology and compensation as response strategies for health service providers}, volume={31}, journal={Electronic Markets}, author={Masuch, K. and Greve, M. and Trang, Simon Thanh-Nam}, year={2022}, pages={829–848} }
2022 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 49459
@article{Masuch_Greve_Trang_2022, title={Apologize or Justify? Examining the Impact of Data Breach Response Actions on Stock Value of Affected Companies}, volume={12}, journal={Computers & Security}, author={Masuch, K. and Greve, M. and Trang, Simon Thanh-Nam}, year={2022} }
2022 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 54585
@inbook{Manzoor_Saleem_Ngonga Ngomo_2022, place={Cham}, title={REBench: Microbenchmarking Framework for Relation Extraction Systems}, DOI={10.1007/978-3-031-19433-7_37}, booktitle={The Semantic Web – ISWC 2022}, publisher={Springer International Publishing}, author={Manzoor, Ali and Saleem, Muhammad and Ngonga Ngomo, Axel-Cyrille}, year={2022} }
LibreCat | DOI
2022 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 45849
@article{Mahmood_Meier_2022, title={Parameterised complexity of model checking and satisfiability in propositional dependence logic}, volume={90}, DOI={10.1007/s10472-021-09730-w}, number={2–3}, journal={Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence}, publisher={Springer Science and Business Media LLC}, author={Mahmood, Yasir and Meier, Arne}, year={2022}, pages={271–296} }
LibreCat | DOI
2022 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 45847
@article{Kontinen_Meier_Mahmood_2022, title={A parameterized view on the complexity of dependence and independence logic}, volume={32}, DOI={10.1093/logcom/exac070}, number={8}, journal={Journal of Logic and Computation}, publisher={Oxford University Press (OUP)}, author={Kontinen, Juha and Meier, Arne and Mahmood, Yasir}, year={2022}, pages={1624–1644} }
LibreCat | DOI
2022 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 45846
@inproceedings{Kontinen_Meier_Mahmood_2022, place={Cham}, title={A Parameterized View on the Complexity of Dependence Logic}, DOI={10.1007/978-3-030-93100-1_9}, booktitle={Logical Foundations of Computer Science}, publisher={Springer International Publishing}, author={Kontinen, Juha and Meier, Arne and Mahmood, Yasir}, year={2022} }
LibreCat | DOI
2022 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 47289
@inproceedings{Huaman_Krause_Wermke_Klemmer_Stransky_Acar_Fahl_2022, title={If You Can’t Get Them to the Lab: Evaluating a Virtual Study Environment with Security Information Workers}, booktitle={Eighteenth Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security, SOUPS 2022, Boston, MA, USA, August 7-9, 2022}, publisher={USENIX Association}, author={Huaman, Nicolas and Krause, Alexander and Wermke, Dominik and Klemmer, Jan H. and Stransky, Christian and Acar, Yasemin and Fahl, Sascha}, editor={Chiasson, Sonia and Kapadia, Apu}, year={2022}, pages={313–330} }
2022 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 47844
@inproceedings{Jancar_Fourné_Braga_Sabt_Schwabe_Barthe_Fouque_Acar_2022, title={“They’re not that hard to mitigate”: What Cryptographic Library Developers Think About Timing Attacks}, DOI={10.1109/sp46214.2022.9833713}, booktitle={2022 IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (SP)}, publisher={IEEE}, author={Jancar, Jan and Fourné, Marcel and Braga, Daniel De Almeida and Sabt, Mohamed and Schwabe, Peter and Barthe, Gilles and Fouque, Pierre-Alain and Acar, Yasemin}, year={2022} }
LibreCat | DOI
2022 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 47286
@inproceedings{Gutfleisch_Klemmer_Busch_Acar_Sasse_Fahl_2022, title={How Does Usable Security (Not) End Up in Software Products? Results From a Qualitative Interview Study}, DOI={10.1109/SP46214.2022.9833756}, booktitle={43rd IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy, SP 2022, San Francisco, CA, USA, May 22-26, 2022}, publisher={IEEE}, author={Gutfleisch, Marco and Klemmer, Jan H. and Busch, Niklas and Acar, Yasemin and Sasse, M. Angela and Fahl, Sascha}, year={2022}, pages={893–910} }
LibreCat | DOI
2022 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 47287
@inproceedings{Stransky_Wiese_Roth_Acar_Fahl_2022, title={27 Years and 81 Million Opportunities Later: Investigating the Use of Email Encryption for an Entire University}, DOI={10.1109/SP46214.2022.9833755}, booktitle={43rd IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy, SP 2022, San Francisco, CA, USA, May 22-26, 2022}, publisher={IEEE}, author={Stransky, Christian and Wiese, Oliver and Roth, Volker and Acar, Yasemin and Fahl, Sascha}, year={2022}, pages={860–875} }
LibreCat | DOI
2022 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 47283
@inproceedings{Kaur_Amft_Votipka_Acar_Fahl_2022, title={Where to Recruit for Security Development Studies: Comparing Six Software Developer Samples}, booktitle={31st USENIX Security Symposium, USENIX Security 2022, Boston, MA, USA, August 10-12, 2022}, publisher={USENIX Association}, author={Kaur, Harjot and Amft, Sabrina and Votipka, Daniel and Acar, Yasemin and Fahl, Sascha}, editor={Butler, Kevin R. B. and Thomas, Kurt}, year={2022}, pages={4041–4058} }
2022 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 47290
@article{Huaman_Amft_Oltrogge_Acar_Fahl_2022, title={They Would Do Better If They Worked Together: Interaction Problems Between Password Managers and the Web}, volume={20}, DOI={10.1109/MSEC.2021.3123795}, number={2}, journal={IEEE Secur. Priv.}, author={Huaman, Nicolas and Amft, Sabrina and Oltrogge, Marten and Acar, Yasemin and Fahl, Sascha}, year={2022}, pages={49–60} }
LibreCat | DOI
2022 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 47843
@inproceedings{Wermke_Wohler_Klemmer_Fourné_Acar_Fahl_2022, title={Committed to Trust: A Qualitative Study on Security & Trust in Open Source Software Projects}, DOI={10.1109/sp46214.2022.9833686}, booktitle={2022 IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (SP)}, publisher={IEEE}, author={Wermke, Dominik and Wohler, Noah and Klemmer, Jan H. and Fourné, Marcel and Acar, Yasemin and Fahl, Sascha}, year={2022} }
LibreCat | DOI
2022 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 47288
@inproceedings{Jancar_Fourné_Braga_Sabt_Schwabe_Barthe_Fouque_Acar_2022, title={“They’re not that hard to mitigate”: What Cryptographic Library Developers Think About Timing Attacks}, DOI={10.1109/SP46214.2022.9833713}, booktitle={43rd IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy, SP 2022, San Francisco, CA, USA, May 22-26, 2022}, publisher={IEEE}, author={Jancar, Jan and Fourné, Marcel and Braga, Daniel De Almeida and Sabt, Mohamed and Schwabe, Peter and Barthe, Gilles and Fouque, Pierre-Alain and Acar, Yasemin}, year={2022}, pages={632–649} }
LibreCat | DOI
2022 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 47285
@inproceedings{Wermke_Wöhler_Klemmer_Fourné_Acar_Fahl_2022, title={Committed to Trust: A Qualitative Study on Security & Trust in Open Source Software Projects}, DOI={10.1109/SP46214.2022.9833686}, booktitle={43rd IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy, SP 2022, San Francisco, CA, USA, May 22-26, 2022}, publisher={IEEE}, author={Wermke, Dominik and Wöhler, Noah and Klemmer, Jan H. and Fourné, Marcel and Acar, Yasemin and Fahl, Sascha}, year={2022}, pages={1880–1896} }
LibreCat | DOI
2022 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 47284
@inproceedings{Munyendo_Acar_Aviv_2022, title={“Desperate Times Call for Desperate Measures”: User Concerns with Mobile Loan Apps in Kenya}, DOI={10.1109/SP46214.2022.9833779}, booktitle={43rd IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy, SP 2022, San Francisco, CA, USA, May 22-26, 2022}, publisher={IEEE}, author={Munyendo, Collins W. and Acar, Yasemin and Aviv, Adam J.}, year={2022}, pages={2304–2319} }
LibreCat | DOI
2022 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 47281
@article{Krause_Klemmer_Huaman_Wermke_Acar_Fahl_2022, title={Committed by Accident: Studying Prevention and Remediation Strategies Against Secret Leakage in Source Code Repositories}, volume={abs/2211.06213}, DOI={10.48550/arXiv.2211.06213}, journal={CoRR}, author={Krause, Alexander and Klemmer, Jan H. and Huaman, Nicolas and Wermke, Dominik and Acar, Yasemin and Fahl, Sascha}, year={2022} }
LibreCat | DOI
2022 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 46307
@inproceedings{Seiler_Prager_Kerschke_Trautmann_2022, place={New York, NY, USA}, title={A Collection of Deep Learning-based Feature-Free Approaches for Characterizing Single-Objective Continuous Fitness Landscapes}, DOI={10.1145/3512290.3528834}, booktitle={Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference}, publisher={Association for Computing Machinery}, author={Seiler, Moritz and Prager, Raphael Patrick and Kerschke, Pascal and Trautmann, Heike}, year={2022}, pages={657–665} }
LibreCat | DOI
2022 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 46304
@inproceedings{Prager_Seiler_Trautmann_Kerschke_2022, place={Cham}, title={Automated Algorithm Selection in Single-Objective Continuous Optimization: A Comparative Study of Deep Learning and Landscape Analysis Methods}, DOI={10.1007/978-3-031-14714-2_1}, booktitle={Parallel Problem Solving from Nature — PPSN XVII}, publisher={Springer International Publishing}, author={Prager, Raphael Patrick and Seiler, Moritz and Trautmann, Heike and Kerschke, Pascal}, editor={Rudolph, Günter and Kononova, Anna V. and Aguirre, Hernán and Kerschke, Pascal and Ochoa, Gabriela and Tušar, Tea}, year={2022}, pages={3–17} }
LibreCat | DOI
2022 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 46303
@inproceedings{Pohl_Assenmacher_Seiler_Trautmann_Grimme_2022, place={Palo Alto, CA, USA}, title={Artificial Social Media Campaign Creation for Benchmarking and Challenging Detection Approaches}, DOI={10.36190/2022.91}, booktitle={Workshop Proceedings of the 16$^th$ International Conference on Web and Social Media (ICWSM)}, publisher={AAAI Press}, author={Pohl, Janina Susanne and Assenmacher, Dennis and Seiler, Moritz and Trautmann, Heike and Grimme, Christian}, editor={the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI) Association, for}, year={2022}, pages={1–10} }
LibreCat | DOI
2022 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 46309
@article{Clever_Pohl_Bossek_Kerschke_Trautmann_2022, title={Process-Oriented Stream Classification Pipeline: A Literature Review}, volume={12}, DOI={10.3390/app12189094}, number={8}, journal={Applied Sciences}, author={Clever, Lena and Pohl, Janina Susanne and Bossek, Jakob and Kerschke, Pascal and Trautmann, Heike}, year={2022}, pages={1–44} }
LibreCat | DOI
2022 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 46305
@inproceedings{Rook_Trautmann_Bossek_Grimme_2022, place={New York, NY, USA}, series={GECCO ’22}, title={On the Potential of Automated Algorithm Configuration on Multi-Modal Multi-Objective Optimization Problems}, DOI={10.1145/3520304.3528998}, booktitle={Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference Companion}, publisher={Association for Computing Machinery}, author={Rook, J and Trautmann, Heike and Bossek, Jakob and Grimme, C}, editor={Fieldsend, J and Wagner, M.}, year={2022}, pages={356–359–356–359}, collection={GECCO ’22} }
LibreCat | DOI
2022 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 46302
@inproceedings{Heins_Rook_Schäpermeier_Kerschke_Bossek_Trautmann_2022, place={Cham}, title={BBE: Basin-Based Evaluation of Multimodal Multi-objective Optimization Problems}, booktitle={Parallel Problem Solving from Nature — PPSN XVII}, publisher={Springer International Publishing}, author={Heins, J and Rook, J and Schäpermeier, L and Kerschke, P and Bossek, Jakob and Trautmann, Heike}, editor={Rudolph, G and Kononova, AV and Aguirre, H and Kerschke, P and Ochoa, G and Tušar, T}, year={2022}, pages={192–206} }
2022 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 41792
@inbook{Fuchs_2022, place={Bielefeld}, title={Der Tod und die Liebe: Die Metaphysik der Kommunikation}, booktitle={Soziale Ordnungen des Sterbens}, publisher={transcript Verlag}, author={Fuchs, Christian}, editor={von Gahlen-Hoops, Wolfgang}, year={2022} }
2022 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 33256
@article{Fuchs_Unterberger_2022, title={Transform the Internet: Why we Need a Public Service Internet}, volume={25}, journal={Public Value Texte}, author={Fuchs, Christian and Unterberger, Klaus}, year={2022}, pages={54–63} }
2022 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 42390
@inbook{Fuchs_2022, place={Athens}, title={H παρακολούθηση των Κοινωνικών Μέσων}, booktitle={Η νέα ψηφιακή παρακολούθηση. Κείμενα προς τιμήν του Μηνά Σαματά (in Greek, The New Digital Surveillance: A Volume in Honour of Minas Samatas),}, publisher={Papazisis Publishers}, author={Fuchs, Christian}, editor={Theoharis, Yannis and Kaniadakis, Antonis}, year={2022}, pages={149–171} }
2022 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 41794
@inbook{Unterberger_Fuchs_2022, place={Berlin}, title={Occupy the Internet: Why we need a Public Service Internet}, booktitle={Building a European Digital Public Space: Strategies for Taking Back Control from Big Tech Platforms}, publisher={iRights.Media}, author={Unterberger, Klaus and Fuchs, Christian}, editor={Baratsits, Alexander}, year={2022}, pages={243–256} }
2022 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 41793
@inbook{Fuchs_2022, place={New York}, title={Social Media, Alienation, and the Public Sphere}, booktitle={The Social Media Debate: Unpacking the Social, Psychological, and Cultural Effects of Social Media}, publisher={Routledge}, author={Fuchs, Christian}, editor={Rosen, Devan}, year={2022}, pages={53–76} }
2022 | Book | LibreCat-ID: 37188
@book{Fuchs_2022, place={Bingley}, title={Digital Humanism. A Philosophy for 21st Century Digital Society. SocietyNow Series}, publisher={Emerald}, author={Fuchs, Christian}, year={2022} }
2022 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 41798
@article{Fuchs_2022, title={大数据、社交媒体和数字异化}, journal={国际社会科学杂志 (Journal of International Social Sciences) 2022 (5)}, author={Fuchs Christian}, year={2022}, pages={31–42} }
2022 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 42482
@article{Fuchs_2022, title={Geburtstage: Manfred Knoche 80 Jahre}, volume={67}, number={1}, journal={Publizistik}, author={Fuchs, Christian}, year={2022}, pages={128–129} }
2022 | Book | LibreCat-ID: 30283
@book{Fuchs_2022, place={München}, title={Verschwörungstheorien in der Pandemie}, publisher={UVK/utb}, author={Fuchs, Christian}, year={2022} }
2022 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 42481
@article{Fuchs_2022, title={Servizio Pubblico}, journal={Wired Italia 102}, author={Fuchs, Christian}, year={2022}, pages={31} }
2022 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 30285
@inbook{Fuchs_2022, place={New York}, title={Social Media, Alienation, and the Public Sphere}, booktitle={The Social Media Debate: Unpacking the Social, Psychological, and Cultural Effects of Social Media}, publisher={Routledge}, author={Fuchs, Christian}, editor={Rosen, Devan}, year={2022}, pages={53–76} }
2022 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 38151
@inbook{Fuchs_2022, place={Wilmington, DE}, title={Marxism and Identity}, booktitle={Searching for a Self. Identity in Popular Culture, Media and Society}, publisher={Vernon Press}, author={Fuchs, Christian}, editor={Berger, Arthur Asa}, year={2022}, pages={68–71} }
2022 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 41546
@article{Fuchs_2022, title={交往资本主义:迈向马克思主义交往理论的批判}, volume={4}, journal={国际社会科学杂志 (Journal of International Social Sciences)}, author={Fuchs Christian}, year={2022}, pages={47–62} }
2022 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 41590
@article{Fuchs_2022, title={社交媒体中的数字产消劳动:基于资本主义时间范畴的研究}, journal={ 国际社会科学杂志 (Journal of International Social Sciences) 2022 (4)}, author={Fuchs Christian}, year={2022}, pages={28–46} }
2022 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 41540
@article{Fuchs_2022, title={数字资本主义和大数据时代的卢卡奇}, journal={马克思主义与现实 (Marxism & Reality) 年第5期. (shortened article version)}, author={Fuchs Christian}, year={2022}, pages={194–202} }
2022 | Book | LibreCat-ID: 40121
@book{Fuchs_2022, place={München}, title={Verschwörungstheorien in der Pandemie. Wie über COVID-19 im Internet kommuniziert wird}, publisher={UVK/utb}, author={Fuchs, Christian}, year={2022} }
2022 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 41542
@article{Fuchs_2022, title={数字、传播与社会主义}, number={5}, journal={国外理论动态 (Foreign Theoretical Trends)}, author={Fuchs Christian}, year={2022}, pages={66–75} }
2022 | Book | LibreCat-ID: 37193
@book{Fuchs_2022, place={New York}, title={Foundations of Critical Theory. Media, Communication and Society Volume Two}, publisher={Routledge}, author={Fuchs, Christian}, year={2022} }
2022 | Book | LibreCat-ID: 37190
@book{Fuchs_2022, place={New York}, title={Digital Fascism. Media, Communication and Society Volume Four}, publisher={Routledge}, author={Fuchs, Christian}, year={2022} }
2022 | Book | LibreCat-ID: 37191
@book{Fuchs_2022, place={New York}, title={Digital Capitalism. Media, Communication and Society Volume Three}, publisher={Routledge}, author={Fuchs, Christian}, year={2022} }
2022 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 54708
@article{Rohlfing_Vollmer_Fritsch_Wrede_2022, title={Which “motionese” parameters change with children’s age? Disentangling attention-getting from action-structuring modifications}, volume={7}, DOI={10.3389/fcomm.2022.922405}, journal={Frontiers in Communication}, publisher={Frontiers Media SA}, author={Rohlfing, Katharina J. and Vollmer, Anna-Lisa and Fritsch, Jannik and Wrede, Britta}, year={2022} }
LibreCat | DOI
2022 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 54709
@article{Hindemith_Bruns_Noller_Hemion_Schneider_Vollmer_2022, title={Interactive Robot Task Learning: Human Teaching Proficiency With Different Feedback Approaches}, volume={15}, DOI={10.1109/tcds.2022.3186270}, number={4}, journal={IEEE Transactions on Cognitive and Developmental Systems}, publisher={Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)}, author={Hindemith, Lukas and Bruns, Oleksandra and Noller, Arthur Maximilian and Hemion, Nikolas and Schneider, Sebastian and Vollmer, Anna-Lisa}, year={2022}, pages={1938–1947} }
LibreCat | DOI
2022 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 50024
@article{Feng_Gries_Letmathe_Schulz_2022, title={The smoots Package in R for Semiparametric Modeling of Trend Stationary Time Series}, volume={14}, DOI={10.32614/rj-2022-017}, number={1}, journal={The R Journal}, publisher={The R Foundation}, author={Feng, Yuanhua and Gries, Thomas and Letmathe, Sebastian and Schulz, Dominik}, year={2022}, pages={182–195} }
LibreCat | DOI
2022 | Book (Editor) | LibreCat-ID: 54717
@book{Georgi_Lücke_Meyer-Hamme_Spielhaus_2022, place={Bielefeld}, title={Geschichten im Wandel: Neue Perspektiven für die Erinnerungskultur in der Migrationsgesellschaft (Public History - Angewandte Geschichte)}, year={2022} }
2022 | Book Review | LibreCat-ID: 32336 | OA
@article{Peckhaus_2022, title={Stuhlmann-Laeisz, Gottlob Freges “Grundgesetze der Arithmetik”. Ein Kommentar des Vorworts, des Nachworts und der einleitenden Paragrafen, mentis Verlag: Paderborn 2020}, journal={zbMATH Open, Zbl 1481.01035}, author={Peckhaus, Volker}, year={2022} }
LibreCat | Download (ext.)
2022 | Book Review | LibreCat-ID: 32457 | OA
@article{Peckhaus_2022, title={Neuwirth, Stefan, “Lorenzen’s Reshaping of Krull’s Fundamentalsatz for Integral Domains (1938–1953)”, in: Gerhard Heinzmann et al. (eds.), Paul Lorenzen – Mathematician and Logician, Springer: Cham 2021 (Logic, Epistemology, and the Unity of Science; 51), 143–183.}, number={Zbl. 07465331}, journal={zbMATH Open, Zbl 1484.01013}, author={Peckhaus, Volker}, year={2022} }
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2022 | Book Review | LibreCat-ID: 37073 | OA
@article{Peckhaus_2022, title={Tait, W.W., “Kant on Number”, in: Carl Posy et. al. (eds.), Kant’s Philosophy of Mathematics, Vol. 1: The Critical Philosophy and its Roots, Cambridge University Press: Cambridge 2020, 267–291}, number={Zbl. 074811647}, journal={zbMATH Open, Zbl 1495.01012}, author={Peckhaus, Volker}, year={2022} }
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2022 | Book Review | LibreCat-ID: 37078 | OA
@article{Peckhaus_2022, title={Warren, Daniel, "Kant on Mathematics and the Metaphysics of Corporal Nature. The Role of the Infinitesimal”, in: Carl Posy et. al. (eds.), Kant’s Philosophy of Mathematics, Vol. 1: The Critical Philosophy and its Roots, Cambridge University Press: Cambridge 2020, 66–82}, number={Zbl. 1492.01011}, journal={zbMath Open, Zbl 1492.01011}, author={Peckhaus, Volker}, year={2022} }
LibreCat | Download (ext.)
2022 | Book Review | LibreCat-ID: 37071 | OA
@article{Peckhaus_2022, title={Antos, Carolin, “Conceptions of Infinity and Set in Lorenzen’s Operationist System”, in: Gerhard Heinzmann et al. (eds.), Paul Lorenzen – Mathematician and Logician, Springer: Cham 2021 (Logic, Epistemology, and the Unity of Science; 51), 23–46. }, number={Zbl. 07465325}, journal={zbMATH Open, Zbl 1494.03011}, author={Peckhaus, Volker}, year={2022} }
LibreCat | Download (ext.)
2022 | Book Review | LibreCat-ID: 32458 | OA
@article{Peckhaus_2022, title={Coquand, Thierry, “Lorenzen and Constructive Mathematics”, in: Gerhard Heinzmann et al. (eds.), Paul Lorenzen – Mathematician and Logician, Springer: Cham 2021 (Logic, Epistemology, and the Unity of Science; 51), 48–61.}, number={Zbl. 07465326}, journal={zbMath Online, Zbl 1490.03001}, author={Peckhaus, Volker}, year={2022} }
LibreCat | Download (ext.)
2022 | Book Review | LibreCat-ID: 37084
@article{Peckhaus_2022, title={Luna, Laureano. “Strengthening the Russellian Argument Against Abolutely Unrestricted Quantification”. Synthese 200 (2022), No. 3, Paper No. 182, 13 pp}, journal={Mathematical Reviews, MR4410107}, author={Peckhaus, Volker}, year={2022} }
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2022 | Encyclopedia Article | LibreCat-ID: 37065 | OA
@inbook{Peckhaus_2022, edition={Winter Edition 2022}, title={Scholz, Heinrich }, booktitle={Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy}, author={Peckhaus, Volker}, editor={Zalta, Edward N. and Nodelmann, Uri}, year={2022} }
LibreCat | Download (ext.)
2022 | Preprint | LibreCat-ID: 53782
@article{Hornemann_Jankovic_Perrar_Längler_Hohoff_Alexy_2022, title={Ready-to-eat-cereal intake and long term body weight status among children and adolescents – results of the DONALD Study}, DOI={10.21203/rs.3.rs-1669839/v1}, publisher={Research Square Platform LLC}, author={Hornemann, Stephanie and Jankovic, Nicole and Perrar, Ines and Längler, Alfred and Hohoff, Eva and Alexy, Ute}, year={2022} }
LibreCat | DOI
2022 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 53783
@article{Stutz_Buyken_Schadow_Jankovic_Alexy_Krueger_2022, title={Associations of chronotype and social jetlag with eating jetlag and their changes among German students during the first COVID-19 lockdown. The Chronotype and Nutrition study}, volume={180}, DOI={10.1016/j.appet.2022.106333}, number={106333}, journal={Appetite}, publisher={Elsevier BV}, author={Stutz, B. and Buyken, A.E. and Schadow, A.M. and Jankovic, N. and Alexy, U. and Krueger, B.}, year={2022} }
LibreCat | DOI
2022 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 53779
@article{Perrar_Alexy_Jankovic_2022, title={Changes in Total Energy, Nutrients and Food Group Intake among Children and Adolescents during the COVID-19 Pandemic—Results of the DONALD Study}, volume={14}, DOI={10.3390/nu14020297}, number={2297}, journal={Nutrients}, publisher={MDPI AG}, author={Perrar, Ines and Alexy, Ute and Jankovic, Nicole}, year={2022} }
LibreCat | DOI
2022 | Book Review | LibreCat-ID: 37069 | OA
@article{Peckhaus_2022, title={Fermüller, Christian G., “Connecting Sequent Calculi with Lorenzen-Style Dialogue Games”, in: Gerhard Heinzmann et al. (eds.), Paul Lorenzen – Mathematician and Logician, Springer: Cham 2021 (Logic, Epistemology, and the Unity of Science; 51), 143–183}, journal={zbMATH Open, Zbl 1490.03014}, author={Peckhaus, Volker}, year={2022} }
LibreCat | Download (ext.)
2022 | Book Review | LibreCat-ID: 29143
@article{Peckhaus_2022, title={De Mol, Liesbeth/Maarten Bullynck,, “Making the History of Computing. The History of Computing in the History of Technology and the History of Mathematics”, Revue de Synthèse (7) 139 (2018), 361-380}, journal={Mathematical Reviews, MR4162129}, author={Peckhaus, Volker}, year={2022} }
LibreCat | Download (ext.)
2022 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 54849
@article{Kozub_Gerstmann_Schmidt_2022, title={Third‐Order Susceptibility of Lithium Niobate: Influence of Polarons and Bipolarons}, volume={260}, DOI={10.1002/pssb.202200453}, number={2}, journal={physica status solidi (b)}, publisher={Wiley}, author={Kozub, Agnieszka L. and Gerstmann, Uwe and Schmidt, Wolf Gero}, year={2022} }
LibreCat | DOI
2022 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 53788
@article{Schlarbaum_Forner_Bohn_Amberg_Mäder_Lorkowski_Meier_2022, title={Nutritional Assessment of Ready-to-Eat Salads in German Supermarkets: Comparison of the nutriRECIPE-Index and the Nutri-Score}, volume={11}, DOI={10.3390/foods11244011}, number={244011}, journal={Foods}, publisher={MDPI AG}, author={Schlarbaum, Laura and Forner, Frank and Bohn, Kristin and Amberg, Michael and Mäder, Patrick and Lorkowski, Stefan and Meier, Toni}, year={2022} }
LibreCat | DOI
2022 | Book (Editor) | LibreCat-ID: 37054
@book{Peckhaus_2022, place={Paderborn}, title={Christian Thiel, Fregeana. Zwölf Studien über Freges Logik}, publisher={mentis}, year={2022} }
LibreCat | Download (ext.)
2022 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 51752
@inproceedings{Finke_Horwath_Matzner_Schulz_2022, place={Cham}, series={Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, title={(De)Coding social practice in the field of XAI: Towards a co-constructive framework of explanations and understanding between lay users and algorithmic systems}, DOI={10.1007/978-3-031-05643-7_10}, booktitle={Artificial Intelligence in HCI}, publisher={Springer International Publishing }, author={Finke, Josefine and Horwath, Ilona and Matzner, Tobias and Schulz, Christian}, year={2022}, pages={149–160}, collection={Lecture Notes in Computer Science} }
LibreCat | DOI
2022 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 51751
@inbook{Schulz_Allekotte_2022, edition={1}, title={Mediale Fluidität oder fluide Medialität? Eine kurze Geschichte des Social-Media-Feeds}, DOI={https://doi.org/10.1515/9783110780024-017}, booktitle={Fluide Mediale. Medialität, Materialität und Medienästhetik des Fluiden }, publisher={DeGruyter}, author={Schulz, Christian and Allekotte, Ann-Kathrin}, editor={Dreckmann, Kathrin and Meis, Verena }, year={2022}, pages={269–294} }
LibreCat | DOI
2022 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 54894
@inbook{del Valle_2022, place={Tübingen}, title={¡Nuestras actividades de tiempo libre! – Una encuesta}, booktitle={Förderung der mündlichen Sprachproduktion im Fremdsprachenunterricht. Perspektiven aus Wissenschaft und Praxis}, publisher={Narr}, author={del Valle, Victoria}, editor={Schlaak, Claudia and Willems, Aline}, year={2022}, pages={178–186} }
2022 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 54892
@article{del Valle_2022, title={Für die Unzertrennlichkeit von Form und Inhalt. Überlegungen zur Verbindung von Gegenstands- und Kompetenzorientierung im Umgang mit literarisch-ästhetischen Texten im Fremdsprachenunterricht}, number={16/1}, journal={Zeitschrift für romanische Sprachen und ihre Didaktik (ZRomSD)}, author={del Valle, Victoria}, year={2022}, pages={9–26} }
2022 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 54985
@article{del Valle_Hillmann_2022, title={Teatro breve juvenil: “Adiós con el corazón” - Ein Mini-Theaterstück lesen und szenisch darstellen}, volume={76}, journal={Der fremdsprachliche Unterricht Spanisch}, author={del Valle, Victoria and Hillmann, Johanna}, year={2022}, pages={27–32} }
2022 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 54897
@article{del Valle_Nicola_2022, title={Micropoemas von Ajo: Mini-Gedichte als animierte Kurzpräsentationen darstellen}, number={76}, journal={Der fremdsprachliche Unterricht Spanisch}, author={del Valle, Victoria and Nicola, Puhle}, year={2022}, pages={33–38} }
2022 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 54893
@article{del Valle_2022, title={¡Breve, brevísimo! La minificción y su potencial didáctico (Basisartikel)}, number={76}, journal={Der fremdsprachliche Unterricht Spanisch}, author={del Valle, Victoria}, year={2022}, pages={2–7} }
2022 | Conference (Editor) | LibreCat-ID: 40055 | OA
@book{Diederich_Schröer_Goll_2022, place={Germany}, series={GDSU-Journal}, title={GDSU-Journal}, volume={13}, year={2022}, collection={GDSU-Journal} }
LibreCat | Download (ext.)
2022 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 50600 | OA
@article{Hälterlein_2022, title={Technological Expectations and the Making of Europe}, volume={36}, DOI={10.23987/sts.110036}, number={2}, journal={Science & Technology Studies}, publisher={Science and Technology Studies}, author={Hälterlein, Jens}, year={2022}, pages={26–46} }
LibreCat | Files available | DOI | Download (ext.)
2022 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 54096
@article{Heise_2022, title={‚Konservative Revolution‘ transnational? Der Kulturbund und die “Europäische Revue” als Beispiel für einen europäischen Antiliberalismus der Zwischenkriegszeit}, volume={29}, number={1}, journal={Brücken. Zeitschrift für Sprach-, Literatur- und Kulturwissenschaft }, author={Heise, Tillmann}, year={2022}, pages={59–76} }
2022 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 33543
@inbook{Mildorf_2022, place={Heidelberg}, series={Jahrbuch Literatur und Medizin}, title={Arzt-Patienten-Kommunikation und das Problem der Einverständniserklärung in Jeffrey Eugenides’ Roman Middlesex}, volume={13}, booktitle={Jahrbuch Literatur und Medizin}, publisher={Universitätsverlag Winter}, author={Mildorf, Jarmila}, editor={Steger, Florian}, year={2022}, pages={59–76}, collection={Jahrbuch Literatur und Medizin} }
2022 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 53945
@article{Quinting_Jonas_Kuhn_Stenneken_2022, title={Emotion Recognition, Empathy, or ToM? The Influence of Social Cognition on Communication in Traumatic Brain Injury}, volume={33}, DOI={10.1024/1016-264x/a000355}, number={2}, journal={Zeitschrift für Neuropsychologie}, publisher={Hogrefe Publishing Group}, author={Quinting, Jana and Jonas, Kristina and Kuhn, Charlotte and Stenneken, Prisca}, year={2022}, pages={59–69} }
LibreCat | DOI
2022 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 53944
@article{Jaecks_Jonas_2022, title={Digital Assessment of Acquired Alexia and Agraphia: On the Relevance of Written Discourse}, volume={7}, DOI={10.3389/fcomm.2022.798143}, journal={Frontiers in Communication}, publisher={Frontiers Media SA}, author={Jaecks, Petra and Jonas, Kristina}, year={2022} }
LibreCat | DOI
2022 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 53943
@article{Quinting_Stenneken_Mahlke_de Beer_Hogrefe_Hussmann_Baumgaertner_MacDonald_Jonas_2022, title={Measuring Verbal Reasoning and Executive Strategies in German Speaking People with Cognitive-Communication Disorders: Cross-Cultural Adaptation and Pilot Testing of the FAVRES-DE}, volume={37}, DOI={10.1080/02687038.2022.2107166}, number={10}, journal={Aphasiology}, publisher={Informa UK Limited}, author={Quinting, Jana and Stenneken, Prisca and Mahlke, Anne and de Beer, Carola and Hogrefe, Katharina and Hussmann, Katja and Baumgaertner, A. and MacDonald, Sheila and Jonas, Kristina}, year={2022}, pages={1533–1555} }
LibreCat | DOI
2022 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 49919
@inbook{Autsch_Becher_Peckhaus_Schmidt_2022, place={Darmstadt}, title={Interdisziplinäre Studien des Paderborner Graduiertenzentrums für Kulturwissenschaften}, booktitle={Wissenstransfer als Aufgabe. Herausforderung und Chance kulturwissenschaftlicher Forschung}, publisher={wbg Academic}, author={Autsch, Sabiene and Becher, Andrea and Peckhaus, Volker and Schmidt, Jochen}, editor={Harmening, Anda-Lisa and Leinfellner, Stefanie and Meier, Rebecca}, year={2022} }
2022 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 45446
@inproceedings{Zeller_Jordans_Riese_2022, title={Ansätze zur Ermittlung von Kompetenzniveaus im Fachdidaktischen Wissen}, volume={42}, booktitle={Unsicherheit als Element von naturwissenschaftsbezogenen Bildungsprozessen. Gesellschaft für Didaktik der Chemie und Physik. Online Jahrestagung 2021}, author={Zeller, Jannis and Jordans, Melanie and Riese, Josef}, editor={Habig, Sebastian and van Vorst, Helena}, year={2022}, pages={768–771} }
2022 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 48634
@inproceedings{Jordans_Zeller_Große-Heilmann_Riese_2022, title={Weiterentwicklung eines physikdidaktischen Tests zum Online-Assessment}, booktitle={Unsicherheit als Element von naturwissenschaftsbezogenen Bildungsprozessen. Gesellschaft für Didaktik der Chemie und Physik. Jahrestagung virtuell 2021}, author={Jordans, Melanie and Zeller, Jannis and Große-Heilmann, Rike Isabel and Riese, Josef}, editor={Habig, Sebastian and van Vorst, Helena}, year={2022}, pages={764–767} }
2022 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 55249 | OA
@article{Milkov_2022, title={Mauro Luiz Engelmann: Reading Wittgenstein’s Tractatus. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2021}, volume={11}, DOI={00.0000/nwr.v11i0.3637}, journal={Nordic Wittgenstein Review }, author={Milkov, Nikolay}, year={2022} }
LibreCat | DOI | Download (ext.)
2022 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 32677
@inbook{Markewitz_2022, place={Berlin/Boston}, title={Argumentieren im Widerstand}, booktitle={Sprache in Politik und Gesellschaft. Perspektiven und Zugänge}, author={Markewitz, Friedrich}, editor={Kämper, Heidrun and Plewnia, Albrecht }, year={2022}, pages={179–195} }
2022 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 28413 | OA
@article{Farheen_Leuteritz_Linden_Myroshnychenko_Förstner_2022, title={Optimization of optical waveguide antennas for directive emission of light}, volume={39}, DOI={10.1364/josab.438514}, number={1}, journal={Journal of the Optical Society of America B}, author={Farheen, Henna and Leuteritz, Till and Linden, Stefan and Myroshnychenko, Viktor and Förstner, Jens}, year={2022}, pages={83} }
LibreCat | Files available | DOI
2022 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 29075
@article{Alhaddad_Grynko_Farheen_Förstner_2022, title={Numerical analysis of the coherent mechanism producing negative polarization at backscattering from systems of absorbing particles}, volume={47}, DOI={10.1364/ol.444953}, number={1}, journal={Optics Letters}, author={Alhaddad, Samer and Grynko, Yevgen and Farheen, Henna and Förstner, Jens}, year={2022}, pages={58} }
LibreCat | Files available | DOI
2022 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 31329
@article{Farheen_Yan_Quiring_Eigner_Zentgraf_Linden_Förstner_Myroshnychenko_2022, title={Broadband optical Ta2O5 antennas for directional emission of light}, volume={30}, DOI={10.1364/oe.455815}, number={11}, journal={Optics Express}, publisher={Optica Publishing Group}, author={Farheen, Henna and Yan, Lok-Yee and Quiring, Viktor and Eigner, Christof and Zentgraf, Thomas and Linden, Stefan and Förstner, Jens and Myroshnychenko, Viktor}, year={2022}, pages={19288} }
LibreCat | DOI
2022 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 30295
@article{Klingsieck_John_Kundisch_2022, title={Procrastination in the Looking Glass of Self-Awareness: Can Gamified Self-Monitoring Reduce Academic Procrastination?}, volume={8}, DOI={10.3278/HSL2205W}, number={5}, journal={die hochschullehre}, author={Klingsieck, Katrin B. and John, Thomas and Kundisch, Dennis}, year={2022}, pages={61–76} }
LibreCat | DOI
2022 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 55341
@article{van der Valk_2022, title={Memes im Spanischunterricht - Ein populärkulturelles Phänomen aus dem Internet als Anlass für kommunikativ-ästhetisches Lernen}, number={178}, journal={Hispanorama}, author={van der Valk, Stefanie}, year={2022}, pages={64–69} }
2022 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 55342
@article{van der Valk_2022, title={#Tuiteratura: Mit literarischen Kürzesttexten auf Twitter kreative Schreibanlässe schaffen}, number={74}, journal={Der fremdsprachliche Unterricht Spanisch}, author={van der Valk, Stefanie}, year={2022}, pages={20–26} }
2022 | Book (Editor) | LibreCat-ID: 55349
@book{Grössl_Riegel_2022, place={Stuttgart}, title={Die Bedeutung von Gläubigen für die Theologie}, publisher={Kohlhammer}, year={2022} }
LibreCat | Files available | Download (ext.)
2022 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 55280
@article{Elsholtz_Klahn_Technau_2022, title={On polynomials with roots modulo almost all primes}, volume={205:3}, DOI={10.4064/aa220407-9-7}, number={3}, journal={Acta Arith.}, author={Elsholtz, Ch. and Klahn, B. and Technau, Marc}, year={2022}, pages={251–263} }
LibreCat | DOI
2022 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 55337
@inproceedings{Wachsmuth_Alshomary_2022, place={Gyeongju, Republic of Korea}, title={“Mama Always Had a Way of Explaining Things So I Could Understand”: A Dialogue Corpus for Learning to Construct Explanations}, booktitle={Proceedings of the 29th International Conference on Computational Linguistics}, publisher={International Committee on Computational Linguistics}, author={Wachsmuth, Henning and Alshomary, Milad}, editor={Calzolari, Nicoletta and Huang, Chu-Ren and Kim, Hansaem and Pustejovsky, James and Wanner, Leo and Choi, Key-Sun and Ryu, Pum-Mo and Chen, Hsin-Hsi and Donatelli, Lucia and Ji, Heng and et al.}, year={2022}, pages={344–354} }
2022 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 34067
@inproceedings{Sengupta_Alshomary_Wachsmuth_2022, title={Back to the Roots: Predicting the Source Domain of Metaphors using Contrastive Learning}, booktitle={Proceedings of the 2022 Workshop on Figurative Language Processing}, author={Sengupta, Meghdut and Alshomary, Milad and Wachsmuth, Henning}, year={2022} }
2022 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 55440
@article{Vandenbussche_2022, title={Verstand van zaken. Heterolinguïsme in de Nederlandstalige literatuur}, volume={40}, number={2}, journal={Vooys. Tijdschrift voor letteren}, author={Vandenbussche, Saskia}, year={2022}, pages={59–63} }
2022 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 55496
@article{Büter_2022, title={Zeitschriftenschau Der fremdsprachliche Unterricht Spanisch 73/2021 und 74/2021 }, volume={16}, number={1}, journal={Zeitschrift für romanische Sprachen und ihre Didaktik }, author={Büter, Mara Samira}, year={2022}, pages={244–249} }
2022 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 55522
@article{Raissi_Burchardt_Barnes_2022, title={General stabilizer approach for constructing highly entangled graph states}, volume={106}, DOI={10.1103/physreva.106.062424}, number={6062424}, journal={Physical Review A}, publisher={American Physical Society (APS)}, author={Raissi, Zahra and Burchardt, Adam and Barnes, Edwin}, year={2022} }
LibreCat | DOI
2022 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 35506
@article{Grimminger-Seidensticker_Seyda_2022, title={Enhancing attitudes and self-efficacy toward inclusive teaching in physical education pre-service teachers: Results of a quasi-experimental study in physical education teacher education}, DOI={10.3389/feduc.2022.909255}, journal={Frontiers in Education}, author={Grimminger-Seidensticker, Elke and Seyda, Miriam}, year={2022} }
LibreCat | DOI
2022 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 55603
@inbook{Vöing_2022, title={Wirksamkeit von SoTL im Rahmen hochschuldidaktischer Weiterbildung auf die Weiterentwicklung der (Lehr-)Kompetenz. Das Vertiefungsmodul im Paderborner Zertifikatsprogramm}, DOI={10.1007/978-3-658-34185-5}, booktitle={Hochschullehre erforschen Innovative Impulse für das Scholarship of Teaching and Learning}, publisher={Springer Link}, author={Vöing, Nerea}, editor={Fahr, Uwe and Kenner, Alessandra and Angenent, Holger and Eßer-Lüghausen, Alexandra}, year={2022}, pages={363–386} }
LibreCat | DOI
2022 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 38066
@inbook{Steigerwald_2022, place={Berlin; Boston}, title={Die Vergegenwärtigung höfischer Lustbarkeiten: André Félibiens “Divertissements de Versailles” (1674/1676)}, booktitle={Im-Materiell. Kulturerbe-Studien für Eva-Maria Seng zum 60. Geburtstag}, publisher={De Gruyter}, author={Steigerwald, Jörn}, editor={Harnack, Maria}, year={2022}, pages={59–72} }
2022 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 49553
@inbook{Steigerwald_2022, place={Rom}, title={Problematisches Sehen illusionärer Schönheit: die Armida-Episode in Torquato Tassos “Gerusalemme liberata”}, booktitle={La Forme idéale à la Renaissance / Forma ideale durante il Rinascimento}, publisher={Campisano Editore}, author={Steigerwald, Jörn}, editor={Frommel, Sabine and Pfisterer, Ulrich}, year={2022}, pages={167–178} }
2022 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 38069
@inbook{Steigerwald_2022, place={Paderborn}, title={Die Geburt der italienischen Liebestragödie. Scipione Maffeis “Merope”.}, booktitle={ZwischenSpielZeit. Das Theater der Frühaufklärung (1680-1730)}, publisher={Brill / Fink}, author={Steigerwald, Jörn}, editor={Steigerwald, Jörn and Süwolto, Leonie}, year={2022} }
2022 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 38072
@inbook{Steigerwald_2022, edition={1 / 2}, title={Der Zorn des ehrlichen Mannes. Die Neudeutung von Molières “Misanthrope” in der ’Deutschen Schaubühne}, booktitle={Theater-Transfers. Akkulturationen des europäischen Dramas in Gottscheds “Deutscher Schaubühne”}, author={Steigerwald, Jörn}, editor={Süwolto, Leonie and Artes. Zeitschrift für Literatur und Künste der frühmodernen Welt }, year={2022}, pages={233–253} }
2022 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 39048
@inbook{Süwolto_2022, place={Paderborn}, series={Poesis. Supplementa der Zeitschrift Artes. Zeitschrift für Literatur und Künste der Frühmoderne}, title={Transformationen des Heroismus in der Tragödie der Frühaufklärung. Geschlechterpoetik in Luise Gottscheds ‚Panthea‘.}, volume={1}, booktitle={ZwischenSpielZeit. Das Theater der Frühaufklärung (1680-1740)}, publisher={Fink }, author={Süwolto, Leonie}, editor={Süwolto, Leonie and Steigerwald, Jörn}, year={2022}, pages={251–269}, collection={Poesis. Supplementa der Zeitschrift Artes. Zeitschrift für Literatur und Künste der Frühmoderne} }
2022 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 50336
@inbook{Puscher_2022, place={Paderborn}, title={Elegische Liebestragödie. Johann Elias Schlegels “Die Trojanerinnen” (1737/47)}, DOI={10.30965/9783846767443}, booktitle={ZwischenSpielZeit. Das Theater der Frühaufklärung (1680-1730)}, publisher={Brill / Fink}, author={Puscher, Sahra}, editor={Süwolto, Leonie and Steigerwald, Jörn}, year={2022}, pages={219–251} }
LibreCat | DOI
2022 | Research Data | LibreCat-ID: 44635
@book{Eickelmann_Drossel_Labusch_2022, title={International Computer and Information Literacy Study 2018 (ICILS 2018) (Version 1)}, publisher={Berlin: IQB – Institut zur Qualitätsentwicklung im Bildungswesen}, author={Eickelmann, Birgit and Drossel, Kerstin and Labusch, Amelie}, year={2022} }
LibreCat | Files available
2022 | Research Data | LibreCat-ID: 46291
@book{Eickelmann_Drossel_Labusch_2022, title={ International Computer and Information Literacy Study 2018 (ICILS 2018) (Version 1) [Datensatz]}, publisher={IQB – Institut zur Qualitätsentwicklung im Bildungswesen. }, author={Eickelmann, Birgit and Drossel, Kerstin and Labusch, Amelie}, year={2022} }
2022 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 38128
@article{Terhörst_Bierbaum_Huber_Damer_Kirchbuchner_Raja_Kuijper_2022, title={On the (Limited) Generalization of MasterFace Attacks and Its Relation to the Capacity of Face Representations}, journal={International IEEE Joint Conference on Biometrics, IJCB 2022, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, October 10-13, 2022}, publisher={IEEE}, author={Terhörst, Philipp and Bierbaum, Florian and Huber, Marco and Damer, Naser and Kirchbuchner, Florian and Raja, Kiran and Kuijper, Arjan}, year={2022}, pages={1–8} }
2022 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 38127
@inproceedings{Huber_Terhörst_Kirchbuchner_Damer_Kuijper_2022, title={On Evaluating Pixel-Level Face Image Quality Assessment}, booktitle={2022 30th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO)}, author={Huber, Marco and Terhörst, Philipp and Kirchbuchner, Florian and Damer, Naser and Kuijper, Arjan}, year={2022}, pages={1052–1056} }
2022 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 35674
@inproceedings{Fleischer_Hüsing_Biehler_Podworny_Schulte_2022, title={Jupyter Notebooks for Teaching, Learning, and Doing Data Science}, DOI={10.52041/iase.icots11.t10e3}, booktitle={Bridging the Gap: Empowering and Educating Today’s Learners in Statistics. Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on Teaching Statistics}, publisher={International Association for Statistical Education}, author={Fleischer, Franz Yannik and Hüsing, Sven and Biehler, Rolf and Podworny, Susanne and Schulte, Carsten}, editor={Peters, S. A. and Zapata-Cardona, L. and Bonafini, F. and Fan, A.}, year={2022} }
LibreCat | DOI
2022 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 35672
@article{Fleischer_Biehler_Schulte_2022, title={Teaching and Learning Data-Driven Machine Learning with Educationally Designed Jupyter Notebooks}, volume={21}, DOI={10.52041/serj.v21i2.61}, number={27}, journal={Statistics Education Research Journal}, publisher={International Association for Statistical Education}, author={Fleischer, Franz Yannik and Biehler, Rolf and Schulte, Carsten}, year={2022} }
LibreCat | DOI
2022 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 55678
@inbook{Priesching_Pahlke_2022, series={Lorenz Kardinal Jaeger}, title={Einleitung}, volume={4}, DOI={10.30965/9783657795468_002}, booktitle={Lorenz Jaeger als Seelsorger}, publisher={Brill | Schöningh}, author={Priesching, Nicole and Pahlke, Georg}, year={2022}, pages={1–21}, collection={Lorenz Kardinal Jaeger} }
LibreCat | DOI
2022 | Book (Editor) | LibreCat-ID: 55675
@book{Priesching_Pahlke_2022, place={Paderborn}, series={Lorenz Kardinal Jaeger}, title={Lorenz Jaeger als Seelsorger}, volume={4}, DOI={10.30965/9783657795468}, publisher={Brill | Schöningh}, year={2022}, collection={Lorenz Kardinal Jaeger} }
LibreCat | DOI
2022 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 55680
@inbook{Priesching_Kasprowski_2022, place={Paderborn}, title={Einleitung}, DOI={10.30965/9783657791873_001}, booktitle={Lorenz Jaeger als Kirchenpolitiker}, publisher={Brill | Schöningh}, author={Priesching, Nicole and Kasprowski, Christian}, year={2022}, pages={1–32} }
LibreCat | DOI
2022 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 55682
@inbook{Priesching_Pahlke_2022, place={Paderborn}, series={Lorenz Kardinal Jaeger}, title={Einleitung}, volume={4}, DOI={10.30965/9783657795468_001}, booktitle={Lorenz Jaeger als Seelsorger}, publisher={Brill | Schöningh}, author={Priesching, Nicole and Pahlke, Georg}, year={2022}, pages={1–21}, collection={Lorenz Kardinal Jaeger} }
LibreCat | DOI
2022 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 55690
@inbook{Priesching_2022, place={Paderborn}, series={Lorenz Kardinal Jaeger}, title={„Ich klage an!“ Pfarrer Heinrich Ostermann am 19. Dezember 1945 an Erzbischof Lorenz Jaeger}, volume={4}, DOI={10.30965/9783657795468_005}, booktitle={Lorenz Jaeger als Seelsorger}, publisher={Brill | Schöningh}, author={Priesching, Nicole}, editor={Priesching, Nicole and Georg, Pahlke}, year={2022}, pages={69–93}, collection={Lorenz Kardinal Jaeger} }
LibreCat | DOI
2022 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 35112
@article{Caruso_Neuweg_Wagner_Harteis_2022, title={Theorie-Praxis-Relationierung im Praxissemester: Die Perspektive der Mentor*innen.}, DOI={10.1007/s11618-022-01123-x}, journal={Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaft}, publisher={Springer }, author={Caruso, Carina and Neuweg, Georg Hans and Wagner, Michael and Harteis, Christian}, year={2022} }
LibreCat | DOI
2022 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 55766
@inbook{Grössl_2022, place={Stuttgart}, title={Die Theologie und ihre Akteure" & "Praktizierte Glaubensreflexion als Erkenntnisort der Theologie}, booktitle={Die Bedeutung von Gläubigen für die Theologie}, publisher={Kohlhammer}, author={Grössl, Johannes}, editor={Grössl, Johannes and Riegel, Ulrich}, year={2022}, pages={9-26 (mit Ulrich Riegel) und 95-114} }
LibreCat | Files available | Download (ext.)
2022 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 55769
@inbook{Grössl_2022, place={Freiburg}, title={Gottes Immanenz denken – auch im personalen Theismus?}, booktitle={Mit dem Herzen denken. Konturen einer leidenschaftlichen Theologie der Welt [FS Roman Siebenrock]}, publisher={Herder}, author={Grössl, Johannes}, editor={Bauer, Christian and Eckholt, Margit and Gmainer-Pranzl, Franz and Quast-Neulinger, Michaela}, year={2022}, pages={30–49} }
LibreCat | Files available | Download (ext.)
2022 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 55768
@inbook{Grössl_2022, place={Freiburg}, title={Erkenntnis durch Offenbarung als Gefahr für menschliche Autonomie?}, booktitle={Problemfall Offenbarung. Grund – Konzepte – Erkennbarkeit}, publisher={Herder}, author={Grössl, Johannes}, editor={Nitsche, Bernhard and Remenyi, Matthias}, year={2022}, pages={413–433} }
LibreCat | Files available | Download (ext.)
2022 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 55767
@article{Grössl_Kronau_2022, title={Extra narrationem nulla salus. Perspektiven eines narrativitätstheoretischen Ansatzes für die christliche Soteriologie}, volume={73:3}, journal={Münchner Zeitschrift für Katholische Theologie}, author={Grössl, Johannes and Kronau, Johannes}, year={2022}, pages={230–245} }
LibreCat | Files available
2022 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 55834 | OA
@inproceedings{Page_Kepper_Siegert_Hankinson_Lewis_2022, title={Beethoven in the House: Digital Studies of Domestic Music Arrangements}, DOI={10.17613/389b-xx73}, booktitle={Music Encoding Conference Proceedings 2021}, publisher={Humanities Commons}, author={Page, Kevin R. and Kepper, Johannes and Siegert, Christine and Hankinson, Andrew and Lewis, David}, editor={Münnich, Stefan and Rizo, David}, year={2022}, pages={117–123} }
LibreCat | DOI | Download (ext.)
2022 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 55839 | OA
@inproceedings{Cox_Kepper_2022, place={Alicante}, title={Encoding Genetic Processes II}, DOI={https://doi.org/10.17613/q6y4-9139}, booktitle={Music Encoding Conference Proceedings 2021}, publisher={Humanities Commons}, author={Cox, Susanne and Kepper, Johannes}, editor={Münnich, Stefan and Rizo, David}, year={2022}, pages={85–95} }
LibreCat | DOI | Download (ext.)
2022 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 55830
@inproceedings{Lewis_Shibata_Saccomano_Rosendahl_Kepper_Hankinson_Siegert_Page_2022, place={Prague Czech Republic}, title={A model for annotating musical versions and arrangements across multiple documents and media}, DOI={10.1145/3543882.3543891}, booktitle={9th International Conference on Digital Libraries for Musicology}, publisher={ACM}, author={Lewis, David and Shibata, Elisabete and Saccomano, Mark and Rosendahl, Lisa and Kepper, Johannes and Hankinson, Andrew and Siegert, Christine and Page, Kevin}, year={2022}, pages={10–18} }
LibreCat | DOI
2022 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 50286
@inproceedings{Daniel-Söltenfuß_Hagemeier_Ludolph_2022, title={Educational Management on regional levels. Implications for vocational education}, author={Daniel-Söltenfuß, Desiree and Hagemeier, Daniel and Ludolph, Fabian}, year={2022} }
2022 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 51000
@inbook{Schlömer_Kiepe_Thrun_2022, place={Berlin}, title={Die Konstruktion von Geschäftsmodellen für nachhaltiges Wirtschaften: (k)eine exklusive Aufgabe des Managements?!}, booktitle={Intrapreneurship}, publisher={Springer Gabler}, author={Schlömer, Tobias and Kiepe, Karina and Thrun, Tim}, editor={Kraus, Rafaela and Kreitenweis, Tanja and Jeraj, Brigita}, year={2022}, pages={209–223} }
2022 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 55877
@inbook{Kiepe_2022, title={Geschäftsmodelle als Lerngegenstände der betrieblichen Berufsausbildung}, booktitle={Ausbilder Handbuch}, author={Kiepe, Karina}, editor={Dietl, Stefan F. and Schmidt, Hermann and Weiß, Reinhold and Wittwer, Wolfgang}, year={2022} }
2022 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 40018
@inbook{Schmitz_2022, place={Berlin}, title={Javier Marías: Berta Isla}, booktitle={Wegmarken der spanischen Literatur des 21. Jahrhunderts}, publisher={ESV}, author={Schmitz, Sabine}, editor={Schmelzer, Dagmar and Junkerjürgen, Ralf and Mecke, Jochen and Pöppel, Hubert}, year={2022}, pages={163–172} }
2022 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 39793
@article{Schmitz_Peters_Peters_2022, title={Die Glaskunst in der Belgien-Leselounge der Universitätbibliothek Paderborn}, volume={158}, journal={Paderborner Universitätsreden}, author={Schmitz, Sabine and Peters, Wilhelm and Peters, Dorothea}, year={2022} }
2022 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 41165
@inbook{Hartung_Memminger_2022, place={Hannover}, edition={1}, title={‚Schreibsensibel‘ Geschichte unterrichten: Fachspezifische Textkompetenz als Gegenstand und Medium des historischen Lernens}, booktitle={Schreiben fachübergreifend fördern. Grundlagen und Praxisanregungen für Schule, Unterricht und Lehrerinnen- und Lehrerbildung}, publisher={Friedrich Verlag GmbH}, author={Hartung, Olaf and Memminger, Josef}, editor={Busse, Vera and Müller, Nora and Siekmann, Lea}, year={2022}, pages={151–171} }
2022 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 36843 | OA
@article{Eckel_Linseisen_2022, title={Editorial: Anschaulichkeit – Wissen. Macht. Alternativen.}, number={012}, journal={Rabbit Eye – Zeitschrift für Filmforschung}, author={Eckel, Julia and Linseisen, Elisa}, year={2022} }
LibreCat | Download (ext.)
2022 | Special Issue | LibreCat-ID: 36841 | OA
@book{Eckel_Linseisen_2022, title={Rabbit Eye: Anschaulichkeit}, number={012}, journal={Rabbit Eye - Zeitschrift für Filmforschung}, year={2022} }
LibreCat | Download (ext.)
2022 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 36874
@article{Su_González Orive_Grundmeier_2022, title={Nano-FTIR and chemical force analysis of electrografted aryldiazonium salts on ODT-microcontact printed Au-surfaces}, volume={609}, DOI={10.1016/j.apsusc.2022.155355}, number={155355}, journal={Applied Surface Science}, publisher={Elsevier BV}, author={Su, Jiangling and González Orive, Alejandro and Grundmeier, Guido}, year={2022} }
LibreCat | DOI
2022 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 36872
@article{Bobzin_Kalscheuer_Grundmeier_de los Arcos_Kollmann_Carlet_2022, title={Oxidation stability of chromium aluminum oxynitride hard coatings}, volume={449}, DOI={10.1016/j.surfcoat.2022.128927}, number={128927}, journal={Surface and Coatings Technology}, publisher={Elsevier BV}, author={Bobzin, K. and Kalscheuer, C. and Grundmeier, Guido and de los Arcos, T. and Kollmann, S. and Carlet, M.}, year={2022} }
LibreCat | DOI
2022 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 36873
@article{Neßlinger_Welzel_Rieker_Meinderink_Nieken_Grundmeier_2022, title={Thin Organic‐Inorganic Anti‐Fouling Hybrid‐Films for Microreactor Components}, DOI={10.1002/mren.202200043}, number={2200043}, journal={Macromolecular Reaction Engineering}, publisher={Wiley}, author={Neßlinger, Vanessa and Welzel, Stefan and Rieker, Florian and Meinderink, Dennis and Nieken, Ulrich and Grundmeier, Guido}, year={2022} }
LibreCat | DOI
2022 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 34264 | OA
@article{Butzhammer_Müller_Hausotte_2022, title={Calibration of 3D scan trajectories for an industrial computed tomography setup with 6-DOF object manipulator system using a single sphere}, volume={34}, DOI={10.1088/1361-6501/ac9856}, number={1015403}, journal={Measurement Science and Technology}, publisher={IOP Publishing}, author={Butzhammer, Lorenz and Müller, Andreas Michael and Hausotte, Tino}, year={2022} }
LibreCat | DOI | Download (ext.)
2022 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 36804
@article{Henksmeier_Schulz_Kluth_Feneberg_Goldhahn_Sanchez_Voigt_Grundmeier_Reuter_2022, title={Remote epitaxy of In(x)Ga(1-x)As(001) on graphene covered GaAs(001) substrates}, volume={593}, DOI={10.1016/j.jcrysgro.2022.126756}, number={126756}, journal={Journal of Crystal Growth}, publisher={Elsevier}, author={Henksmeier, Tobias and Schulz, Johann Friedemann and Kluth, Elias and Feneberg, Martin and Goldhahn, Rüdiger and Sanchez, Ana M. and Voigt, Markus and Grundmeier, Guido and Reuter, Dirk}, year={2022} }
LibreCat | DOI
2022 | Preprint | LibreCat-ID: 36879 | OA
@article{Churavy_Godoy_Bauer_Ranocha_Schlottke-Lakemper_Räss_Blaschke_Giordano_Schnetter_Omlin_et al._2022, title={Bridging HPC Communities through the Julia Programming Language}, author={Churavy, Valentin and Godoy, William F and Bauer, Carsten and Ranocha, Hendrik and Schlottke-Lakemper, Michael and Räss, Ludovic and Blaschke, Johannes and Giordano, Mosè and Schnetter, Erik and Omlin, Samuel and et al.}, year={2022} }
LibreCat | Download (ext.)
2022 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 35206
@article{Bonnard_Rouot_Wembe Moafo_2022, title={Accessibility properties of abnormal geodesics in optimal control illustrated by two case studies}, volume={0}, DOI={10.3934/mcrf.2022052}, number={0}, journal={Mathematical Control and Related Fields}, publisher={American Institute of Mathematical Sciences (AIMS)}, author={Bonnard, Bernard and Rouot, Jérémy and Wembe Moafo, Boris Edgar}, year={2022}, pages={0–0} }
LibreCat | DOI
2022 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 33869
@article{Bonnard_Cots_Gergaud_Wembe Moafo_2022, title={Abnormal geodesics in 2D-Zermelo navigation problems in the case of revolution and the fan shape of the small time balls}, volume={161}, DOI={10.1016/j.sysconle.2022.105140}, number={105140}, journal={Systems & Control Letters}, publisher={Elsevier BV}, author={Bonnard, B. and Cots, O. and Gergaud, J. and Wembe Moafo, Boris Edgar}, year={2022} }
LibreCat | DOI
2022 | Conference Abstract | LibreCat-ID: 36938
@inproceedings{Büchel_Visser_Lehmann_Baumeister_2022, title={Frontal theta power increases during table tennis play – indications for neurophysiological demands during open-skill sports?}, author={Büchel, Daniel and Visser, Anton and Lehmann, Tim and Baumeister, Jochen}, year={2022} }
2022 | Conference Abstract | LibreCat-ID: 36937
@inproceedings{Lehmann_Visser_Havers_Büchel_Baumeister_2022, title={Surface Instability Modulates Cortical Information Processing In Multi-Joint Compound Movements}, volume={54}, DOI={10.1249/01.mss.0000882152.12078.64}, number={9S}, publisher={Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise}, author={Lehmann, Tim and Visser, Anton and Havers, Tim and Büchel, Daniel and Baumeister, Jochen}, year={2022}, pages={565–565} }
LibreCat | DOI
2022 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 36961
@article{Constantiou_Mukkamala_Sjöklint_Trier_2022, title={Engaging with self-tracking applications: how do users respond to their performance data?}, DOI={10.1080/0960085x.2022.2081096}, journal={European Journal of Information Systems}, publisher={Informa UK Limited}, author={Constantiou, Ioanna and Mukkamala, Alivelu and Sjöklint, Mimmi and Trier, Matthias}, year={2022}, pages={1–21} }
LibreCat | DOI
2022 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 31035 | OA
@article{Neukötter_Jesinghausen_Schmid_2022, title={Model droplet formation in extensional filament stretching within a Filament Extension Atomizer}, DOI={10.1007/s00397-022-01339-y}, journal={Rheologica Acta}, publisher={Springer Science and Business Media LLC}, author={Neukötter, Moritz and Jesinghausen, Steffen and Schmid, Hans-Joachim}, year={2022} }
LibreCat | DOI | Download (ext.)
2022 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 36988 | OA
@article{Thomas_2022, title={Language in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction}, volume={3}, DOI={10.48417/technolang.2022.04.07}, number={4}, journal={Technology and Language }, author={Thomas, Sven}, year={2022} }
LibreCat | DOI | Download (ext.)
2022 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 36815
@article{Shaqiri_Kaczmarek_vom Lehn_Beeckmann_Pitsch_Kasper_2022, title={Experimental Investigation of the Pressure Dependence of Iso-Octane Combustion}, volume={10}, DOI={10.3389/fenrg.2022.859112}, journal={Frontiers in Energy Research}, publisher={Frontiers Media SA}, author={Shaqiri, S. and Kaczmarek, D. and vom Lehn, F. and Beeckmann, J. and Pitsch, H. and Kasper, Tina}, year={2022} }
LibreCat | DOI
2022 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 36817
@article{Hoener_Kasper_2022, title={Nitrous acid in high-pressure oxidation of CH4 doped with nitric oxide: Challenges in the isomer-selective detection and quantification of an elusive intermediate}, volume={243}, DOI={10.1016/j.combustflame.2022.112096}, number={112096}, journal={Combustion and Flame}, publisher={Elsevier BV}, author={Hoener, Martin and Kasper, Tina}, year={2022} }
LibreCat | DOI
2022 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 36810
@article{Knyazkov_Cherepanov_Kiselev_Gerasimov_Kasper_Shmakov_2022, title={Experimental and kinetic modeling study of the positive ions in premixed ethylene flames over a range of equivalence ratios}, DOI={10.1016/j.proci.2022.07.157}, journal={Proceedings of the Combustion Institute}, publisher={Elsevier BV}, author={Knyazkov, Denis A. and Cherepanov, Andrey V. and Kiselev, Vitaly G. and Gerasimov, Ilya E. and Kasper, Tina and Shmakov, Andrey G.}, year={2022} }
LibreCat | DOI
2022 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 31330
@article{Beule_Teutenberg_Meschut_2022, title={Directional dependence of the mechanical properties of structural adhesive joints with curing-induced pre-deformations}, DOI={10.1177/09544070221100130}, number={095440702211001}, journal={Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering}, publisher={SAGE Publications}, author={Beule, Felix and Teutenberg, Dominik and Meschut, Gerson}, year={2022} }
LibreCat | DOI
2022 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 36814
@article{Kaczmarek_Bierkandt_Rudolph_Grimm_Shaqiri_Höner_Gaiser_Atakan_Köhler_Hemberger_et al._2022, title={Activation effect of ozone and DME on the partial oxidation of natural gas surrogates and validation of pressure-dependent ozone decomposition}, DOI={10.1016/j.jaecs.2022.100107}, number={100107}, journal={Applications in Energy and Combustion Science}, publisher={Elsevier BV}, author={Kaczmarek, D. and Bierkandt, T. and Rudolph, C. and Grimm, S. and Shaqiri, S. and Höner, M. and Gaiser, N. and Atakan, B. and Köhler, M. and Hemberger, P. and et al.}, year={2022} }
LibreCat | DOI
2022 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 36811
@article{Kaczmarek_Rudolph_Atakan_Kasper_2022, title={Kinetic investigation of the ozone-assisted partial oxidation of fuel-rich natural gas mixtures at elevated pressure}, DOI={10.1016/j.proci.2022.07.195}, journal={Proceedings of the Combustion Institute}, publisher={Elsevier BV}, author={Kaczmarek, Dennis and Rudolph, Charlotte and Atakan, Burak and Kasper, Tina}, year={2022} }
LibreCat | DOI
2022 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 36813
@article{Bierkandt_Hemberger_Oßwald_Gaiser_Hoener_Krüger_Kasper_Köhler_2022, title={A combustion chemistry study of tetramethylethylene in a laminar premixed low-pressure hydrogen flame}, DOI={10.1016/j.proci.2022.07.205}, journal={Proceedings of the Combustion Institute}, publisher={Elsevier BV}, author={Bierkandt, Thomas and Hemberger, Patrick and Oßwald, Patrick and Gaiser, Nina and Hoener, Martin and Krüger, Dominik and Kasper, Tina and Köhler, Markus}, year={2022} }
LibreCat | DOI
2022 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 33002
@article{Böhnke_Unruh_Sell_Bobbert_Hein_Meschut_2022, title={Functionality Study of an Optical Measurement Concept for Local Force Signal Determination in High Strain Rate Tensile Tests}, volume={926}, DOI={10.4028/p-wpuzyw}, journal={Key Engineering Materials}, publisher={Trans Tech Publications, Ltd.}, author={Böhnke, Max and Unruh, Eduard and Sell, Stanislaw and Bobbert, Mathias and Hein, David and Meschut, Gerson}, year={2022}, pages={1564–1572} }
LibreCat | DOI
2022 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 33003
@inbook{Böhnke_Bielak_Bobbert_Meschut_2022, place={Cham}, title={Development of a Modified Punch Test for Investigating the Failure Behavior in Sheet Metal Materials}, DOI={10.1007/978-3-031-06212-4_52}, booktitle={The Minerals, Metals & Materials Series}, publisher={Springer International Publishing}, author={Böhnke, Max and Bielak, Christian Roman and Bobbert, Mathias and Meschut, Gerson}, year={2022} }
LibreCat | DOI
2022 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 34572
@article{Böhnke_Bielak_Bobbert_Meschut_2022, title={Experimental and numerical investigation of the influence of multiaxial loading conditions on the failure behavior of clinched joints}, DOI={10.1177/14644207221145886}, journal={Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part L: Journal of Materials: Design and Applications}, publisher={SAGE Journals}, author={Böhnke, Max and Bielak, Christian Roman and Bobbert, Mathias and Meschut, Gerson}, year={2022} }
LibreCat | DOI
2022 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 34716
@article{Terhörst_Kolf_Huber_Kirchbuchner_Damer_Moreno_Fierrez_Kuijper_2022, title={A Comprehensive Study on Face Recognition Biases Beyond Demographics}, volume={3}, DOI={10.1109/TTS.2021.3111823}, number={1}, journal={IEEE Transactions on Technology and Society}, author={Terhörst, Philipp and Kolf, Jan Niklas and Huber, Marco and Kirchbuchner, Florian and Damer, Naser and Moreno, Aythami Morales and Fierrez, Julian and Kuijper, Arjan}, year={2022}, pages={16–30} }
LibreCat | DOI
2022 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 34710
@inproceedings{Huber_Terhörst_Luu_Kirchbuchner_Damer_2022, title={Verification of Sitter Identity Across Historical Portrait Paintings by Confidence-aware Face Recognition}, DOI={10.1109/ICPR56361.2022.9956452}, booktitle={26th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, ICPR 2022, Montreal, QC, Canada, August 21-25, 2022}, publisher={IEEE}, author={Huber, Marco and Terhörst, Philipp and Luu, Anh Thi and Kirchbuchner, Florian and Damer, Naser}, year={2022}, pages={938–944} }
LibreCat | DOI
2022 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 34709
@article{Roig_Rathgeb_Drozdowski_Terhörst_Struc_Busch_2022, title={An Attack on Facial Soft-Biometric Privacy Enhancement}, volume={4}, DOI={10.1109/TBIOM.2022.3172724}, number={2}, journal={IEEE Trans. Biom. Behav. Identity Sci.}, author={Roig, Dailé Osorio and Rathgeb, Christian and Drozdowski, Pawel and Terhörst, Philipp and Struc, Vitomir and Busch, Christoph}, year={2022}, pages={263–275} }
LibreCat | DOI
2022 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 32103
@article{Hanses_Horwath_2022, title={Development of operational and demand-oriented firefighting equipment}, volume={62}, DOI={10.1016/j.matpr.2022.06.031}, number={5}, journal={Materials Today: Proceedings}, publisher={Elsevier BV}, author={Hanses, Hendrik and Horwath, Ilona}, year={2022}, pages={2684–2688} }
LibreCat | DOI
2022 | Working Paper | LibreCat-ID: 37070
@book{Beyer_Flagmeier_Kosi_2022, title={Does private firms’ disclosure affect public peers’ information environment?}, author={Beyer, Bianca and Flagmeier, Vanessa and Kosi, Urska}, year={2022} }
2022 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 34459
@article{Schmelzle_Striewe_Mergheim_Meschut_Possart_Teutenberg_Hein_Steinmann_2022, title={Testing, modelling, and parameter identification for adhesively bonded joints under the influence of temperature}, DOI={10.1080/01694243.2022.2125714}, journal={Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology}, author={Schmelzle, Lars and Striewe, Marius and Mergheim, Julia and Meschut, Gerson and Possart, Gunnar and Teutenberg, Dominik and Hein, David and Steinmann, Paul}, year={2022} }
LibreCat | DOI
2022 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 20446
@inproceedings{Neumann_Meschut_Schmatz_Flügge, title={Robotergestütztes manuelles mechanisches Fügen – RoboterFügen}, author={Neumann, Stefan and Meschut, Gerson and Schmatz, Frederik and Flügge, Wilko} }
2022 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 35638
@inbook{Graefe_Temmen_2022, place={Wiesbaden}, title={Von der Präsenz-Blockveranstaltung zum Blended Learning-Konzept}, DOI={10.1007/978-3-658-34185-5_7}, booktitle={Hochschullehre erforschen}, publisher={Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden}, author={Graefe, Grit and Temmen, Katrin}, year={2022} }
LibreCat | DOI
2022 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 37138
@article{Hofeditz_Clausen_Rieß_Mirbabaie_Stieglitz_2022, title={Applying XAI to an AI-based system for candidate management to mitigate bias and discrimination in hiring}, DOI={10.1007/s12525-022-00600-9}, journal={Electronic Markets (ELMA)}, publisher={Springer Science and Business Media LLC}, author={Hofeditz, Lennart and Clausen, Sünje and Rieß, Alexander and Mirbabaie, Milad and Stieglitz, Stefan}, year={2022} }
LibreCat | DOI
2022 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 37140
@inproceedings{Marx_Mirbabaie_2022, title={The Investigator’s Dilemma - A Review of Social Media Analytics Research Ethics in Information Systems}, volume={26}, DOI={10.3127/ajis.v26i0.3287}, booktitle={Australasian Journal of Information Systems}, publisher={Australian Journal of Information Systems}, author={Marx, Julian and Mirbabaie, Milad}, year={2022} }
LibreCat | DOI
2022 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 37148
@article{Stieglitz_Hofeditz_Brünker_Ehnis_Mirbabaie_Ross_2022, title={How crises are different - Design principles for conversational agents to support Emergency Management Agencies}, volume={63}, DOI={10.1016/j.ijinfomgt.2021.102469}, number={102469}, journal={International Journal of Information Management}, publisher={Elsevier BV}, author={Stieglitz, Stefan and Hofeditz, Lennart and Brünker, Felix and Ehnis, Christian and Mirbabaie, Milad and Ross, Björn}, year={2022} }
LibreCat | DOI
2022 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 37147
@article{Mirbabaie_Brendel_Hofeditz_2022, title={Ethics and AI in Information Systems Research}, volume={50}, DOI={10.17705/1cais.05034}, number={1}, journal={Communications of the Association for Information Systems}, publisher={Association for Information Systems}, author={Mirbabaie, Milad and Brendel, Alfred B. and Hofeditz, Lennart}, year={2022}, pages={726–753} }
LibreCat | DOI
2022 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 37139
@article{Mirbabaie_Stieglitz_Marx_2022, title={Catchword: Digital Detox}, volume={64}, DOI={10.1007/s12599-022-00747-x}, number={2}, journal={Business & Information Systems Engineering}, publisher={Springer Science and Business Media LLC}, author={Mirbabaie, Milad and Stieglitz, Stefan and Marx, Julian}, year={2022}, pages={239–246} }
LibreCat | DOI
2022 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 37153
@article{Brendel_Chasin_Mirbabaie_Riehle_Harnischmacher_2022, title={Review of Design-Oriented Green Information Systems Research}, volume={14}, DOI={10.3390/su14084650}, number={84650}, journal={Sustainability}, publisher={MDPI AG}, author={Brendel, Alfred Benedikt and Chasin, Friedrich and Mirbabaie, Milad and Riehle, Dennis M. and Harnischmacher, Christine}, year={2022} }
LibreCat | DOI
2022 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 37152
@article{Jung_Stieglitz_Kissmer_Mirbabaie_Kroll_2022, title={Click me…! The influence of clickbait on user engagement in social media and the role of digital nudging}, volume={17}, DOI={10.1371/journal.pone.0266743}, number={6e0266743}, journal={PLOS ONE}, publisher={Public Library of Science (PLoS)}, author={Jung, Anna-Katharina and Stieglitz, Stefan and Kissmer, Tobias and Mirbabaie, Milad and Kroll, Tobias}, year={2022} }
LibreCat | DOI
2022 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 37150
@article{Mirbabaie_Marx_Reimann_2022, title={Rumor Correction in Social Media Crisis Communication: A Case of Connective Sense-Breaking}, volume={14}, DOI={10.17705/1thci.00165}, number={2}, journal={AIS Transactions on Human-Computer Interaction}, publisher={Association for Information Systems}, author={Mirbabaie, Milad and Marx, Julian and Reimann, Annette}, year={2022}, pages={150–184} }
LibreCat | DOI
2022 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 37151
@article{Kapidzic_Neuberger_Frey_Stieglitz_Mirbabaie_2022, title={How News Websites Refer to Twitter: A Content Analysis of Twitter Sources in Journalism}, volume={23}, DOI={10.1080/1461670x.2022.2078400}, number={10}, journal={Journalism Studies}, publisher={Informa UK Limited}, author={Kapidzic, Sanja and Neuberger, Christoph and Frey, Felix and Stieglitz, Stefan and Mirbabaie, Milad}, year={2022}, pages={1247–1268} }
LibreCat | DOI
2022 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 37159
@inproceedings{Hofeditz_Nissen_Schütte_Mirbabaie_2022, title={Trust Me, I’m an Influencer! - A Comparison of Perceived Trust in Human and Virtual Influencers}, booktitle={30th European Conference on Information Systems - New Horizons in Digitally United Societies, ECIS 2022, Timisoara, Romania, June 18-24, 2022}, author={Hofeditz, Lennart and Nissen, Anika and Schütte, Reinhard and Mirbabaie, Milad}, editor={Beck, Roman and Petcu, Dana and Fotache, Marin and Matook, Sabine and Helms, Remko and Wiener, Martin and Rusu, Lazar and Tuunanen, Tuure}, year={2022} }
2022 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 37157
@inproceedings{Eyilmez_Basyurt_Stieglitz_Fuchss_Kaufhold_Reuter_Mirbabaie_2022, title={A Design Science Artefact for Cyber Threat Detection and Actor Specific Communication}, booktitle={Australasian Conference on Information Systems (ACIS)}, publisher={AIS Electronic Library (AISel)}, author={Eyilmez, Kaan and Basyurt, Ali Sercan and Stieglitz, Stefan and Fuchss, Christoph and Kaufhold, Marc-André and Reuter, Christian and Mirbabaie, Milad}, year={2022} }
2022 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 37161
@inproceedings{Hofeditz_Mirbabaie_Erle_Knoßalla_Timm_2022, title={Automating Crisis Communication in Public Institutions–Towards Ethical Conversational Agents That Support Trust Management}, booktitle={Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Wirtschaftsinformatik}, author={Hofeditz, Lennart and Mirbabaie, Milad and Erle, Lukas and Knoßalla, Eileen and Timm, Lara}, year={2022} }
2022 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 37160
@inproceedings{Basyurt_Fromm_Stieglitz_Mirbabaie_2022, title={Credibility of Cyber Threat Communication on Twitter–Expert Evaluation of Indicators for Automated Credibility Assessment}, booktitle={Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Wirtschaftsinformatik}, author={Basyurt, Ali Sercan and Fromm, Jennifer and Stieglitz, Stefan and Mirbabaie, Milad}, year={2022} }

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